St Barnabas Choir: Let's Go Sing Workshop
This afternoon, the school choir took part in a singing workshop with 'Let's Go Sing'. During the workshop, the children took part in some fun warm up activities and practiced a selection of songs, that we they will be singing and performing at King George's Hall, on Monday 14th March. It was great to see the choir so enthusiastic and the children particularly enjoyed dancing and performing the song 'It's Carnival Time' around the hall!
Year 2 - Remembering all those who fought
Year 2 took a trip to go and see all the war memorials that are in Darwen cemetery. We looked at all the people who fought and took part in the war from Darwen, we discussed the conditions and respected all those that gave their lives for us.
Reception Outdoor Bowling
Today the children in reception have been practising their bowling skills. They watched a demonstration of how to stand and how to throw the ball using the under arm method. Once they had thrown the bowling ball, they counted how many bowling pins they knocked over. They showed the Christian value of friendship by working together as a team and they encouraged each other.
Year 2 - Maths
Year 2 applying their mastering number knowledge to our work on addition using number bonds to 10. Children used the rekenrek‘s well to ensure their work was correct.
Reception Rhyme Time
Reception have had another rhyme time session today. They joined in well using the instruments and sang along to the different nursery rhymes from the rhyme time bag. The best songs were ‘Old McDonald Had a Farm’ and ‘5 Cheeky Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.’ We ended with a story, ‘A squash and a squeeze’.
Librarian Club
Our librarians have been very busy today. They have tidied the library and read stories to key stage one at lunchtime. It has been wonderful to see how enthusiastic they all are.
Year 1- Music
This afternoon in year 1 they have been learning about timbre and different sounds in music. They experimented on the keyboard using different sound effects.
Online Safety: Online Bullying
Outwit the internet bullies with our #WakeUpWednesday guide
Year 3 Science: Nutrition Labels
This week in Science, Year 3 have been learning about the nutrition in the food we eat. We started by learning how to find and understand nutrition labels on our food. We then thought about which foods would be a healthy option, and which should be an occasional treat, based on the information provided on the food labels. The children were surprised that some food and drinks, such as fruit juices and cereals ,include a high amount of sugar and may not always be the healthiest choice.
Year 4 Identifying the organs in the digestive system
In our science lesson this week, Year 4 worked hard to identify the organs in the digestive system.
Year 1 - DT
This afternoon year 1 have been exploring wheels, chassis’s and axles in our DT lesson. We are looking forward to putting all of our skills together to create our own fire engines in a couple of weeks.
Year 6- Brilliant Boccia
Following on from a Boccia competition, we had 3 excited children that wanted to deliver a lunchtime session. Boccia is a brilliant sport that is inclusive, as everyone can play it.A big well done to year 6 for listening and taking part in their brilliant session today!