Image of Year 2 - Local History Walk
11 Oct

Year 2 - Local History Walk

In our history lessons we have been focusing on local history and the cotton industry. At this point in history, we have looked at why Gandhi visited Darwen. We have begun to explore the reasoning behind his visit- to allow India to become independent and free to make and sell their own cotton. As this was his mission, we went on a walk and explored where the Greenfield Mill used to be (where Gandhi visited) and the house in which he stayed in.

Image of Year 3- Mental Health Awareness
11 Oct

Year 3- Mental Health Awareness

Today we continued our discussion around World Mental Health Day. We talked about who we can go to if we feel upset, angry or scared. The children said they would go to their parents, grandparents, siblings or their teachers for help. We also discussed about how we could raise awareness around mental health and what we could do for those who are going through this. The children then had a go at drawing a feelings monster and writing a description.

Image of Year 6- Local police officer visit
11 Oct

Year 6- Local police officer visit

Year 6 had a visit from our local police officer who explained that they are now at an age were they are criminally responsible. I feel they have taken away lessons that will stick with them for the rest of their lives. For example, they have learnt how making the wrong decisions at this time in their life can have a detrimental effect on the opportunities they are presented with in the future.

Image of Year 3 English
11 Oct

Year 3 English

Year 3 have been continuing writing their stories around Cinderella of the Nile. We focused on the ending of the story. We discussed the importance of checking our work once we have finished and using the Thesaurus to find better words for our description. Some of the children were confident enough to read out their stories to the class and share their ideas.

Image of The Bishop of Blackburn's Harvest Appeal- Burundi Harvest Challenge
11 Oct

The Bishop of Blackburn's Harvest Appeal- Burundi Harvest Challenge

This morning in worship, the WOW group launched our Harvest appeal challenge. We are asking for donations of £1.50 from parents in exchange for the children completing 3 helpful challenges at home. Each challenge is worth 50p. The challenges can be any of those mentioned in the poster, or any that you and your child decide at home. Donations will go to the Bishop of Blackburn's Harvest Appeal and this year they are supporting the Christian charity, Mothers' Union, to support the delivery of literacy and numeracy programs to women in Burundi so that they can help earn money to support their families. Donations will be collected by next Thursday 20th October on Parent pay. We are also collecting tins and packets for our local Darwen Refugee and Asylum Enterprise (DARE) to support refugees who have had to flee their homes due to conflict. Please send any donations into school next week. Parents and carers are welcome to join us at our Harvest Festival next Thursday 20th October at 9.30am at St Barnabas church. Our WOW group, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes will be leading the service and the rest of the school will be joining in with songs and prayers.

Image of Year 1- Hello Yellow.
11 Oct

Year 1- Hello Yellow.

What a super busy day we’ve had in year 1. We loved dressing up in yellow and talking about our feelings. We had a special worship for hello yellow day ran by the minions which was amazing ,they told us it’s ok to not feel ok and to speak up if we ever feel like this.

Image of Year 6 Hello Yellow Day 2022
11 Oct

Year 6 Hello Yellow Day 2022

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed ‘Hello Yellow Day’. In their PSHE lesson, they specifically looked at the emotional needs we have as humans and how they can ensure they are being met.

Image of Science- Year 5
11 Oct

Science- Year 5

Year 5 investigating chemical reactions- acids and bicarbonate of soda. Before experimenting, the children predicted what might happen if they mixed vinegar and bicarbonate soda. The excitement on their faces lit up as they watched the liquid gradually produce bubbles of carbon dioxide gas. 

Image of Geography Year 4 - How does the Amazon Basin compare to where we live?
11 Oct

Geography Year 4 - How does the Amazon Basin compare to where we live?

We have been looking at how the Amazon Basin compares to where we live. We researched temperature, climate, hemispheres, proximity to the equator and much more. The standard of work produced in todays session was amazing!

Image of Reception: Muddy Tuesday
11 Oct

Reception: Muddy Tuesday

Due to hello yellow day, Reception’s muddy Monday became a Muddy Tuesday. This week they explored the school field. They made nests, big houses, rolled down the field, explored the Autumnal leaves and discussed the reasons why they had changed colour and they also had a look at the shape of the clouds. It was a fantastic afternoon which they all enjoyed!

Image of Year 2 - Exploring similarities and differences between two different faiths.
10 Oct

Year 2 - Exploring similarities and differences between two different faiths.

Year 2 explored the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam. We were able to come up with lots of similarities between both faiths and learned how other religious people live their lives according to what they believe in.

Image of Year 3- Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Year 3- Hello Yellow Day

Year 3 have had an amazing Hello Yellow Day! We discussed how important mental health is to everyone. We went around the classroom and each child said something kind to the person sat next to them. This gave each child a boost of confidence and positivity.