Image of Year 6’s visit to our adopted war graves.
7 Nov

Year 6’s visit to our adopted war graves.

Year 6 today visited our school’s adopted war graves to give them a tidy up in preparation for a special service at Darwen Cemetery on Remembrance Day this Friday.

Image of Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
6 Nov

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

On Friday in Worship, our Heads and Deputies told the whole school about the poppy related items they will be selling at break times all this week, to raise money for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. *Slap bands are £1.50 *Poppy reflector key rings are 50p *Poppy zip tags are 50p *Wrist bands are £1.00 *Poppies are for a minimum 10p donation If you would like your child to purchase any of the poppy items, please send cash in a named envelope or bag into school from tomorrow. Stocks are limited so will be on a first come first serve basis and children are only allowed to purchase one of each item, E.g. they are unable to buy three slap bands etc to make it fair and enable more children to purchase them.

Image of Super Sports Stars!
4 Nov

Super Sports Stars!

Well done to our fantastic sports starts this week! We had our brilliant Boccia team and our winning football team. In celebration worship, children have the opportunity to bring in any certificates or achievements from outside of school, to talk about and celebrate on the golden podium! Today we had awards for swimming, saddlery skills, being a magician's assistant, jenjitsu, morris dancing and even a card from King Charles! What super stars!

Image of Celebration Worship
4 Nov

Celebration Worship

This morning we had our whole school celebration worship. We celebrated all of the fantastic work that the children at St Barnabas had completed and announced our KS1 and KS2 attendance winners! Well done Year 2 and Year 5! Each class teacher presented the values award to a pupil in the class who had achieved the most values points this week. We also had some super sports achievements! Finally, Mrs Ham thanked all of the children who had entered the remembrance art competition and the heads and deputy’s spoke to the school about the remembrance shop and how we can support the poppy appeal this year.

Image of Invitation to Celebration Worships
4 Nov

Invitation to Celebration Worships

Good morning, a quick reminder that parents, carers and grandparents are always very welcome to attend our Celebration Worships on Fridays at 9.15am. Potential parents of children who are due to start school in September are very welcome too. Refreshments will be served from 8.55am too. Parents of children who have received the most values points each week will be invited to attend via class dojo but other parents, carers and grandparents are very welcome to attend to hear about the great things we have been learning, attendance winners and sports stars etc. If your child has an award from an out of school club, please send it into school so they can receive their award on the golden podium and our whole school family can show them how proud we are. We look forward to welcoming you into school. Yours Sincerely, Mrs Ham

Image of Year 1- English Hunting for the Gruffalo
4 Nov

Year 1- English Hunting for the Gruffalo

On Monday we went for a walk to Whitehall park to hunt for clues to introduce this term's story for English. We hunted high and low for clues of the story until we found the Gruffalo.

Image of Year 1- Whitehall park visit
4 Nov

Year 1- Whitehall park visit

Our Gruffalo hunt on Monday finished with a trip to the park. Year 1 showed some super fundamental skills while we played on the park.

Image of D.T- Year 5
4 Nov

D.T- Year 5

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their first lesson in design and technology today. Prior to our lesson, the children learnt about the different types of cushions from different time periods around the world, leading up to the present day and the wide and varied range we have now. They have been developing their knowledge of, and skills in different sewing techniques. They will use these skills to design and create their Christmas-themed cushion. They have also been investigating and analysing various types of pillows, this will allow them to be creative and imaginative when they make their cushion.

Image of English- Year 5 - Poems
4 Nov

English- Year 5 - Poems

This week in English, the children have started their writing unit on classical narrative poems. In their lesson today the children in Year 5 worked in mixed-ability groups, with a ‘group leader’ in each who was confident at performing poetry. This way they supported each other to bring ' The Highwayman' poem to life.

Image of DPSSA Football
3 Nov

DPSSA Football

Another fantastic couple of results tonight. Two 5-0 wins which means it’s going down to the last game of the season to decide who will be the league winners!

Image of Year 2 - Sketching and Shading
3 Nov

Year 2 - Sketching and Shading

Year 2 creating different patterns, sketches and shading using a variety of different methods. They explored different patterns and combinations within their shading to create their own unique patterns.

Image of Escape to Pompeii - English -Year 4
3 Nov

Escape to Pompeii - English -Year 4

In English this week, we have started a new story called ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Bali’s. In todays session, we have focused on conveying the thoughts and feelings of a character from the story. We looked at how Tranio would feel about living in the beautiful city of Pompeii, developing our own sentences around this.