Year 2 - PSHE
Year 2 - PSHE. We discussed loneliness, what to do if you see someone who is lonely and how you would feel if you are lonely. The children worked really well expressing their views and opinions on the matter and worked well to come up with ideas of what they would do if they saw someone who is lonely.
The Big Debate in Year 4
As part of our British Values, we take part in The Big Debate. Today we looked at whether or not police should be given more funding. Would better police funding also reduce crime? Last year crime was up by 2% and we have lost 22% of police since 2010. The majority debated that we SHOULD provide an increase in funding and education around crime.
English-Non-fiction text- Year 5
Over the next few weeks, the children will create an information text about Ancient Maya which links with their History topic. In today's lesson, the children explored a variety of non-fiction text, (newspapers, articles and magazines) and identified the common features.
DPSSA Football
The boys represented school superbly tonight with fantastic attitudes and effort. To top it off they produced two well-deserved wins, 2-1 against Holy Trinity and 10-2 against St James, Lower Darwen.
Year 6 Hockey
Year 6 have started to apply the passing, dribbling and shooting skills they have worked on over the last few weeks to a game situation.
Year 6 Class Worship
In class worship this week, year 6 have been discussing whether they think competition is a good thing and whether it helps us to achieve more. We spoke about how this links to one of our British values (Rule of Law) because of rules that take place in competitions to make it a level playing field.
Year 6 R.E.
This week in R.E. Year 6 met a Christian named Keziah. They compared how her life may be different to a non-believer and looked at how Jesus’ teachings have an impact on her daily life.
Reception Feely Bag
Reception have been having a go at guessing and describing the items in the Feely Bag. We talked about how if one of our senses is lost, then our other senses will be stronger. The children put the blindfolds on and picked an item from the bag and described it to each other to guess what it was.
Reception: Using our Senses
This week we have learnt all about our senses. We had a discussion about what happens to our senses when we lose one of them. The children put on their blindfolds and described the touch, smell and taste of the different fruits. They tasted orange, lemon, apple and pear. Fletcher said that the lemon stung his tongue, Annabel said that it makes her shoulders wiggle! Renee said that the pear smells like a plant. Marley described the orange as juicy and Alice described the apple as smooth.
Year 4 - Classifying Animals
In Year 4, our super scientists have been sorting animals into groups and sub-groups using different criteria.
Year 4 Attending the Literature Festival
On Tuesday, Year 4 walked to Darwen Library Theatre to take part in the Literature Festival. We listened to a local poet called Rappaman, who shared a collection of poems with us and had us all participating.
Year 4 - Harmonies
Year 4 have been learning about harmonies and singing a Capella in their Junior Jam music sessions this week.