Image of Reception: Classroom rules
6 Sep

Reception: Classroom rules

Today, the children in Reception discussed why we have rules. They shared that we have rules to keep us safe and happy. Together we decided on our rules to help to keep us safe. We decided on ‘high 5 rules’ and if we follow them then we will receive a high 5. Our rules are to be kind, to always tell the truth, to listen to each other, to tidy our classroom and to try our best.

Image of Celebrating 50 Years of St Barnabas- Year 5
6 Sep

Celebrating 50 Years of St Barnabas- Year 5

Celebrating 50 years of St Barnabas. During worship this morning, Mrs Ham showed us old pictures about what our school looked like 50 years ago. We compared prices of food, fuel, cars and houses from then and now too. In the afternoon in our classes we looked at old newspaper articles, log books and registers. One of the books had a lock which children were very inquisitive about. We also went for a local walk to look at buildings that used to be St Barnabas. The children were super excited to find out about the nursery they had attended used to be St Barnabas.

Image of Collective Worship- Our Values
6 Sep

Collective Worship- Our Values

This morning in worship, we started our worship by reading our school vision, ‘Achieving things through learning and growing together in a love-filled Christian family’ and ‘That they shall have life, life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). We discussed what this meant and Eva and Harlow said that it means enjoying your life and making the most of it, Mason said it means trying hard and striving to do your best and Jake said it means being the best person that you can be and looking out for others. Mrs Ham then reminded us that in order to achieve our school vision and to make St Barnabas a special environment to grow and learn, we must follow our School Christian Values of courage, friendship, service, forgiveness, generosity, respect and encouragement and the British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs, Mutual Respect and Individual Liberty. We learnt how each finger on our hand refers to each individual British Value. Mrs Ham then explained that all members of our St Barnabas staff will be looking out for our children demonstrating these Christian Values and British Values and rewarding this behaviour. Please click to read more.....

Image of Reception: Making friends
6 Sep

Reception: Making friends

Reception are having a brilliant induction week. They have made lots of friends and have enjoyed sharing their treasure boxes with each other.

Image of Reception’s Wonderful Paintings
6 Sep

Reception’s Wonderful Paintings

Our new Ducklings have been painting some wonderful pictures for our classroom. They have been using their imagination and have painted their favourite things. They are learning how to use an easel and how to use the paint and tools effectively. Fantastic work!

Image of First day fun!
5 Sep

First day fun!

What a super first day back in school! It’s been lovely to see the children’s huge smiles when meeting back up with their classmates! They have all settled brilliantly into their new classes and we are so proud of them.

Image of Our First Whole School Worship- Celebrating 50 Years of St Barnabas
5 Sep

Our First Whole School Worship- Celebrating 50 Years of St Barnabas

This morning, Years 1-6 gathered together for our first whole school worship of the new academic year and it was wonderful to have all of our children back together again looking smart in their school uniforms. Mrs Ham told us all that our current school building was 50 years old yesterday and this week we will be taking part in some activities to celebrate this. Please click to read more.....

Image of Welcome back to school
4 Sep

Welcome back to school

Good morning parents and carers, we hope you and your child/ren have had a wonderful Summer holiday and have made some lovely memories together. Please click to read the rest.

Image of Stay and Play Open Morning
1 Sep

Stay and Play Open Morning

Is your child due to start primary school in September 2023? If so, you are very welcome to bring them along to our stay and play open morning on Thursday 13th October from 9.00-10.00am. We would love to see you there. Alternatively if you aren’t able to make that date then please call our office to arrange a convenient time to be shown around our school by our Headteacher Mrs Ham. Please see our school website for further information about admissions.

Image of Summer reading challenge
17 Aug

Summer reading challenge

Don’t forget to sign your child up to the 2022 #SummerReadingChallenge at one of our local Darwen or Blackburn libraries. The challenge is FREE. If you send in your certificate in September, we will present it to your child in Celebration Worship. #welovetoread #summerfun

Image of Year 6 Leavers Service
21 Jul

Year 6 Leavers Service

Thank you so much to the Year 6 parents and carers who joined us in church this morning for our Year 6 leavers service. Here is the memories video that I put together. What an emotional day! Here are a few videos of our Year 6 celebrations. For all of the photos of the Leavers Services please click here:

Image of Year 3 - Making storybooks with moving parts
20 Jul

Year 3 - Making storybooks with moving parts

Year 3 have been finishing making their storybooks with moving parts that they started in DT lessons. They have used lever and linkage mechanisms and lift-the-flap effects.