Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools
2 Nov

Year 4 - Linking Schools

This week, we have kicked off our Linking Schools project in Year 4, learning a little bit about our link school, St Matthew’s in Blackburn, and creating bunting about ourselves and what we enjoy.

Image of Year 6 Science- Electricity
1 Nov

Year 6 Science- Electricity

Before the half term holiday, year 6 built their own set of traffic lights. They needed to make sure that only one light lit up at a time. This meant creating a three-way switch out of a pin and a paper clip to light each LED individually.

Image of Year 6 Art
1 Nov

Year 6 Art

Last half term, year 6 carried out an art unit all about making their voice heard. The unit concluded with the children completing a piece of abstract art inspired by Picasso’s ‘Guernica’. The children used WW2 as their focus for the artwork as they will be looking more closely at Darwen’s role in the war later in the year. Next Friday is Remembrance Day, and year 6 will be explaining the symbolism involved in their piece.

Image of Year 6 Science
1 Nov

Year 6 Science

Year 6 have been delving deeper into their knowledge of insulators and conductors. In order to do this, they created their own loop game. If the loop touched the wire, they heard a buzz because they had a closed circuit. The handle of the loop was made of an insulating material. This was to ensure that anyone playing the game was safe.

Image of Rotakids- Year 5
1 Nov

Rotakids- Year 5

Year 5 has shown respect, trust, and service and demonstrated our British Values (democracy) by voting for the students they think are best suited for the position of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The votes were counted and verified by Mrs. Lyons and the Rotary Club. We now have Isaac as (President), Archie (Vice President), Charlie (Secretary), and Lola (Treasurer). Over the course of the academic year, the RotaKids will engage in important, lively activities that will make a positive difference to our school, local community, and globally.

Image of P.E-Dance- Year 5
31 Oct

P.E-Dance- Year 5

During our P.E session this afternoon, the children discussed the stages involved in making a cup of tea. They then replicated the action words, for example, lift, drop, pull, stir and pour with their bodies to create a dance movement.

Image of Monday Worship: All Hallow’s Eve, All Saints' Day and All Souls’ Day
31 Oct

Monday Worship: All Hallow’s Eve, All Saints' Day and All Souls’ Day

Today is All Hallows Eve. We noticed that the word 'hallow' was in the Lord's Prayer that we sang on the way into Worship. It means Holy. Tomorrow, it is All Saints day which is a Christian celebration. A Saint is somebody who is really special and has done something really wonderful. Leonora said a Saint is somebody who follows God and Jesus’ example. On Wednesday it is All Soul’s Day and we remember everybody who has passed away. We watched a video about the origin of Halloween and All Hallow’s Eve. It was celebrated thousands of years ago by the Celts. Christians then celebrated it and honoured all of the Saints. Mrs Ham asked the children about the names of different Saints. Ella said Saint Barnabas, Matthew said Saint Paul, Miles said Saint James, Jack said Saint George, Charlie-Rose said Saint Joseph and Sofia said Saint Edward. The children noticed that Saints have halos around their heads. Mrs Ham shared some images of different Saints and which country they were the patron saint of. During our reflection, we thought about what we could do to follow Jesus, live our lives well and be Saints ourselves. We thought about what kind of person we really want to be. We ended our worship by singing ‘Oh when the Saints, go marching in’.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
31 Oct

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today, the children in Reception learnt how to cross the road. With their partner they stopped, looked and listened and shouted “Clear!” to Mrs Wilkinson when it was safe to cross. They all remained very alert and looked all around them. We then went to the park to collect some sticks in preparation for our bonfire pictures.

Image of Autumn 1 Newsletter
20 Oct

Autumn 1 Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers, Here is the newsletter for this half term. I have tried to upload it as a PDF but it is too large due to the photos on the last two pages. However, I have sent the PDF of the first three pages and it can also be found here: All of our latest news can be found here: All of our upcoming events can be found here: Wishing you all a lovely half term holiday with your loved ones, Mrs Ham.

Image of Whitehall Park Values Point Winner’s Disco
20 Oct

Whitehall Park Values Point Winner’s Disco

Whitehall Park team had a brilliant time at their disco for winning the most values points this half term through showing our Christian and British values. They showcased their best dance moves, played musical bumps, played the corners game and had some yummy sweets. I wonder which house team will win the most values points next half term?

Image of Whole school Harvest service in Church
20 Oct

Whole school Harvest service in Church

This morning our WOW group, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children led our Harvest service in church. Our wonderful choir led the singing during the service. We gave thanks to the farmers and our WOW group reminded everybody about the charities that we are supporting, The Mother’s Union in Burundi and DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise). The children made us all very proud. A huge thank you to all of the parents, carers and family members that attended too, it was lovely to see you all.

Image of Art and Design Skills Year 4 Optical Illusions
20 Oct

Art and Design Skills Year 4 Optical Illusions

As part our Art and Design skills unit we have been looking at optical illusions. We selected two images linked to our Amazon theme, cut them into slices and added them to a piece of A3 card that we had folded like a fan. We are really pleased with the end result!