Image of Reception Elmer and friends
22 Sep

Reception Elmer and friends

This week we have shared the story of 'Elmer.' The children have been very busy participating in different Elmer related activities. They have enjoyed making Elmer collages, colouring different elephant patterns and making elephant playdough!

Image of Macmillan Coffee Morning
22 Sep

Macmillan Coffee Morning

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported our Macmillan coffee morning today either through your generous cake donations or through buying cakes. We were overwhelmed with the number of cakes and it was so lovely to welcome parents and grandparents back into school. It’s great to see that several parents have signed up to our Friends of St Barnabas PTFA too. Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Araujo can’t wait to start planning fun social events with our new volunteers.

Image of Fabulous French
21 Sep

Fabulous French

We are so excited to have Mademoiselle Woodcock, who is a French teacher from DACA, teaching French to KS2 classes every Tuesday this term. Our KS2 class teachers have found it so useful to observe how to teach French more effectively and the children have loved the lessons. Mademoiselle Woodcock has been really impressed with what the children have learnt so far in French over the years. Tres bien Years 3,4,5 and 6!

Image of It's Recycle Week!
20 Sep

It's Recycle Week!

This morning in Worship we listened to a rhyming Bible story about how God created our world and wants us to care for it. We then learnt all about recycling with Mrs Ham and her team of human recycling bins. We had to sort all of her rubbish into the different recycling bins. We reflected on the rubbish that we throw away and how we can care for our World by reducing, reusing and recycling. We finished by praying and singing 'This is God's world, let's try to make it a better place'.

Image of Grow your mindset assembly and workshops
17 Sep

Grow your mindset assembly and workshops

We had an amazing assembly about growth and fixed mindsets, complete with a huge inflatable brain from Liz and Gemma at Grow Your Mindset. They have been working with all of our teaching team in staff training to develop their growth mindsets and now it was turn of our children.

Image of Year 6 Resilience workshop
17 Sep

Year 6 Resilience workshop

On Friday, Year 6 had the amazing pleasure of some grow your mindset training. As a class, we worked on resilience and understanding what resilience is and how we can be more resilient going forward.

Image of Year 2 Growth Mindset Workshop!
17 Sep

Year 2 Growth Mindset Workshop!

On Friday, we took part in a growth mindset workshop. We looked at the differences between growth and fixed mindset and became neuron ninjas! This term, we will be looking at how we can grow our mindset and approach our learning with positivity!

Image of Year 1 Phonics
16 Sep

Year 1 Phonics

Our Year 1 children have been working so hard in their phonics sessions and have been impressing us with their segmenting and blending.

Image of Year 4's Positive Pants
16 Sep

Year 4's Positive Pants

This week in PSHE, we have been looking at celebrating what we are good at and how it makes us feel inside. We have been sharing three positives each day that we can take away with us. Our positive mental attitudes are shining through and we have been trying super hard to develop our growth mindset.

Image of Year 1 Art
15 Sep

Year 1 Art

Year 1 have been exploring warm and cool colours in Art.

Image of Reception Our Feelings
15 Sep

Reception Our Feelings

This week, Reception have been focussing on the book 'The Colour Monster.' We have been looking at how the colour monster changes colour when he feels a different emotion. The children have enjoyed expressing their feelings too!

Image of Year 3 computing fun!
15 Sep

Year 3 computing fun!

Year 3 had great fun composing their own house music in Computing with Mr Toal from Junior Jam. We love Wellbeing Wednesdays!