Image of Year 6 RE
22 Mar

Year 6 RE

Year 6 have been learning more about the Jewish Festival of Passover this week in Religious Education.

Image of Author and Illustrator Sean Perkins visits St Barnabas
21 Mar

Author and Illustrator Sean Perkins visits St Barnabas

Today, Year 1 and Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed a visit from the local author and illustrator Sean Perkins. The children absolutely loved listening to his picture book ‘Oscar and Ben,’ meeting the characters and joining in with a song about the book. The children described the characters as mischievous, cheeky and sneaky as they got up to lots of mischief on their adventures.

Image of Thank you for your generous donations for our ‘Support for Ukraine Day’
21 Mar

Thank you for your generous donations for our ‘Support for Ukraine Day’

A huge thank you to you all for your kindness and generosity towards our support for Ukraine day on Friday. Our special visitor, The Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen, Councillor Derek Hardman was so impressed with the effort that our children had put into the day and he thanked them all for their generosity. Our cake sale planned and led by Neve in Year 2 raised a wonderful £148.36 after she also sold the left over cakes to her neighbours. William in Year 6 raised an amazing £106 with his bath bomb lucky dip! Tyler in Year 6 made a wonderful banner in support of Ukraine. Lily in Year 6 arranged for a collection of shampoo, shower gel and hairbrushes. These are being packed at the moment and will be take to Ukraine tomorrow. A fantastic £526.49 was raised through the Red Cross Appeal for wearing blue and yellow non uniform. The money has all been added together and £780.85 will be sent to the British Red Cross. The government will then also match each pound we have raised. Thank you so much for the effort you all put into the day and for your generous donations. Together we really have made a difference!

Image of Invasion Games - Hockey - Year 5
21 Mar

Invasion Games - Hockey - Year 5

In hockey today, Year 5 revised dribbling and shooting and then applied all their hockey skills to outwit an opponent.

Image of Y6 French
21 Mar

Y6 French

Year 6 French with Madame Woodcock! This week they have been learning how to say what they have had for their breakfast in French.

Image of DPSSA Swimming Champions
21 Mar

DPSSA Swimming Champions

Huge congratulations to our swimming team who were crowned DPSSA Swimming Champions at Darwen Swimming Gala on Friday evening. What a huge achievement! The children once again showed true sportsmanship, courage and determination. St Barnabas have never lifted this trophy before and it was amazing to see our children loving every second of the celebrations. Lots of gold medals, including girls backstroke, girls freestyle, girls medley relay and freestyle relay plus a silver in the boys backstroke. Proud is an understatement. Go Team B you absolute superstars!

Image of Art Club- Years 5 and 6
21 Mar

Art Club- Years 5 and 6

Artwork inspired by Wassily Kandinsky.

Image of Whole School Worship- Supporting Ukraine Day
18 Mar

Whole School Worship- Supporting Ukraine Day

Today in collective worship, we were joined by the Worshipful, the Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, Councillor Derek Hardman as we gathered together for our ‘Support for Ukraine’ day. Our whole school were either dressed in yellow and blue to reflect the colours of the Ukraine flag or red to support The Red Cross who we are supporting today through raising money for Ukraine. Our heads and deputy heads led our whole school worship today. They made us all think about what essentials we need to survive such as food, water, homes, safety, warmth, love and kindness. This led them on to a discussion about how people all over the world are stepping up to help Ukraine at the moment as they are having to escape their country and leave behind their homes, schools, family members, toys and other possessions. They made the whole school reflect on how they must be feeling and we came up with feelings such as devastated, terrified, heartbroken and worried. We watched a video and looked at how Poland are helping Ukraine at the moment by providing the refugees with a warm welcome, houses, toiletries, schools and friendship. We then talked about how the smallest act of kindness can save a life and how we are very proud of the children in our whole school. We said a huge thank you to Neve, William and Lily for showing our Christian values of generosity, service and friendship during this Ukraine crisis. Neve came up with an idea to make and sell cakes and William will be selling lots of bath bombs to our whole school family. They will be donating the money that they make in school today to The Red Cross. Lily asked for shower gels, shampoo and shower gel which her family friend will be taking over to Ukraine as they are short of these essentials at the moment. We also said a huge well done to our whole school for making such an effort with their clothing, giving donations of toiletries and donating money on Parent Pay. The heads and deputy heads shared how our whole school donations will help to fund hot food, hot drinks, chlorine tablets, toiletries including nappies , medical supplies and lots of other essentials for Ukraine. They also shared a message of hope for the refugees. They made us aware of some well known refugees who had to flee their home but have gone on to achieve amazing things such as Jesus, Mo Farah, Rita Ora, Judith Kerr and Magid Magid. We also heard from two of our very own incredible St Barnabas children, Aisha and Hamza, who told us their experiences of being refugees. They told us about how their family were brought to England by The Red Cross who decided it was much too dangerous to stay in their hometown in Somalia. We felt very proud of the courage they showed in sharing their story with the rest of the school and we feel incredibly proud of them. Finally, we ended our worship by celebrating some out of school awards from Luca, Summer and Finn for darts, gymnastics and donating hair to The Prince’s Trust. We also heard from the Mr Mayor. He told us about how schools are his favourite places to visit and how he was very proud of the efforts from the children, parents and staff of St Barnabas for their efforts in supporting Ukraine.

Image of Design and Technology - Cooking and nutrition
18 Mar

Design and Technology - Cooking and nutrition

This term in D.T, Year 5 have been learning about different types of salads and ingredients used in salads around the world. They have been learning about healthy eating ( with a focus on fibre), researching different salads and finding salads which originate from other countries. Over the new few weeks, they will be practicing using food preparation skills, safely and hygienically then designing and making a salad for tea.

Image of Year 3 English - Drama
18 Mar

Year 3 English - Drama

Year 3 English - using Drama to explore the thoughts and feelings of the main character, Omri, in “The Indian in the Cupboard”.

Image of Year 3 Art - Trencadis collage
18 Mar

Year 3 Art - Trencadis collage

Year 3 Art - using Trencadis collage in the style of Gaudi.

Image of The Balaclava Boy
18 Mar

The Balaclava Boy

In our English sessions we have been reading ‘The Balaclava Boy’ for stories with dilemmas. Today we have been looking at inferring how characters feel and what they may be thinking at certain points in the story. We even had a visit from a real life balaclava boy.