Image of Year 1 English- Collecting Adjectives and Writing Noun Phrases
19 Jun

Year 1 English- Collecting Adjectives and Writing Noun Phrases

Year 1 watched the Literacy Shed clip ‘Something Fishy,’ and collected adjectives to describe some of the sea creatures. They described the fish as bright, luminous, stripy, sock-like, boomerang-like, small and fast, the shark as evil, scary, frightening, humongous, large, hungry, ravenous, starving, creepy, angry, nasty, unkind, terrifying, powerful, strong and dark blue and they they described the octopus as springy, bouncy, t-shirt like, bunny-like, kangaroo-like, light blue, stripy, spotty and long legged. Then they chose their two favourite adjectives to write a noun phrase. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 3 History: Who were The Celts and how did they survive in The Iron Age?
19 Jun

Year 3 History: Who were The Celts and how did they survive in The Iron Age?

This term in History, Year 3 have been learning about historic Britain and how it evolved from The Stone Age, through to The Bronze Age and The Iron Age. This afternoon, we learnt all about The Iron Age and The Celts. We then completed a research activity, where the class had to investigate how The Celts survived, during the Iron Age.

Image of Year 2 PE - Piggy in the middle
19 Jun

Year 2 PE - Piggy in the middle

During our new unit in PE, year 2 have been looking at invasion games and more particularly piggy in the middle. Year 2 have been developing their throwing and catching skills, movement off the ball and to work hard to anticipate the direction of the ball in order to intercept play. The children worked on their stance and how to move quickly from one area to the next to reduce the time the opposition had on the ball during the games. Outside players looked and were encouraged the throw the ball quickly and accurately to a teammate to ensure the middle player does not get the ball.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
19 Jun

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today the children went on a Muddy Monday adventure. The children walked 2.5km and walked up steep hills, along the reservoir, around the woods and back to school. We started to explore the differences between Jack Keys and the main road.

Image of Monday Collective Worship with Rev Ben
19 Jun

Monday Collective Worship with Rev Ben

This morning, Rev Ben led our Monday Collective Worship. Our theme for this worship was St Barnabas and his generosity. We started off by playing a game called, ‘Guess the Value.’ We had two teams at the front who had to guess the price of various items such as a tin of beans, a playstation 5, a loaf of bread, a car and Harry Kane. The audience then had to say whether they thought that the cost was higher or lower. This gave us all an insight into the value of various items, big and small. We learnt that all the first Christians were generous but St Barnabas was especially generous. He owned a field and sold this to give to the church and therefore to other people. He did this because he wanted to do as Jesus had done and give to others. Rev Ben asked us how we could be generous just as St Barnabas was. We said that we can give something that we don’t want or use anymore to charity such as clothes and toys, do a sponsored walk, run or a bake sale to raise money for charity or buy an extra item when we go shopping to give to someone less fortunate. Generosity is one of the fruits of the spirit so this is the song that we sang to end our worship.

Image of Year 2 - Position and Direction
19 Jun

Year 2 - Position and Direction

In maths, year 2 have been looking at describing the position and direction of objects. During the lesson the children were focusing mainly on describing how an object has moved. They used to the terms clockwise and anti clockwise and described how much the object has turned and it what direction.

Image of Reception Father’s Day Celebration
16 Jun

Reception Father’s Day Celebration

A huge thank you to the Dads and Grandads of our Reception children who joined us for our Father’s Day Celebration this afternoon. We hope you enjoyed listening to the reasons why the children love their Dads and enjoyed playing in our outside area. We hope all of the Dads and Grandads in our school family have a fantastic Father’s Day on Sunday and thank you for everything you do!

Image of Latest Newsletter
16 Jun

Latest Newsletter

Good afternoon parents and carers, we have had a super busy week back at St Barnabas. Please see our newsletter for a round up of last half term and photos of our teaching teams for September here. A huge thank you to our FOSB for the wonderful Father’s Day Breakfast on Tuesday and to all of the Dads and Grandads who came along. Thanks also to the Dads and Grandads who came along to the special Reception class Father’s Day Celebration this afternoon. It was lovely to see you all and the children loved telling you why they love you and enjoyed playing with you in their outdoor area. We wish all of our Dads and Grandads in our school family a lovely Father’s Day on Sunday! We have had a very busy week of sports with our Year 3/4 quad kids team coming 2nd out of 17 schools, our year 5/6 cricket team just missing out on the final and our netball team came 2nd in the Darwen netball league. Well done to you all and a huge thank you to Mrs Gardner and Mr Bloomfield for supporting the children and thanks to parents who supported. Next week we are looking forward to our Sports Day on Friday morning. You are very welcome to come along to show your support and encourage your child. Reception class and Year 2 had great fun at Blackpool Zoo on Tuesday. For all of the photos, please click here. For all the class news from this week, please click here. For all the upcoming events, click here. Thank you so much for your generous bottle donations for our FOSB Summer Fayre. We really appreciate your support. Wishing you all a fabulous weekend and thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham

Image of Year 5 RotaKids Conference
16 Jun

Year 5 RotaKids Conference

We have had a fantastic time at the RotaKids Conference at the University of Cumbria today. We have done all sorts of activities such as music, first response, water safety, gardening, river creatures and making bug houses and looking at bees. We have learnt so much and gained lots of ideas that we can share at school.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
16 Jun

Friday Celebration Worship

Wow! What a busy first week back into our final half term of this academic year. Our theme this week has been encouragement and Mrs Ham asked us to reflect on how we have encouraged each other this week, and how we will continue to focus on this as we enjoy the last few weeks of the school year and support each other as we transition into our new year groups and up to high school for our Year 6 class. We had lots of out of school stars to celebrate this week. Well done to Ella-Grace, Ivy, Leo, Olivia, Sonny, Charlie and Jack and Desmond for their wonderful football skills, Jake, Will, Bobby and Austin for coming runners up in a football tournament in St Anne’s, Manni and Bobby for their attendance and skill at a recent football tournament, Matthew for his recent success in the Premier League writing competition, Harry for his swimming and cricket success, Lyla for her musical theatre singing performance, Isaac for his piano playing, Iris and Leonora for being fabulous gymnasts, Finn and Ruby for running the race for life and Ruby for also completing the couch to 5k, Grace for performing on the main stage at Darwen Music Live, Mila for showing kindness at Rainbows and Mason for his sensational kickboxing. We also celebrated lots of success in school. As always, we heard from our teachers who presented their Value Award Winners. Well done to Eve, Isabella, Miley, Euan, Ruby, Charlie, Katie and Elsa. We also said a huge well done to our group of our Year 4 children who attended a Quad Kids competition and came second place out of 17, our Year 5/6 cricket team for excellent participation and sportsmanship on Wednesday, our Year 5/6 Netball team who came 2nd place out of all the schools in BwD, Reception class and Year 6 for the best attendance this week, India Mill for being the award winners this week and to Lola, Jake, Esme, Harry, Mathew, Daisy, Freddie and Bobby for gaining their pen licenses. We ended our worship with some lovely singing and dancing to ‘Build Up.’ What wonderful way to end the week!

Image of Year 5- Food Technology- Serve a Greek Salad
15 Jun

Year 5- Food Technology- Serve a Greek Salad

A few weeks ago, the children learned three important food skills: the bridge hold, claw grip, and grating. Today, they put their skills to use and prepared a Greek salad for a friend to take home and enjoy as a side dish with their tea. They washed their hands and gathered the ingredients such as tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, feta cheese, and lettuce. The children are excited to share their creations, and tomorrow, we will evaluate our salad to see how well we did.

Image of DPSSA Netball Finals
15 Jun

DPSSA Netball Finals

A huge well done to our netball superstars who represented the school this evening at the DPSSA Netball Finals at Darwen Vale. The children worked hard over three games in this boiling weather. The children have showed so much commitment in attending netball club, developing skills and tactics in order to grow as players. We came away with silver medals and we are really proud of each and every one of them! Go Team B!