Year 2 RE Church Observations
As part of our RE unit, year 2 have been down to our local church, St Barnabas, to explore and to see what makes a church a church. The children were tasked with a scavenger hunt to find all the objects that are most symbolic to a church and to write down why they exist within the church.
Reception - Maths - Exploring numbers to 20
This week in Maths we have been learning about numbers to 20. We have practised counting, writing numerals and making the numbers using numicon.
Year 3 Maths- pounds and pence
Year 3 have revisited the topic of money today, looking at counting pounds and pence. Considering the value of each coin or note, putting them into size order, collating totals and comparing amounts to see which is the largest and smallest.
Year 6 Science
In year 6, we have looked at what we can learn from fossils. We found out that we can learn about the shape of the animal; what the animal may have looked like; which habitat it was most likely to live in due to its adaptations and potentially the diet of that animal. We also looked at how these extinct animals are similar and different to animals that we see today.
Year 4 - Linking Schools Preparations
What an exciting time in Year 4 as we prepare to welcome our Linking Schools class! On Tuesday, Kestrel Class from St Matthew’s in Blackburn are due to visit us at St Barnabas for a day of team building and collaborative learning. We have been making name tags, banners, local area maps and preparing a few conversation starters and topics in order to help our visitors feel at ease in our amazing school.
Year 6 English
Year 6 started work on their detective narrative this week. They have started to analyse conventions of a detective narrative and discussed the use of red herrings, which are intended to be misleading and create more excitement for the reader.
Year 6 P.E.
This week, year 6 started their rugby unit and looked at developing their passing skills. They explored receiving the ball and how your arms should swing from one side of your body to the other until your hands are pointing at the intended target. They took to this superbly and focused on technique even when they were challenged with a time trial. Well done year 6!
Online Safety: Money Muling
“Easy cash, no strings attached” Young people are being recruited via social media to serve as money mules, ‘washing’ illegal funds through their bank accounts. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide profiles this developing #OnlineSafety risk Download >>
Year 5- PSHE- Growing and Changing
During our PSHE lesson on Growing and Changing bodies, we explored various types of feelings and how words can impact people. As part of an activity, we played emotions bingo. Each child was given a card or shared one with a partner. I randomly called out emotions from a list, and the game continued until someone exclaimed, "Bingo!" Throughout the game, it was interesting to observe if there were any emotions that the children had never encountered before. We finished the lesson by saying, "I always feel happier when..." This made them think about things that make them happy. It was a way to help them understand their own feelings better.
Craft club
On Monday in craft club we made badges for Father’s Day. We had a lovely first week in craft club and are looking forward to next week.
Job Vacancies
Would you like to be part of our wonderful St Barnabas school family? Would you like to work with a friendly, enthusiastic and hard working team and amazing, confident and well behaved children? If so, we currently have two vacancies in our school, an office administration assistant and a special support assistant role. Please see our vacancy page on our website for further information: Visits to our school are warmly welcomed and Mrs Ham, our Headteacher would love to show you around. Please call 01254 702996 to arrange a visit.
Reception Outdoor Fun in the Sun
The children have enjoyed their morning playing outside. They enjoyed playing in the water area, the trim trail and the dinosaur small world area. The have also enjoyed dressing up and mark making using the chalk. We then sat in the shade and read a story about zoo animals, and talked about our previous trip to the zoo.