Cooking and Nutrition- Year 5
Year 5 had the opportunity to practice some food skills in this lesson. We first watched the food skills videos ( peel, chop and grate) and then practiced them. The food that the children prepared was then used to create a salad bar which they were able to taste from at the end of the lesson.
School Skiing Competition- 3rd place for St Barnabas
A huge congratulations to Isaac P in Year 5 for coming 3rd in the North West Ski Federation Schools Race 2022. He represented St Barnabas and came 3rd in his race. Well done Isaac, we are so proud of you!
Year 1 D&T- using the fork secure technique and the bridge hold technique to cut fruit.
As part of their D&T unit, Year 1 learnt some new techniques for cutting fruit today. They learnt how to cut strawberries using the bridge hold technique and how to cut pear slices using the fork secure technique. They listened really well and performed the two techniques very carefully. They can’t wait to apply their skills next week as they prepare and make their breakfast pot of fruit and yogurt. Well done Year 1.
The Dogs Trust Visits Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
Today, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a visit from Dogs Trust. They learnt about how to stay safe around dogs. We learnt that dogs have feelings just like us and they can get angry, sad, anxious and nervous which can cause them to show certain behaviours such as biting. We learnt the following rules for keeping safe around dogs to prevent them from harming us: We should leave a dog alone when they are resting, we should leave a dog alone when they are eating, we should always stay quiet around dogs, we should stroke a dog rather than hug it as dogs prefer a gentle stroke to a hug and we should tell a grown up if a dog takes something that belongs to us such as a toy, a shoe or a sock. Finally, all of the children were quizzed on all of the rules they had learnt and they remembered them really well. Well done Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
Commonwealth Baton Relay Handover to St Pauls
Following the collection of the baton from St Peter’s yesterday, our Year 6 Heads and Deputies took charge with the handover to St. Paul’s today. Year 5, Year 4, Year 2 and Reception made flags and banners to cheer them on their journey. We can’t wait for the games to start now and have loved the experience! Thanks @LancSchoolGames #Lancsbatonrelay22
A visit from The Dogs Trust in Key Stage 2
We had a lovely gentleman called Andrew visit us today in KS2. Andrew works for The Dogs Trust who care for 14,000 dogs in 22 rehoming centres across the country. We looked at when it is best to leave dogs alone and give them space and safe, positive behaviours around dogs. A huge thank you from us to Andrew and Dougie the mascot dog.
Dog Trust
Today years 3, 4, 5 & 6 had a visitor, Andrew from the Dog Trust. Andrew spoke all about safety around dogs. How all dogs have their own personalities, fears and worries and what their reactions might be. Also how to safely approach dogs and that we need to give dogs choices to keep ourselves and the dogs safe.
Year 2 Artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy
This term in Year 2, the class have been exploring the work of Andy Goldsworthy. We collected natural materials and created our own natural art.
Year 2 Geography: Human and Physical features
Last week in Geography, Year 2 explored the school grounds, looking at different human and physical features.
Online Safety: Phone scams
This weeks guide gives you the steps to help your family avoid phone scams.
Junior Jam
Year 6 took part in singing, music and computing, during their Junior Jam session.
Commonwealth baton relay
This afternoon we welcomed the commonwealth baton relay to St Barnabas. St Peter's handed the baton over to us and tomorrow morning we will deliver the baton to St Paul's. The baton is being passed around schools all around the country to celebrate the upcoming commonwealth games being hosted in Birmingham. Our sports leaders accepted the baton from St Peters and they were greeted by Years 1, 3 and 6 waving commonwealth nation flags.