Image of Year 2 - Junior Jam
12 Oct

Year 2 - Junior Jam

Year 2 learning different French songs in junior jam.

Image of Year 6 -Lunch time Hello yellow Hunt.
12 Oct

Year 6 -Lunch time Hello yellow Hunt.

I’ve never seen Year 6 so excited to do a hunt around school. What a fun session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. A huge thank you to our minions for helping out again!

Image of Year 2- Hello yellow Hunt.
12 Oct

Year 2- Hello yellow Hunt.

What a fun session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. The excitement and competitiveness was on another level! Well done to yellow team for finding all the objects and being the first ones back.

Image of Year 1- what’s special to us?
12 Oct

Year 1- what’s special to us?

On Monday year 1 brought in pictures or objects that are special and unique to them, this linked in nicely with Hello yellow day as they also spoke about their feelings and how their special person or object made feel.

Image of Year 1- Mixing colours
12 Oct

Year 1- Mixing colours

In Art year 1 have been using primary colours to make different shades of a secondary colour.

Image of Year 1-Harvest.
12 Oct

Year 1-Harvest.

In R.E we have been talking about harvest around the world. Wow what an amazing variety of food God has provided us. We tasted a few different fruits but also different varieties of the same fruit. We tasted red and green apples and discussed if they tasted and smelt the same.

Image of Online Safety: Fortnite
12 Oct

Online Safety: Fortnite

It has been brought to our attention, that a number of our children are playing Fortnite. Please find attached some information about the game and the age recommendation is 13+. You can also find further information on our online safety page:

Image of Year 3- Hello yellow Hunt.
12 Oct

Year 3- Hello yellow Hunt.

What a fun session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. The excitement and encouragement from year 3 was amazing to see! Well done to blue team for finding all the objects and being the first ones back.

Image of Year 6 Computing
12 Oct

Year 6 Computing

Year 6 spent their lesson evaluating their remixes by listening to each other’s work and providing feedback.

Image of The 1K a Day Mix up
11 Oct

The 1K a Day Mix up

It was Year 4’s turn to lead our 1K a Day initiative today and they decided to mix it up. We had lots of fun doing reps in different ways such as high knees, side steps, skipping and sprints.

Image of FOSB Newsletter
11 Oct

FOSB Newsletter

Here is the latest newsletter from our Friends of St Barnabas (FOSB) PTFA.

Image of Year 4 English - Information Texts
11 Oct

Year 4 English - Information Texts

Today in English we have been identifying the key features within an information text. The children selected examples of these key features from two texts about the Amazon - one about the Awa tribe and one about deforestation which links directly to our Geography study on The Amazon.