Reception - Dinosaurs
This week we have been learning all about dinosaurs. We discussed how and why they are now extinct and what information we can find out about them using fossils. We made our own fossils using salt dough. The children have loved learning all about dinosaurs this week and have completed some fantastic creative work too!
Reception - Measuring
This week we have been looking at measuring in maths. We used cubes to measure the height of the dinosaurs and then we practised using the words in taller and shorter to describe the dinosaurs.
Year 3 PSHE: Sugar Smart Promise
This week in PSHE, Year 3 looked at how too much sugar in our diets can effect our health. We looked at the ‘Sugar Smart’ campaign and investigated the amount of sugar in popular drinks. We then looked at our daily sugar limit for our age and promised to swap a sugary drink for a more healthier option, such as water, milk and squash.
Year 2 - Music
Year 2 have been using a variety of musical instruments and techniques to create their own version of popular music. They have created many beats, loops and final pieces using many different musical instruments.
Year 2 - Creating ICT postcards
Year 2 have been looking at mixed media to design and create their own unique postcards. They have explored lots of creative techniques to ensure that their postcards are appealing and stand out to the reader. They have used the draw tools to create a unique design, they have used a variety of textures and techniques to create background and inputted text.
Year 3 History: The Stone Age
This term in History, Year 3 have been learning all about the changes from The Stone Age, through to The Iron Age. This week, we Iooked at what changed for people living in The Stone Age, from the Palaeolithic age, through to the Neolithic age. We learnt how weapons and clothing had developed and how at the beginning of The Stone Age, hunter gatherers would move around often, in search for food. As we approached the end of The Stone Age, people lived in settlements and would farm their animals and crops.
DPSSA cross Country Race 2
What a brilliant afternoon we have had at the Darwen Primary Schools Cross Country Race 2. Our squads performed superbly showing excellent sportsmanship, determination and positive attitudes. Some fab placing and all with true Team B smiles on their faces- well done!
Year 5- Identifying Greek language
This afternoon the children looked at two different stories of 10 year-old children, buried in which were 20-odd words that derive from Ancient Greece. Working in pairs, against the clock, they had to not only spot the words with Greek origin but also, by means of extension for the most able, to use an authoritative dictionary, or the internet, to explain what the words actually means e.g. Brontosaurus = thunder lizard.
Year 4 - Recreating Church
After writing an extensive list of what all churches “need”, the children realised that actually very little was needed once we headed up to Whitehall Park to have our outdoor worship. We created a cross from fallen twigs, found a tree stump for a lectern and spent time marvelling at God’s creations all around us. We had some bible readings about Pentecost and the beginnings of the church and some lovely impromptu prayers. A very peaceful morning.
Online Safety: Influencers
Under the influence? For many young people, social media influencers are ‘the new rock stars’ – but how much of these emerging celebrities’ content can really be trusted? Our #WakeUpWednesday highlights potential #OnlineSafety risks Download >>
Year 5 - Smart School Council - Transitions
Today our meeting leader was Ross and our note taker was Jake. First we discussed the previous meetings question regarding movie choices for our film night. We have taken action with this and have selected a variety of movies for the children to choose from on the night. This week we were discussing transitions and how the children would like to get to know their teachers for next year. The choices were two mornings, a 15 minute Q&A session, a full day or an informational poster. The overall preference for the class was to do a full day transition.
Year 4 - Partitioning Decimals
In Year 4 maths lessons this week, we are continuing our work on decimals with partitioning. In this lesson we had to use the place value counters to find different ways to partition numbers containing decimals.