Forest school
Today during our Forest school club we have had so much fun exploring our Forest school area, adding to the existing dens and decorating them. The children also played games and climbed trees. We tried to keep the children in the shade as much as possible, we also had regular drink and fresh fruit breaks. We’re already looking forward to next week!
Year 2 - Blackpool Zoo Trip
Year 2 went to Blackpool Zoo to look at all the amazing animals and habitats. They were treated to an incredible Sea Lion display that showcased all their brilliant tricks and demonstrated how clever they are. We explored the big cats exhibit, giraffes and elephants. We also explored the world of the dinosaurs and learnt all about their existence and habits they used to live in. This fed nicely in with our new science unit - animals survival and growth and in many of the exhibits we learnt about the different stages of animal life.
Year 2 - Blackpool Zoo Trip
Year 2 went to Blackpool Zoo to look at all the amazing animals and habitats. They were treated to an incredible Sea Lion display that showcased all their brilliant tricks and demonstrated how clever they are. We explored the big cats exhibit, giraffes and elephants. We also explored the world of the dinosaurs and learnt all about their existence and habits they used to live in. This fed nicely in with our new science unit - animals survival and growth and in many of the exhibits we learnt about the different stages of animal life.
FOSB Father’s Day Breakfast
A huge thank you to our FOSB for organising a very successful Father’s Day Breakfast. We hope you all had a wonderful time.
Whole School Worship: Encouragement
This morning in worship, we started with an encouragement song with the lyrics 'we all need encouragement, like the air that we breath'. Mrs Ham explained that yesterday was St Barnabas day and he was known as a great encourager. She then reminded us of how we have a special connection with St Paul's in Hoddlesden as we share our vicar, Rev Ben with and how St Barnabas and St Paul had a special connection in the Bible too. We then learnt about how St Paul became a follower of Jesus with the encouragement of his friend, St Barnabas. We then discussed how we can all show courage like St Paul and encourage each other like St Barnabas in the many upcoming events such as sports day, transition days, end of year assessments and productions. We are looking forward to learning more about St Barnabas and St Paul from Rev Ben in his worships over the next few weeks.
Year 5- English- Refugees
In English today, we studied refugees. We watched videos and saw pictures of people who had to leave their homes because of war. We shared our feelings and thoughts about it. In the next two weeks, we'll be writing a debate on this topic.
Year 4 - Using Years, Months, Weeks and Days
In Year 4, we have kicked off our Time unit comparing years, months, weeks and days. We used our hands to help us to remember how many days are in each month. I wonder if the class can explain this trick at home. Or maybe they can remember the rhyme: 30 days has September....
Sun Safety
Good morning parents and carers, we are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school today after their half term holiday. Please ensure you apply sun cream to your child before school and that they bring a sun hat and reusable water bottle to school this week. If they need to reapply suncream at lunch time, please send in some in a named bottle. We are expecting some very warm weather. We hope you’ve all had a wonderful half term holiday and we will see you all shortly, Mrs Ham
Happy half term holiday!
Good afternoon parents and carers, well what a busy half term it has been with residential visits, an ofsted inspection, lots of sports events and SATS. We are so proud of how hard the children have worked so far this year, they really have worked their socks off. Our Year 2 and Year 6 children tackled their SATS with confidence and determination and really tried their best. After the holidays our Year 1 children will be taking their phonics screening 'quiz' and our Year 4 children will be taking their multiplications quiz. We are sure that they will try their best and make us all proud. For all the latest news, please click here: We have lots of exciting events next half term including sports day, lots of sporting events, trips, father's day celebrations, the Summer Fayre, leaver's celebrations and our transition day. For all of the upcoming events after the holidays, please click here: Thank you so much for your continued support as we couldn't do what we do, without your support. A huge thank you to all of our staff team too for the fabulous support they give to our school family. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful half term holiday and I hope the sun continues to shine for us all. We will see you all on Monday 12th June. Take care and God bless, Mrs Ham
Forest School- Using Tools
We had a fantastic forest school club this lunchtime. Some of the year 5 children were taught how to safely and correctly use loppers and a sheath knife and what we use them for. The children watched me demonstrate and then had a go themselves at cutting sticks with the loppers and whittling wood using the sheath knife. The children had a great time learning new skills, they were all super sensible and listened exceptionally well. Well done Year 5!
Half- Term Value Points Winners - Whitehall Park
Well done to ‘Whitehall Park’ for winning this half terms Value points Award. They have had a great time celebrating their win this morning by taking part in a multi- sports session which included relay races, football, playground games and trim trail.
Reception PE-Sports Day Practice
Today in PE, Reception have been practising the different races ready for sports day. They were really good at balancing the plastic eggs for the egg and spoon race. They were also able to run and jump over the hurdles and had lots of fun racing against each other for the sack race!