Image of Year 4 History - Why was the Roman Army so successful?
24 Nov

Year 4 History - Why was the Roman Army so successful?

In our lesson today we looked at how to find supporting evidence to back up assertions made about the power of the army and how these may be prioritised. We also looked at how the army was able to expand and what factors were most/ least important.

Image of Year 5 - Inter Faith Week- Islam
24 Nov

Year 5 - Inter Faith Week- Islam

Year 5 have enjoyed learning about my religion (Islam). We looked at the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam in detail. For example; both holy books (Quran/Bible) mention Jesus, Moses, David, Gabriel and Mary. We learnt about when the Quran (holy book for Muslims) was revealed and who it was sent down to. The children really enjoyed tasting some of the food that the prophet used to eat, such as, olives, pomegranate, bread and yogurt.

Image of Year 6 -Dodgeball Superstars
23 Nov

Year 6 -Dodgeball Superstars

A huge well done to our Year 6 dodgeball team who represented our school so brilliantly well this evening at the dodgeball festival. They showed lots of determination and encouraged each other.

Image of Year 4 Celebrating Interfaith Week
23 Nov

Year 4 Celebrating Interfaith Week

Year 4 were all fascinated in our Interfaith Week workshop. We loved learning about Islam and tasting some traditional foods linked to the faith. We'd like to say a huge thank you to Barnys' very own Misss Kachwalla for sharing her faith with us.

Image of Year 4 Researching Roman Life
23 Nov

Year 4 Researching Roman Life

This week in English, Year 4 have been researching life in Ancient Rome in preparation for our 'Day in the Life of a Roman Soldier' diary entry. We have loved handling artefacts and using text books to find out more about the Roman way of life.

Image of Year 4 - RE - Exploring how Jesus brought light
23 Nov

Year 4 - RE - Exploring how Jesus brought light

We always enjoy a bit of drama in Year 4, so it comes as no surprise that we had great fun acting out the story of Zaccheus and trying to spot how Jesus changed his life.

Image of Year 3: Trying food that Prophet Muhammad liked
22 Nov

Year 3: Trying food that Prophet Muhammad liked

As part of Inter Faith week, Year 3 tasted a selection of Sunnah Food. During a workshop with Miss Kachwalla, the class learnt about some of the food that Prophet Muhammad liked. We tried olives, dates, pomegranate, melon, cucumber, cheese, pitta bread and yoghurt! The class particularly enjoyed dipping the pitta bread in the olive oil and yoghurt!

Image of Year 3 Inter Faith Week
22 Nov

Year 3 Inter Faith Week

This afternoon, Miss Kachwalla spoke to the class about the religion of Islam. Earlier in the week, Year 3 came up with some questions that they wanted to ask Miss Kachwalla, about her religion. The class really enjoyed learning about Islam and exploring some of the similarities between Christianity and Islam.

Image of Year 2- Teamwork on the MUGA
22 Nov

Year 2- Teamwork on the MUGA

Last week the weather wasn't on our side so we did our Pudsey hunt this week and what great fun we had! We had to work as a team and find the pieces of Pudsey that had been hidden and bring them back to the MUGA to stick him back together and complete Pudsey!

Image of Year 1- DT
22 Nov

Year 1- DT

Last week in DT we had a look at all the equipment we needed to create our own fire engines. Today we designed our fire engines ready to create them next week! We can't wait to show you our finished product

Image of Year 2 - Inter Faith workshop
22 Nov

Year 2 - Inter Faith workshop

Year 2 - Inter Faith workshop learning all about Islam with Miss Kachwalla, who is a Muslim. As part of our RE unit we have been looking at faiths across the world and have explored similarities and differences between each faith.

Image of Year 2 - Inter Faith week food tasting
22 Nov

Year 2 - Inter Faith week food tasting

As part of inter faith week, year 2 have been exploring and tasting a variety of different foods related to Islam. All children have enjoyed inter faith week and have explored the similarities and differences between many religions.