Year 1- writing sentences
Year 1 have been writing sentences for the beginning of the story “Lost and found”.
ELCAS Parent support group: Separation Anxiety
Please have a look at the flyer regarding a parent support group for separation anxiety. Thank you.
Year 1- labelling features of birds and mammals
Year 1 have been looking at the differences and similarities of birds and mammals, they worked in groups to label the features of these animals.
Monday Worship- Jesus taught us to be kind to everyone
It was lovely to see Reception join us for their first Monday Worship. This morning we looked at two stories that Jesus told. Elsa told us that these stories are called parables. The first parable we listened to was ‘The Good Samaritan’. We discussed how the Samaritan was the loving, kind neighbour. Harry said that your neighbour is everybody. We should be kind to everyone, no matter if they like different things, follow a different religion or look different to us. Next we listened to the parable, ‘The Lost Sheep’. We learnt that we need to care about each other. God loves everybody no matter what. Reception class told Mrs Ham that we are all unique and we should celebrate this. During our reflection, Mrs Ham asked us to think about how we can show kindness all of the time. We finished our worship singing ‘when I needed a neighbour’.
Soap Sculptures- Year 4 Art
As part of our art this term, we have been looking at the work of an English sculpture specialist Barbara Hepworth. This week we focused on soap sculpting. We chose a rainforest animal, drew it out first then transferred this onto a bar of soap. Next we began to use sculpting tools to create our own design. The finished products looked fantastic!
Reception: our local environment
Today, the children learnt how to put their wellies and puddle suits on and we went to explore our environment around our school. The children learnt what the term environment meant. We then found a pharmacy, trees, our school field, houses and lots of different vehicles. Well done! The children found out what road our school was on and learnt the name of our town.
Reception: measuring
The aliens have landed in Reception. This week the children will be learning all about ‘aliens love underpants’. One mission the children are completing is to order some alien items. Super learning!
Year 2 - Finished Clay Tiles
Year 2 - Finished Clay Tiles, decorated with patterns using everyday objects.
Year 2 - Sculpting Clay Tiles
Year 2 - Sculpting clay tiles using air dry clay. Children used everyday objects to print, sculpt and craft their tiles.
Year 1- fundamental movement skills
Year 1 have worked their socks off this week! In P.E today we have been working on fundamental movements; over arm throwing, under arm throwing, hopping and jumping. Little superstars!
Music- Year 5
Year 5 is having an absolute blast with Mr Gardiner. The children look forward to their music lesson to see what he has in store for them. During today's lesson, the children were making sounds using their breathing techniques. Over the next few weeks, they will learn how to make notes and play music using the clarinet.
Celebration Worship
In Celebration worship this morning, we prayed for the Royal family during their time of mourning. We also celebrated our Value winners in each of our classes and the winning team this week, Whitehall Park. We congratulated years 2 & 6 who were the attendance winners this week. Well done to all of our children who also celebrated awards that they brought in from taking part in various clubs and activities.