Year 5- Class Worship- How do you think rules should be decided?
During our class worship this morning, the children were fascinated to learn about the history behind the Lindt chocolate bunnies. The first Lindt bunny saw the light of day in 1952 inspired by a father and a young daughter. Over 150 million chocolate bunnies are produced and distributed in 50 countries. However, Lidl (supermarket) were offering a cheaper alternative to shoppers, therefore Lindt took Lidl to court and won the case. This then opened a discussion about rules, how rules are decided, whether we should follow rules and what might happen if rules were broken. The children agreed that rules are in place to keep us safe and if there were no rules things could get chaotic. ”It's about having the freedom to do what you want as long as it's within the law and you're safe” (British Value)
Reception Hand Hygiene
Reception have been learning about hand hygiene this morning and how we can protect ourselves from germs and bugs. The children experimented with a special cream which they rubbed into their hands and it acted as the ‘germs’. They then looked at their hands under a UV light to see where all the germs were. Then they washed their hands carefully, making sure they cleaned in between their fingers, the backs of their hands and their fingernails where most germs stay. They checked their hands again with the UV light after washing them and could see the places where they had not washed properly.
Year 3 French
Today in French, Year 3 have been learning to ask and answer the question ‘how old are you?’. They also sang ‘happy birthday’ in French as we had a birthday in class. Well done Year 3!
Year 1- Hand hygiene
Year 1 have been learning the importance of hand hygiene this morning. We did a couple of experiments to show how important it is to wash our hands. Kasim showed our hands under the special lamp and then showed them again after washing our hands with soap and water. Year one were amazed at the results!
Meet our Key Stage 1 Librarians
Here are our wonderful key stage one librarians. They all had to write Mrs Wilkinson a letter stating why they think they would be a good librarian. The children really impressed Mrs Wilkinson and are excited about starting their new role next half term.
Meet our Key Stage 2 Librarians
Here are our wonderful key stage two librarians. They all had to write Mrs Wilkinson a letter stating why they think they would be a good librarian. The children really impressed Mrs Wilkinson and are excited about starting their new role next half term.
Handwriting- Year 5
Today in handwriting, the children have demonstrated an understanding of the spelling words in context by using the words appropriately in sentences.
Year 4 - Handball
It was our final week of handball in PE. Over the course of the half term we have developed throwing and catching skills, dribbling, how to get into a space to receive a pass and we’ve shown the core value determination to achieve our goals.
Year 4 - Hand Hygiene Workshop
A huge thank you to LCC for delivering a hand hygiene session to Year 4 today. The children were shocked to discover that their hand washing may not always be sufficient in removing germs, especially those who put their hands under the black light. We will definitely be spending more time washing our hands going forward.
Year 4 - RE: Is it ever right to challenge authority?
Year 4 debated whether it was right to challenge authority. They then carried out research about people who have famously challenged authority to make a change in the world. We have learned a lot from the efforts of Rosa Parks, William Wilberforce, Greta Thunberg and Oscar Romero.
Brilliant Boccia
It was an absolute pleasure to take four superstars to the Boccia Festival this morning at QEGS. They won three out of their five games and represented our school so brilliantly, especially as they also assisted the referee when it wasn’t their turn to play and kept score. They are super keen to lead a Boccia club next term and Boccia sessions on the MUGA with Miss Baxendale at lunchtimes.
Reception Boat Race
Reception have been playing in the water area outside and we decided to have a boat race. We discussed how much water we would need to make the boats move and what we could use to fill up the water, such as the bottles, pans and jugs. The children then identified which boats travelled the fastest and the slowest.