Image of Year 1- fundamental movement skills
23 Sep

Year 1- fundamental movement skills

Year 1 have worked their socks off this week! In P.E today we have been working on fundamental movements; over arm throwing, under arm throwing, hopping and jumping. Little superstars!

Image of Music- Year 5
23 Sep

Music- Year 5

Year 5 is having an absolute blast with Mr Gardiner. The children look forward to their music lesson to see what he has in store for them. During today's lesson, the children were making sounds using their breathing techniques. Over the next few weeks, they will learn how to make notes and play music using the clarinet.

Image of Celebration Worship
23 Sep

Celebration Worship

In Celebration worship this morning, we prayed for the Royal family during their time of mourning. We also celebrated our Value winners in each of our classes and the winning team this week, Whitehall Park. We congratulated years 2 & 6 who were the attendance winners this week. Well done to all of our children who also celebrated awards that they brought in from taking part in various clubs and activities.

Image of Year 2 - Showing how to be good friends.
22 Sep

Year 2 - Showing how to be good friends.

Year 2 - Showing and talking to each other on how to be a good friend and how to be there for each other.

Image of Year 2 - Class worship
22 Sep

Year 2 - Class worship

Year 2 - Class worship. We prayed for all the royal family and discussed the new king. We talked about how we would make the world a better place if we were in that position.

Image of Year 3- English
22 Sep

Year 3- English

Year 3 have been using their text to locate information about a specific character from their story. Focusing on setting out smart sentences and sharing equipment with a partner. Great work Year 3.

Image of Year 1- Super movers
22 Sep

Year 1- Super movers

Year 1 have been travelling in different ways and perfecting their pencil and egg rolls.

Image of Reception - Everything Elmer!
22 Sep

Reception - Everything Elmer!

This week in Reception we have been basing our work around the story of Elmer. The children have been busy making collages of the patchwork elephant, printing using sponges, playing Elmer dominoes in the Maths area and so much more. We talked about how Elmer is unique and not like the other elephants, just like God made us all special and unique to one another. What a super week!

Image of Year 3- What can we find out about Ancient Egypt?
22 Sep

Year 3- What can we find out about Ancient Egypt?

Year 3 used different resources to find facts about Ancient Egypt and copy their most interesting ones in their books.

Image of Year 3- Applying geometrical shapes when drawing.
22 Sep

Year 3- Applying geometrical shapes when drawing.

Year 3 have carefully sketched an image of a Diet Coke can, thinking about how hard to press on the page with their pencil, noticing shading and also applying geometrical shapes to their pictures. Great work Year 3!

Image of Year 6 Music
22 Sep

Year 6 Music

Fantastic singing from year 6 during their junior jam session.

Image of Year 6 Hockey
22 Sep

Year 6 Hockey

Year 6 progressing on from passing and receiving to dribbling skills.