Whole School Celebration Worship
Today for our Celebration worship we celebrated lots of achievements across school. We have come to the end of our Kindness Challenges, but talked about how important it is to continue to show the kindness we have been showing the last few weeks, even without our daily reminders. Our cross country team shared their achievements from the DPSSA cross country competition yesterday, with some of the boys and girls winning 1st and 2nd place - Well done! We also had many children sharing their own personal sporting awards in horse riding, Olympic sport clubs, martial arts and a pentathlon. All of our class teachers shared how the children have been living life in all its fullness through our curriculum this week, with talks of perseverance, diversity, success and ensuring we show respect to everyone in school. What another brilliant week!
Farm school
Farm school welcomed into school a 2 day old baby goat this week. All children had the chance to choose a name for him which was selected from a bucket. The winner was ‘pebbles’ chosen by Seb. Farm school children also painted their chicks and carrots, planted peas and made art work for Farmer Georgie to take and put up on her farm. At the end of the class each child was presented with a certificate, we have all had so much fun, the children have been brilliant with all of the animals and shown kindness and respect throughout. Well done Farm School!!
Farm school
Farm school welcomed into school a 2 day old baby goat this week. All children had the chance to choose a name for him which was selected from a bucket. The winner was ‘pebbles’ chosen by Seb. Farm school children also painted their chicks and carrots, planted peas and made art work for Farmer Georgie to take and put up on her farm. At the end of the class each child was presented with a certificate, we have all had so much fun, the children have been brilliant with all of the animals and shown kindness and respect throughout. Well done Farm School!!
Farm school
Farm school welcomed into school a 2 day old baby goat this week. All children had the chance to choose a name for him which was selected from a bucket. The winner was ‘pebbles’ chosen by Seb. Farm school children also painted their chicks and carrots, planted peas and made art work for Farmer Georgie to take and put up on her farm. At the end of the class each child was presented with a certificate, we have all had so much fun, the children have been brilliant with all of the animals and shown kindness and respect throughout. Well done Farm School!!
Farm school
Farm school welcomed into school a 2 day old baby goat this week. All children had the chance to choose a name for him which was selected from a bucket. The winner was ‘pebbles’ chosen by Seb. Farm school children also painted their chicks and carrots, planted peas and made art work for Farmer Georgie to take and put up on her farm. At the end of the class each child was presented with a certificate, we have all had so much fun, the children have been brilliant with all of the animals and shown kindness and respect throughout. Well done Farm School!!
Easter Artwork in Year 4
The children have been working so hard on their Easter artwork over the past few weeks. We have looked at ‘Betrayal and Trust : Judas and Peter.
Art - Damien Hirst - Skulls
Our art session this week has been inspired by Damien Hirst. We have used lots of different media over the past few weeks but this week we focused on blow art with a straw. We can’t wait to see the finished pieces next week.
Year 6 Geography
Today Year 6 have been looking at ‘population pyramids’. Identifying patterns and thinking about reasons why populations are affected. Considering genders, resources and ages.
Year 2 Geography: How can a map show what a place is like?
This week in Geography, Year 2 have been looking at how map's can show what a place is like. We looked at a variety of ordnance survey maps and completed an activity, where the children had to match the map symbols to the correct picture and words.
Year 2 Amazing Art!
Year 2 have been busy this week, creating their own piece of artwork, inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. The children chose a piece of art to focus on. They then sketched and painted their own pieces. Each piece is unique and the class are excited to showcase their art in the classroom!
Reception Ice Experiment
The children had a go at breaking the ice in the garden using the construction tools. We discussed what happens to the ice when it breaks and melts and which tools worked the best. The children gained an understanding of how the ice changed its state, “The ice breaks and turns into water when it gets warm.”
Year 6 Writing
Year 6 have been building their writing skills by incorporating figurative language. They were encouraged to edit their own work, making improvements where needed.