Image of Year 2- Amazing attendance winners
11 Nov

Year 2- Amazing attendance winners

Well done to year 2, our amazing attendance winners for this week.

Image of DT - Christmas Stockings - Explore and Analyse
11 Nov

DT - Christmas Stockings - Explore and Analyse

Today in Year 4 we started our new DT unit - Christmas Stockings. We have been learning about how stockings were introduced, exploring different examples and analysing what makes a hood stocking focusing on design and function.

Image of Golden Time - Year 5
11 Nov

Golden Time - Year 5

During our 'golden time' this afternoon. The children have been involved in some fun and enjoyable activities. We had some children trying to complete a very challenging jigsaw which they managed to complete successfully, with great teamwork. Some of the children were competing against each other on TT Rockstars, drawing, teaching each other how to create a french plait and playing a game of cards. This is a wonderful way to reward them for their learning demonstrated throughout the week.

Image of Remembrance Day Art in the Rose Garden, Whitehall Park
10 Nov

Remembrance Day Art in the Rose Garden, Whitehall Park

We have been overwhelmed with the entries for the Remembrance Art competition. We have displayed some in the hall and some in the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park. You are welcome to view the entries in the hall tomorrow morning in celebration worship and I’m sure the children would love to visit the park over the weekend. It has been extremely difficult to judge them as all of the entries are so unique and special. We will be revealing the winners next week when Mrs Govan and a member of FOSB are in school. I won’t be in school tomorrow as I’m attending a training course but Mr Prescott and Year 6 will be leading our celebration worship and will be holding a two minutes silence for Armistice Day.

Image of Second in the Darwen football league
10 Nov

Second in the Darwen football league

A huge well done to our football team for coming a close second in the Darwen Football League!

Image of Poppy Appeal
10 Nov

Poppy Appeal

Good morning, thank you so much for your kind donations to our Poppy Appeal by the Royal British Legion. Our heads and deputies have been busy selling poppy merchandise every break time this week. Our stocks were running low but we have managed to purchase another box of poppy appeal merchandise including more slap bands. Therefore, if you would like to purchase further items such as another slap band or poppy zip tie, please send money into school tomorrow. They will be for sale during celebration worship for parents and carers and at break time for children. Many thanks for your generosity to such a worthy cause.

Image of PSHE in Year 4 - Respect
10 Nov

PSHE in Year 4 - Respect

In our PSHE session today, we looked at our Christian value RESPECT and how we can show this to our peers and adults within our school environment. We watched a short video and then highlighted different examples of respect, discussing how it is a positive feeling or action shown towards something or somebody.

Image of Money Matters- Year 5
10 Nov

Money Matters- Year 5

The children in Year 5 have had an invaluable session with Mr Souter today. They have been learning about how to manage money. They were first introduced to two key words ' WANTS' and 'NEEDS'. They then sorted a list of items into two categories; WANTS', such as a new mobile phone, new trainers, new bag etc. 'NEEDS', food, warm clothes, roof over our head and reading glasses. We then looked at different types of bank cards and how easy it was to get hold of a credit card. But after learning about the huge interest that can mount up if you can't pay off the money that you borrowed, the children decided that it wasn't a good idea to have one. The moral of the session was to only buy the things that you need and are essential not what you want because it has been advertised and it looks great.

Image of Year 5 R.E- Visit from Reverend Adam
10 Nov

Year 5 R.E- Visit from Reverend Adam

This afternoon, we had a visit from Reverend Adam from 'The United Reformed Church'. He came to talk to the class about the Bible. He answered lots of questions which the children had prepared. The children were also given the opportunity to explore different types of Bibles. We looked at 'The Police' Bible which had a section titled 'HELP'. This section directs you to passages that might help you if you're feeling lonely, if you're feeling afraid or if you just simply want to pray for someone you love. The children were also introduced to a song which might help to remember the books of the Bible. Reverend Adam also read his favourite story from the Bible, 'The Lost Sheep and Coin'.

Image of Reception: Comparing numbers
10 Nov

Reception: Comparing numbers

Today the children have been comparing numbers using the vocabulary more than, less than and equal. They used weighing scales to see which side had more and less and also made the scales equal using the same amount of cubes.

Image of Year 4 - NSPCC Virtual Worship
10 Nov

Year 4 - NSPCC Virtual Worship

In Year 4, we watched the NSPCC virtual worship and learned about the importance of sharing our worries with a trusted adult.

Image of W.O.W. Group’s Remembrance Activities
10 Nov

W.O.W. Group’s Remembrance Activities

This week, W.O.W. group designed and ran some poppy-themed activities at lunchtimes. Well done W.O.W., your activities were lovely and very well received.