Image of Thank you!
29 Sep

Thank you!

Thank you for your generous cake donations and to those who came to our coffee morning this morning. Each child was given a sweet treat today such as a cake, cookie etc and they seemed to go down well. Thank you to everyone who has already donated. There is still time to make a donation on parent pay if you are able to. A huge thank you to Amy and Lucy from FOSB for giving us their time to prepare and serve refreshments. Any left over cakes will be served to parents and carers before tomorrow’s celebration worship and donations are most welcome.

Image of Year 2 - Exploring Microhabitats within the school grounds.
29 Sep

Year 2 - Exploring Microhabitats within the school grounds.

Year 2 have been exploring microhabitats within the school grounds. They found many interesting insects and have loved exploring their habitats.

Image of Reception Exploring ICT
29 Sep

Reception Exploring ICT

Reception have been exploring using Purple Mash to create a picture. This was their first time using ICT. Some of the children revisited previous knowledge of pen control, by creating patterns and circles.

Image of Year 2 - Class Worship
29 Sep

Year 2 - Class Worship

During class worship, we looked at the countries that have been affected by the flash floods. We discussed many ways that we can help those in need. We talked about: donating to charity, sending food and clothes to families that do not have then and reducing our carbon footprint.

Image of Reception counting to 5
29 Sep

Reception counting to 5

Today Reception have been learning the correct way to count objects up to 5. We can count objects by touching them one at a time or by moving them as we say each number. We also talked about our ‘stopping number’ which is the last number we count in the set that tells us how many there are altogether. The children did so well and could remember how many they had counted altogether in each set.

Image of Year 3 PE- bounce & chest passes
29 Sep

Year 3 PE- bounce & chest passes

Year 3 have been busy in PE working in groups, practicing their bounce and chest passes on our MUGA.

Image of Year 5 - History - Ancient Maya
29 Sep

Year 5 - History - Ancient Maya

This term in history, Year 5 are learning about Ancient Maya. We are having a big focus on how does our own history differ from that of the Mayans? In today's lesson, the children looked at Maya's writing and compared it to our writing. We learnt that the Maya wrote on standing stone slabs (stelae), walls, pottery and on sculptures.

Image of Year 5 - French - Greeting numbers
29 Sep

Year 5 - French - Greeting numbers

This week, Year 5 have been matching numbers 0-20 in french.

Image of Year 5- P.S.H.E- Happy being me
29 Sep

Year 5- P.S.H.E- Happy being me

During our P.S.H.E lesson today, the children explored some of the ways similarities and, more importantly, differences can affect people’s attitudes and behaviour. We looked at reasons for people being discriminated against and how it made them feel. We also looked at the early life of Rosa Parks, thinking about the lives of all that suffered during the segregation period. We spoke about the importance of respecting others, even when they are very different from them (for example, physically, in character, personality or background), making different choices or having different preferences or beliefs.

Image of Year 4 Geography-Why does the Amazon matter?
29 Sep

Year 4 Geography-Why does the Amazon matter?

As part of our geography topic, we have been looking at how the Amazon is under threat.We have researched the key ideas on deforestation, animal, plants and tribes. As part our our work today we also designed posters to highlight how these threats can impact on our environment and across the world.

Image of PSHE Setting goals in Year 4
29 Sep

PSHE Setting goals in Year 4

As part of our PSHE session we have been looking at how to set goals and achieve results amicably. We have looked at how to solve various problems using kind words, respect and fairness. The children worked really well to find solutions and also discussed how this links to our British values.

Image of Year 3 Science- Shadows
29 Sep

Year 3 Science- Shadows

During Science we discovered that light does not bend, it travels in a straight line. We tested this using our hands, opaque shapes and a torch. We found that when the light hits the opaque object a shadow will form.