Image of Year 2 - French
26 Apr

Year 2 - French

During year 2 Junior Jam French lesson the children have been learning and understanding the variety of ways they can explain what they like and what they do not like. The children came up with many creative and amazing ideas and really enjoyed explaining to their peers their likes and dislikes.

Image of Online Safety: Wizz
26 Apr

Online Safety: Wizz

Your quick guide to Wizz. It’s a trending social app that matches young users with potential new friends … and it’s not without #OnlineSafety hazards. Check out our #WakeUpWednesday guide this week for all the biz about Wizz. Download >>

Image of Scholastic Book Fair
26 Apr

Scholastic Book Fair

Thank you to everybody who visited our book fair. As a result of your purchases, we have got a total of £716.11 in rewards to spend on books for our classes and school library. The fair will be back between 16th-21st November which will be the perfect time to purchase books ready for Christmas.

Image of Year 2 - Hop Skip & Jump
25 Apr

Year 2 - Hop Skip & Jump

In support of East Lancs hospice the children took part in a hop skip and jump event to help support all the amazing work that the hospice does and to raise awareness of all their amazing work that they do.

Image of Charlotte from Elektec visit: EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2
25 Apr

Charlotte from Elektec visit: EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2

Charlotte from Elektec came to visit Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 today. The children watched a video to show how electricity is made. The children found out how electricity is made in a power station and the pylons help to carry the electricity to our houses. Charlotte asked the children what happens if you touch electricity. James said that you could get electrocuted which is absolutely right. Charlotte showed a photograph and the children had to guess what it was. Well done to Eliza who explained they are solar panels. Charlotte explained how they work and how sunlight heats the solar panels to make electricity. Charlotte also showed an electric car and showed a charging point. Charlotte explained that we will need to have a lot of electricians to help install the charging points and solar panels. Charlotte explained that Elektec is managed by herself and her husband. Charlotte and Carl’s children also work for the company and create videos. Charlotte shared a video of her Electots explaining what their company does. The Prince’s trust has helped set the company up and Charlotte has even met the king! Tristen, Sofia, Ella-Grace and Harry helped Charlotte to show how electricians keep safe. Glasses protect our eyes, a hard hat protects our head, a high vis jacket is worn so that everybody can see the electrician and a warning sign is used when an electrician is working on site to keep everybody safe. Charlotte showed a picture of the electricians that work in her company who are all men! This makes Charlotte sad and she explained to the children that girls can be just as good as boys and girls can be electricians too. Charlotte explained that to be an electrician you have to be good at Maths, be friendly, be good at puzzles, be able to follow the rules and be able to stay safe. Charlotte discussed what construction meant and she showed how a new house is built and the people who are involved from architects to decorators. Again, there aren’t many girls who work in construction. Charlotte shared her book called ‘When I grow up’ which explains how you can be anything that you want to be. Thank you so much to Charlotte for visiting, we had a wonderful time and left feeling inspired.

Image of Year 4 - Taking on the Hop, Skip, Jump Challenge
25 Apr

Year 4 - Taking on the Hop, Skip, Jump Challenge

Year 4 class donned their Easter crowns and took part in some hopping, skipping and jumping challenges for East Lancs Hospice.

Image of Charlotte from Elektec- D.T- Year 6, Year 5, Year 4 and Year 3
25 Apr

Charlotte from Elektec- D.T- Year 6, Year 5, Year 4 and Year 3

Charlotte from Eeltkec delivered a great talk about the importance of encouraging women to become electricians and the various types of jobs that electricians can do. She also highlighted the importance of safety when working on construction sites, as well as the value of education in becoming a successful engineer, plasterer, architect, or electrician. It was also great to hear about efforts to promote gender diversity in traditionally male-dominated fields. The children were actively engaged in the assembly and asked lots of great questions. Charlotte shared that meeting the King is definitely a noteworthy achievement. It's great that Charlotte was able to share her success story with the children and motivate them to strive for their own achievements and goals.

Image of Latest Newsletter
25 Apr

Latest Newsletter

Good morning from a very sunny St Barnabas, please find attached the latest newsletter with upcoming dates and events. The sporting news and visits and visitors can be found here as the files are too large to load onto class dojo sorry. A quick reminder of the dates that school is closed in the coming weeks. They are all on our website and class dojo events. Monday 1st May- May Bank Holiday Thursday 4th May- School used as a Polling Station Monday 8th May- King's Coronation Bank Holiday Red, white and blue day is next Wednesday 3rd May to celebrate the King's Coronation. The children will be having a special Coronation Afternoon Tea Picnic. Further details of the menu will be sent shortly. Wishing you all a lovely day, Mrs Ham

Image of Reception: Prayer
25 Apr

Reception: Prayer

As part of our new RE unit, Reception have been learning about the importance of prayer. We looked at why we pray. Marley said it is so that God can listen, Mila said to thank God for everything he has made and Eddie said so that we can talk to God. We thought about the different types of prayer and said prayers using pipe cleaners. We then hung our pipe cleaners onto our prayer tree.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Presenting our findings
25 Apr

Year 4 - Science: Presenting our findings

On Monday, Year 4 did a great job of creating their own group presentations to explain how sound is made, how it travels and how it is received by the human ear.

Image of Monday Worship: Looking after God’s World
24 Apr

Monday Worship: Looking after God’s World

Mrs Ham showed the children the big frieze and focussed on the creation. This morning we thought about Earth Day and God’s creation and had a think about all of the things that are damaging God’s creation. We threw globes around the room to think about how we are damaging our Earth. We watched a video of Greta Thunberg who is helping our world. Greta challenged world leaders to take action on climate change. Greta shared some advice to help look after the world and the children shared their ideas of how we can make a positive difference. Finn said “we can stand up for what is right”, Hamza said “use both sides of paper”, James said “stop throwing litter on the floor”, Darcy said “turn the tap off to save water” and Annabel said “switch off the lights”. The children looked through a bin and had a think about what they could do with the items instead of just throwing items into a bin. Eliza chose a bottle. Some of the children said they could use it for junk modelling, you could reuse it or you could use it as a bath toy. Harriet chose a Maltesers box. The children suggested you could use if to make a fairy house or a puppet. Harry chose a plastic bag. Ella said that you could use it as a bin bag and Scarlett said you could reuse it when you go shopping. Rosie chose some paper and the children discussed how it could be used to make a paper aeroplane and then put into the recycling bin. This week, Mrs Ham asked us all to think about how we can help to protect God’s creations and how we can protect our world. We finished our worship by singing ‘God’s world’.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
24 Apr

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception went to Whitehall park today to find lots of different minibeasts. They lifted up logs to see what they could find. They used magnifying glasses to investigate. We then went and continued our forest schools session climbing trees, making dens, building bug houses and making camp fires!