Image of Year 4 & Year 2 visit the Rose Garden
11 Nov

Year 4 & Year 2 visit the Rose Garden

We loved our walk to the Rose Garden for Remembrance Day today. We chose our favourite poppy art, read poems and said prayers for those who have lost their lives due to war. A very peaceful, reflective afternoon.

Image of Year 4 and the Sabbath
10 Nov

Year 4 and the Sabbath

Year 4 have been singing, dancing, eating, drinking and reflecting on their week - all in the name of Shabbat. We have loved learning about the Jewish day of rest.

Image of Junior Jam in Year 6
10 Nov

Junior Jam in Year 6

Year 6 have had a great fun in their Junior Jam sessions today, including computing, dance and music.

Image of Planning a Recount
10 Nov

Planning a Recount

Yesterday in English, we started our plan for our recount - to write a diary entry about our visit to Darwen Cemetery to look at the memorial and war graves. We ordered the photos that were taken on our walk and then wrote sentences next to these about what we want to include in our diary, including thoughts and feelings and time words.

Image of Properties of Materials - Year 5
10 Nov

Properties of Materials - Year 5

Year 5 have been exploring uses of materials in the school building. We compared and described objects and materials based on their properties, such as size, texture, weight, flexibility, transparency and magnetism.

Image of Remembrance Worship
8 Nov

Remembrance Worship

This morning we learnt all about the meaning of Remembrance Day. We found out that some children pretended to be older so that they could become soldiers to protect our country. They were very brave. We learnt about Walter who became the first black British officer. The army changed their perception and looked at everybody as equal. Walter was a wonderful soldier and stood up for what was right. He didn’t give up and became a soldier. People came from lots of different countries and from lots of different religions to help our country to fight in the war. Some of the children discussed how we should treat everybody equally. The children said “we are all equal…you might need help so we need to be kind to everyone…we need to do the right thing”. Women were not allowed to fight but now they are. Our children didn’t think that was fair. One lady called Flora managed to fight in the army and won a medal for her bravery. All of the soldiers showed the Christian values of courage and service. There are many memorials around the country to remember those who died in the war. Our children have been creating their own poppy artwork. Please take your children to go and have a look at the wonderful art work that the children have created in the rose garden at Whitehall park.

Image of Reception visit to the Rose Garden
8 Nov

Reception visit to the Rose Garden

Reception really enjoyed looking at all of the poppy art work to remember all of the soldiers. They will be having an activity day on Thursday to learn all about the meaning of the poppy.

Image of Reception: Forest schools
8 Nov

Reception: Forest schools

During Reception’s ‘Muddy Monday’ walk, the children have enjoyed creating fairy and bug houses. The collected different resources such as twigs, leaves and stones. They also learnt how to use shears safely. What a super way to start the week!

Image of Year 5- History
8 Nov

Year 5- History

This half term, we will be exploring ‘Anglo Saxons’ and ‘ The Vikings’ in history. This afternoon, we have been learning about ‘Alfred the Great’ and looking at clues to find out why the Saxons invaded.

Image of Remembrance Day Walk
8 Nov

Remembrance Day Walk

In Year 3 we walked to Darwen Cemetery to look at the war graves and Remembrance Wall. We spotted different war graves across the cemetery of fallen soldiers from both the First and Second World wars. We also noticed that many of the soldiers who died were very young. Lest we forget ❤️

Image of Remembrance in the Rose Garden
6 Nov

Remembrance in the Rose Garden

Well done to all of our children for their wonderful Remembrance Day Artwork that has been displayed in the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park for you all to enjoy. Thank you Mrs Govan for organising this and to our teachers for their creative ideas. We will remember them.

Image of BRFC G&T 3v3 Tournament
5 Nov

BRFC G&T 3v3 Tournament

An afternoon well spent at BRFC Gifted & Talented 3v3 Tournament. These 4 were awesome and scored 23 goals in 4 mar he’s to get through to the semis. A late disallowed goal meant we lost out in the last minute 3-2 but what a wonderful experience! Roll on the next tournament. St Barnabas are ready!