Image of Thank a teacher day
21 Jun

Thank a teacher day

On this national ‘thank a teacher’ day, I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to our wonderful teachers, support staff, site staff and office staff. You are all amazing!

Image of Year 5 - PSHE- Stay Safe Around Water- National Drowning Prevention Week
21 Jun

Year 5 - PSHE- Stay Safe Around Water- National Drowning Prevention Week

This week it is Drowning Prevention Week and in our PSHE lesson today we focussed on essential knowledge to keep safe around water. The children learned the importance of seeking help, following pool rules, wearing life jackets, and constant supervision.

Image of Reception - Maths - Exploring numbers to 30
21 Jun

Reception - Maths - Exploring numbers to 30

This week we have been looking at numbers to 30. We started by discussing everything we know about 30 and the children had some fantastic ideas about how we can make 30. We then played a game using 30 counters. The children had to roll the dice and take the counters away, the person to take the last counter won! The children practised their subitising skills to look at how many counters were left, and their reasoning skills to decide what they would like to roll next!

Image of Online Safety: AI Chatbots
21 Jun

Online Safety: AI Chatbots

“How are you today?” AI chatbots are among the most talked-about digital developments of recent times, but how safe are they for young people? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday assesses these ‘virtual friends’ from an #OnlineSafety perspective. Download >>

Image of Reception- Superstar writers!
21 Jun

Reception- Superstar writers!

Reception have been learning about African Animals and amazing facts about them. This afternoon we drew our favourite African animal and wrote amazing facts about them!

Image of Reception-World Refugee Day
20 Jun

Reception-World Refugee Day

Today is World Refugee Day, Reception watched an assembly held by World Vision who allowed us to learn about the lives of refugees and how we can support them. We listened to some refugees being interviewed about what their lives are like and what their dreams are for the future. Despite having to leave their homes, they remain very positive and grateful for having a safe place to grow up within the refugee camp. Reception asked lots of questions and were very interested. We also had a little chat about how we could raise money or give our unwanted things to charities that can help refugees. We ended our worship with some beautiful prayers.

Image of Year 5- Class Worship- Refugee Week 2023
20 Jun

Year 5- Class Worship- Refugee Week 2023

Today, Year 5 took part in the Great Big Live Assembly for Refugee Week. During the assembly, we learned about the journeys of refugees from different parts of the world. We had the privilege of hearing from Mohammed and Sidra, two incredible individuals who have had to flee their countries and start anew at the Za'atari refugee camp. Mohammed and Sidra shared their inspiring stories of resilience and courage with us. They spoke about the challenges they faced, but also about their determination to rebuild their lives despite the hardships. Let us continue to foster empathy, understanding, and support for refugees within our school community and beyond.

Image of Year 4 - Great Big Live Assembly for Refugee Week
20 Jun

Year 4 - Great Big Live Assembly for Refugee Week

Year 4 enjoyed being part of the Great Big Live Assembly this morning. We learned a lot about refugees and how they are being welcomed into our society. It truly has been a day of welcoming others as we welcomed our friends from our link school too. More photos to follow

Image of KS2 multi sports
20 Jun

KS2 multi sports

This bunch were amazing on Friday in multi skills! They all participated and tried their best in every sport we tried.Well done boys!

Image of KS1 Forest schools- Week 2
20 Jun

KS1 Forest schools- Week 2

What fun we have all had in Forest school this week! We walked up to Jacks Key, gathering sticks, leaves and grass as we went. Once we found a nice sheltered area the children started to create their nature pictures and faces. Once our art was finished we explored, climbed trees, jumped into lovely mud and washed our wellies in puddles.

Image of Year 1 Class Worship- World Refugee Day
20 Jun

Year 1 Class Worship- World Refugee Day

On World Refugee Day, we watched an assembly held by World Vision who allowed us to learn about the lives of refugees and how we can support them. We listened to some refugees from a camp in Jordan who had to flee from Syria. Despite having to leave their homes, they remain very positive and grateful for having a safe place to grow up within the refugee camp. We heard from Seedra, a Syrian refugee, who told us about a typical day for her at the refugee camp. Similar to us, she goes to school, learns to speak English, plays with her friends and then returns home to do her homework and watch some TV. Charities such as World Vision have allowed her to be able to do this and they are very thankful for charities such as this. We were very inspired by Seedra as she continues to hold on to her hope and dream for the future of being a doctor and study hard to achieve this even though she has had a lot of upset in her life. We ended our worship with some beautiful prayers. We prayed to end war in places such as Syria and Ukraine, to keep refugees safe in refugee camps and to thank people for giving things such as clothes, food and toys to help give refugees a better life.

Image of Year 3 Worship: Refugee Week
20 Jun

Year 3 Worship: Refugee Week

This morning, we had a very special class worship. We took part in the ‘Great Big Live Assembly’ where we went live to a refugee camp in Jordan. We learnt about the daily life in a refugee camp and listened to a Q and A, where pupils around the country asked Mohammed and Seedra questions about their lives as a refugee.