Image of Parents Evening Information
21 Nov

Parents Evening Information

Dear Parents and carers, we are holding a face to face parents' evening on Wednesday 7th December in our school hall. Our teachers would also like to share your child's books with you too so that you can see how hard they have been working and you can see what they have been learning this term. Five minute appointments will be available from 2.00pm and 6.00pm. If you are flexible and can attend during school hours and after school, please select in school hours then we can give priority for the after school appointments to parents who are working through the day. Appointments can be booked through the same booking system that we used last year. A guide has been added to class dojo. Please click on the following link to book an appointment. Please note that the information in the software has been taken from our school management system so please use the information such as title, name, email etc that we have on your child's records. Hopefully you will be able to log in with the same details as last year as those of you who attended last time will already have an account. We politely ask that separated parents try to attend the same appointment so that our teachers don't have to repeat the same information and this also ensures that we have enough appointments for each child in school. However, if there are exceptional circumstances that require you to have separate appointments, please let our class teachers know. Our class teachers and I are really looking forward to welcoming you back into school to share how well your child has progressed this term. Please do not hesitate to message me if you have any issues booking an appointment. Yours Sincerely, Mrs Ham

Image of Years 5 and 6- World Cup Writing Lesson
21 Nov

Years 5 and 6- World Cup Writing Lesson

To celebrate the start of the football 2022 World Cup, Years 5 and 6 took part in a live World Cup writing lesson in association with Pobble and Vocabulary Ninja this morning. The sport-themed writing lesson added all the pace, enthusiasm and passion of football into their writing! ⚽️ What a great way to kick off the World Cup and we are looking forward to cheering England on this afternoon in their first game against Iran. Come on England! ⚽️

Image of Monday Worship: Inter Faith Week
21 Nov

Monday Worship: Inter Faith Week

This week we are going to be thinking about how we can bring peace to the world. This links to our British Value of tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. Mrs Ham asked the children which biscuit, superhero and toy they preferred. Mrs Ham explained even if you like different things, you can still be friends and we can tolerate each other. Mrs Ham explained how we are all different which is called diversity. We all watched a film where some characters were unkind. The birds treated the other bird differently because he looked and sounded different. They were not showing tolerance. Peace begins with tolerance and respect for everyone. This week we will be also be showing our Christian value of respect to learn all about Islam as part of Inter Faith week. Our very own Miss Kachwalla will be sharing her faith with all of the children in school. This week we are really going to focus on how we can show tolerance and acceptance to everyone. We finished our worship by singing One World.

Image of Reception: Birthday Celebration
21 Nov

Reception: Birthday Celebration

Today, the children in Reception read Kipper’s birthday. We looked at what happens at a party and the importance of a birthday invitation. They found out why it is important to have the correct number of candles on a cake. The children are preparing for a toy party on Friday by creating necklaces, crowns and cakes.

Image of Reception: Inter Faith Week
21 Nov

Reception: Inter Faith Week

The children had a special workshop by our very own Miss Kachwalla. They learned all about Islam. The children found out about the 5 rules that Muslims need to follow, about the Arabic language, the name of the holy book and all about the 2 special Eid celebrations. Reception class then tried some Sunnah food in class.

Image of Children in Need 2022
18 Nov

Children in Need 2022

Today we raised money for Children in Need by wearing spots. Together, we can make a difference! Donations can be made via parent pay.

Image of Sports stars and competition winners
18 Nov

Sports stars and competition winners

A huge well done to our winners of the Remembrance Day Art competition. There were so many fantastic entries which made judging so difficult for Mrs Govan and Mrs Ham. Well done to Isaac, Miley, Lucy and Lyla. Thank you to FOSB for providing some wonderful prizes and presenting them to the winners. We had lots of sports superstars this week from in school competitions and out of school. A huge well done to the girls football team for two wins and a draw in their first games of the league. A massive well done to our boys football team who won their heat in the EFL competition at Blackburn Rovers on Monday and are through to the final. We are so proud of our year 4 dodgeball team who represented our school so brilliantly at the dodgeball festival on Wednesday. We had lots of different out of school awards for swimming, Morris dancing, self defence, football and brownies.

Image of Celebration Worship- Children in Need
18 Nov

Celebration Worship- Children in Need

Today is Children in Need day so we have all dressed in spots to raise money and make a difference to children in need. Our Well-being Warriors thanked everyone for their support for our anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks on Monday. They also told us all about bullying and about their next project that they will be tackling in school, idling in cars outside school. A huge congratulations to all of our Values winners this week. We are so proud of you all for demonstrating our British and Christian Values. Congratulations to Years 2 and 3 for winning the amazing attendance award this week for the best attendance in each key stage.

Image of WOW Group Preparing for Interfaith Week
16 Nov

WOW Group Preparing for Interfaith Week

In preparation for our Interfaith Week next week, the WOW (Worship Our Way) group have been labelling artefacts from different world faiths. We hope the children enjoy exploring these in the hall next week.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Parts of the Digestive System
16 Nov

Year 4 - Science: Parts of the Digestive System

Year 4 have enjoyed a messy science session this week. We made our own model digestive system and used it to understand the functions of each organ.

Image of Y4 Dodgeball Superstars
16 Nov

Y4 Dodgeball Superstars

A huge well done to our Year 4 dodgeball team, who represented our school brilliantly this evening, at the BWD dodgeball festival. We saw super sportsmanship, determination and encouragement!

Image of Reception: Rhyme Time
16 Nov

Reception: Rhyme Time

This week the children celebrated world nursery rhyme week. We sang lots of different rhymes including the big ship sails, 5 little speckled frogs and down in the jungle. We did lots of super singing and dancing. We finished our rhyme time with a story called ‘The Leaf Thief’.