Image of Year 2 - Tile Painting
30 Sep

Year 2 - Tile Painting

Year 2 painted clay tiles.

Image of Sports Awards- Celebration Worship
30 Sep

Sports Awards- Celebration Worship

During our celebration worship this morning, the children were presented with their sports awards. Last night, a group from Years 5 and 6 represented DPSSA football. They played superbly and gained 1 victory and a narrow defeat. A massive well done to all of our children who also celebrated awards that they brought in from taking part in activities outside of school. We had awards for gymnastics, running, swimming, dancing, reading and martial arts.

Image of Celebration Worship  and Celebrating Values
30 Sep

Celebration Worship and Celebrating Values

During our Celebration Worship, Mrs Ham reminded everyone about spreading kindness at school and at home. The children shared some of the kindness that they have been sharing at home, such as, cleaning their bedroom, helping their parents carry in the shopping, opening the doors for teachers and pupils and looking after the environment. We also celebrated the value certificate for each classroom presented to, Year 6 - Eva, Year 5 - Rio, Year 4 - Laila, Year 3 - Grace, Year 2 - Sofiya, Year 1 - Harry and Emily, Reception - Sienna and the winning team this week, Whitehall Park. They have all demonstrated our Christian and British Values throughout the school. A huge well done to everyone. The worship came to an end with a prayer led by Mrs Ham and three children.

Image of Year 2 - Creating a weave pattern.
30 Sep

Year 2 - Creating a weave pattern.

Year 2 created their own weave patterns using different coloured card to create their own unique pattern. This weaving linked in well with their work on local history and the cotton industry.

Image of Willow Plate Painting Year 4 Art
30 Sep

Willow Plate Painting Year 4 Art

We have been looking at Willow painting in our art session this week. We observed how to use tint to recreate a traditional design with undiluted ink and water wash to add lighter tones. The children selected three main parts from our class novel - The Explorer, sketched these out and then transferred the design to a paper plate. We are so happy with the end results.

Image of DPSSA Football
30 Sep

DPSSA Football

The boys represented school superbly last night. They managed 1 victory and a narrow defeat!

Image of Year 6 PSHE
30 Sep

Year 6 PSHE

Year 6 have been creating their own well-being hotel leaflets to encourage customers to exercise and get a good night’s sleep.

Image of Year 6 Hockey
30 Sep

Year 6 Hockey

This week, year 6 have progressed from passing and dribbling to shooting skills in hockey.

Image of Year 6 Class Worship
30 Sep

Year 6 Class Worship

Year 6 have looked at how the Individual liberty of the people Pakistan has been affected because of the recent floods. They have also thought about how they can help people even when they are a long way away.

Image of Year 1- lunchtime MUGA session.
30 Sep

Year 1- lunchtime MUGA session.

Lunch time MUGA session for year 1 - Learning how to control the ball in football and using the correct part of their foot to pass the ball to their partner.

Image of DACA visitors
29 Sep

DACA visitors

Mrs Bailey, the Principal and Mrs Lewis, the Vice Principal of DACA came to visit our year 6 class this afternoon. They invited them all to the DACA open evening on Thursday 6th October. They also answered lots of questions that the children asked about DACA and high school in general. They were super impressed with the thoughtful questions the children asked and the respect that was shown to them. Well done Year 6!

Image of Thank you!
29 Sep

Thank you!

Thank you for your generous cake donations and to those who came to our coffee morning this morning. Each child was given a sweet treat today such as a cake, cookie etc and they seemed to go down well. Thank you to everyone who has already donated. There is still time to make a donation on parent pay if you are able to. A huge thank you to Amy and Lucy from FOSB for giving us their time to prepare and serve refreshments. Any left over cakes will be served to parents and carers before tomorrow’s celebration worship and donations are most welcome.