Year 2 - TRIKIDZ
Year 2 participated in the TRIKIDZ and competed in a triathlon. The children really enjoyed the swimming activity on the resistance bands, bike work and running laps of the track. All of year 2 did brilliantly and demonstrated teamwork, determination and encouraged each other well.
Rev Ben Worship: Kings Coronation
Today, we thought about the kings coronation. We began our worship by playing a game. The teams from years 5 and 6 had to get their captains ready for the kings coronation. The children voted for their favourite and it was an even split. Well done to all of the children for being great sports! Rev Ben asked the children to think about what makes a good king. The children said the king has to be kind, generous, honest, dedicated, responsible and respectful. In the bible, Jesus explained how a king is a servant. King Charles needs to serve by showing justice and mercy just like Jesus did. Thank you to Rev Ben for leading our worship today. We are looking forward to our coronation celebrations in school this week.
Year 5 - TRIKIDZ Triathlon
Today, the Year 5's took part in a multisport race consisting of swimming (replicated by resistance bands), cycling on adapted racing bikes and running. They showed great sportsmanship by encouraging each other to push themselves and by demonstrating great teamwork.
Mad Science Club Forces
Today Mad Science Club were learning about forces with Scientific Sarah. The children got to investigate forces using different equipment such as metal spinning tops and large coin machine spinners. They have really enjoyed themselves and can’t wait for next week!
Year 1 Planting Seeds
This afternoon, with the help of one of our year 5 science club team, Year 1 planted four different types of seed as part of our science curriculum where we are learning about different plants. We bought these seeds from the garden centre we visited last half term and now we are going to be able to water them regularly and watch them grow. Hopefully in a few weeks we will have some runner beans, tomatoes, cornflowers and sunflowers. We can’t wait to see what happens.
Year 2 - Fire Safety
Year 2 had their fire safety talk by the local fire brigade. They explained and demonstrated the importance of fire safety inside and outside of the home. They explained how to deal with dangerous situations and what you would do if a fire broke out in the home. The children participated and tried on the fire safety gear and were really enthusiastic about wearing it. Year 2 completed the fire safety quiz at the end of the day and scored full marks.
Celebration Worship- Whole School
Another amazing week from everyone. We celebrated amazing attendance awards, awards for extra curricular activities such as; rugby, swimming, beavers and to Oscar for his dedication and outstanding commitment to piano lessons. Isaac was celebrated for receiving a distinction in playing the cornet from Trinity College London. The class teachers gave out value awards to the children that have worked their socks off in and out the classroom and have demonstrated our Christian Values. Whitehall Park received the most value points which put them in first place.Well done! The Year 4 class received the 'National Outdoor Learning Award' for being brave and showing great teamwork at Anderton Centre. The attendance award this week went to the Reception class and Year 4. We ended worship by singing the butterfly song and prayers led by James, Darcy, Luca and Mrs Ham. What a fabulous week. Well done everyone!
Year 6 English
In English, year 6 have been working hard on identifying features of writing a formal review. They have been analysing the structure of the text, the use of cohesive devices and the use of persuasive language. All of these skills will prove beneficial when they come to writing their own formal review of ‘The Lion King’ that they watched during their trip to London.
Year 6 DT
In DT, year 6 have been investigating beam and arch bridges. They have been looking at how these types of bridges can be reinforced in order to make it stronger. They found out that adding an arch to their design made the structure considerably stronger.
Year 5- History- Who were the Ancient Greeks?
This term in history, the children will learn about how did Ancient Greece influence other societies and life today? This afternoon, we looked at a Relief Map, a map indicating hills and valleys by shading rather than by contour lines alone. We then explored some of their greatest achievements and what they are still remembered for, such as ; literature, theatre and modern drama.
Year 5- Food Technology- Researching the different types of salads
In D.T this afternoon, the children have been using the internet (BBC FOOD) to research a selection of different salads, recording their ingredients and the food groups where the ingredients belong.
Year 1 Counting in tens
This week we are starting to look at multiplication by counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children have been using number squares to help them count forwards and backwards in tens from different multiples of ten.