Year 3 French - Animals
Year 3 have welcomed back Miss Woodcock for French. She is continuing our work on animals and will be recapping on colours that we learnt in her absence.
Year 3 PE - Net and Wall Games
Year 3 have been practising striking skills and the ability to keep control of the ball.
Online Safety: Facebook
Facebook is one of the world's most popular social media platforms, but with no age verification, it's important to be aware of the online safety risks...
Reception Muddy Monday
This week the children walked 5500 steps around Jack Keys reservoir. They persevered and challenged themselves to walk through mud and climb very steep hills. We were so impressed with their determination! Well done Reception!
Farm School
Farm School were visited by farmer Georgie’s farm dog ‘Betty’. The children learnt all about the jobs Betty does to help out on the farm, this included, herding chickens and ducks and helping to find lost sheep. The farm school class also planted ‘golf ball carrots’ and even coloured in some carrot pictures too.
Judas betraying Jesus
Year 6 have used their Art printing skills in RE today. Using a painting which depicts Judas giving Jesus a kiss on the cheek, revealing his identity, which lead to his arrest.
Science- The Digestive System
In science today, Year 4 have worked so hard to produce some amazing, informative posters on the digestive system. The standard of their work was fantastic! Each child worked on a key function, finding information from their books, key texts and chrome books. They also added diagrams to explain.
Palm Sunday Worship
Today we learnt about Palm Sunday. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, he didn’t arrive in a fancy carriage but on a little donkey. People waved palm branches and were so pleased to see him. Many people gave him a warm welcome but some people were not impressed and were filled with feelings of jealousy. Mason said they could be feeling cross and Leonora said they could be angry. We helped Mrs Ham retell the story of Palm Sunday. Mrs Ham showed everybody a palm shaped as a cross. The crowd shouted Hosanna to welcome Jesus. Later in the week, leaders who were angry turned people against Jesus and he was crucified. This was all in God’s plan and on Easter Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead. In times of sadness, we can all be kind to cheer everybody up. Our Wow group led our singing and we sang ‘ We have a king who rides a donkey’.
Outdoor Adventure Activities in the sun
What a fantastic afternoon we have had in Year 4 taking part in all sorts of OAA. Millipede trails, problem solving and electric fences. Teamwork, cooperation and listening skills in full flow! All done in this beautiful sunshine.
Year 3 PSHE - Valuing Diversity
Year 3 PSHE - The children have been discussing statements about stereotypes, for example: Women can’t be in the armed forces / People with white skin don’t like spicy food, and whether the statements are true or false.
Year 1 Maths- Measuring using a ruler
As part of their maths unit on measuring length and height, Year 1 were introduced to measuring with a ruler today. The concentration as they measured various lines of different lengths was amazing. They were very accurate with their measuring, always making sure they had the beginning of their line starting at 0cm. Well done Year 1.
Reception PE
Reception have had a super PE lesson this morning where they have been practising climbing on and off the apparatus with confidence. Lots of children showed courage when climbing up high on the climbing frames and jumping off the horse box with control. Well done!