Image of Reception - Fantastic Phonics
16 Nov

Reception - Fantastic Phonics

Reception are doing so well learning new graphemes each week and remembering them. Today they learnt the grapheme ‘h’ and thought of lots of words that begin with this sound. Then they practised writing the letter in their phonics books, well done!

Image of Year 1-Super phonics
16 Nov

Year 1-Super phonics

Year 1 have been working really hard in phonics. Today’s new sound was “oa”. I'm so proud of all of your sounding out and blending year 1!

Image of Odd Socks Day at St Barnabas
15 Nov

Odd Socks Day at St Barnabas

What a great way to spread the message that we are all unique and can show kindness wherever we go. A huge THANK YOU to our Well-being Warriors who managed to visit every class in school to see all of the weird and wonderful efforts. Another thank you must go to all of the children who entered the BwD Anti- Bullying Week Poster competition. Any successful entrants will be announced on Friday so fingers crossed Team B will have some children put forward.

Image of First Aid At Work
15 Nov

First Aid At Work

Today, some of our school team completed session one of our ‘ First Aid at Work’ Qualification. We looked at the role of a first aider, prioritising casualties and Primary/ Secondary Assessment. We looked at DARE - Danger Response Airway and Breathing then finally moved on to performing CPR and problems that may occur during resuscitation.

Image of Reception- Jesus walks on water
15 Nov

Reception- Jesus walks on water

Mrs Ham had the pleasure of teaching Reception class RE this week. The children learnt about why Christians believe that Jesus is so special. They had great fun acting out the miracle of Jesus walking on water using different props. They showed Mrs Ham their best shocked faces when showing her how they thought Jesus’ friends, the disciples, would feel when they saw Jesus walking on water. Some children said that they might have thought he was a ghost, that he was magical and that he was the Son of God. They also suggested using instruments and their voices for the storm. Well done Reception class!

Image of Reception: Outdoor Fun
15 Nov

Reception: Outdoor Fun

No matter what the weather, Reception enjoy putting on their wellies and puddlesuits to go outside. Today they have been on the 1K a day track, built houses, used the water butt, used their gross motor skills to clean the tyres and surfaces and roleplayed in the houses and mud kitchen.

Image of Year 5&6 EFL Winners
14 Nov

Year 5&6 EFL Winners

A huge congratulations to St Barnabas football team who won the first heat in the EFL Kids Cup. All the players showed tremendous attitude, grit and determination to succeed and win. They represented the school and themselves well and they all should be really proud of themselves. They battled hard, saw off some amazing teams and they got their reward.

Image of Year 5-Dance- P.E.
14 Nov

Year 5-Dance- P.E.

The children started today's P.E lesson by creating interesting ways of travelling over, under and through with a partner. They then progressed to a very exciting activity. In pairs, the children chose a prop, for example (something that you would find in the kitchen), a pan, an apron, a cookery book etc. They then created a contact duet in which they fought over/played with the prop. Most of the children were able to move around with the prop, pass it back, hide it and rolled it. Some great constructive feedback was given by the groups watching.

Image of Year 5- Speak Out Workshop- NSPCC
14 Nov

Year 5- Speak Out Workshop- NSPCC

Following on from our virtual assembly, today we had two visitors from the NSPCC team delivering a 'Speak Out Workshop'. The children watched short clips and then had to decide in small groups whether that was bullying or not. We had some great responses. The children exclaimed that sometimes it all depends on the length of time and whether it was a one-off. It is vital that children reach out to stop bullying. They were reminded about talking to a trusted adult or putting a note in their class worry box.

Image of Year 5- Odd Socks Day- Anti-Bullying Week-
14 Nov

Year 5- Odd Socks Day- Anti-Bullying Week-

Year 5 wear 'Odd Socks' to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week. We're celebrating that we are all unique and that being different is okay.

Image of Year 3 DT: Strengthening Paper
14 Nov

Year 3 DT: Strengthening Paper

As part of our Photo Frames unit in DT, Year 3 have been exploring different ways of strengthening paper, by using rolling, folding and twisting techniques.

Image of Year 3 PSHE: Who can I reach out to?
14 Nov

Year 3 PSHE: Who can I reach out to?

This week is Anti Bullying Week and this year’s message is all about reaching out. Today, Year 3 thought about who the trusted people are in their lives and who they could reach out to, if they needed to talk to someone. #OddSocksDay #AntiBullyingWeek #ReachOut