Image of Year 1 meet Author and Illustrator Ursula Hurst
3 Oct

Year 1 meet Author and Illustrator Ursula Hurst

Year 1 had an amazing morning meeting author and illustrator Ursula Hurst at Darwen library. They enjoyed looking at lots of the books that Ursula has illustrated over the years such as Roo and Sarge to the rescue, The Angry Giant, Zed Ted, Bea and Monah Lot. Ursula also read us a story called Drawing Hope which she was both the author and illustrator of. It was about a young girl called Hope who loved drawing and painting and had a dream of turning the gloomy town in which she lived into a bright and colourful place and with the help of Mrs Green, she did just that. Year 1 loved seeing how the town and characters turned from grey with lots of worries to bright and worry free throughout the story. Thank you to Darwen Library for such a wonderful opportunity and to Ursula Hurst for inspiring our children.

Image of Year 3- Children's Literature Festival
3 Oct

Year 3- Children's Literature Festival

Today, the Year 3 class walked down to Darwen Library to join in the celebration of the Children's Literature Festival. They had the pleasure of meeting Christina Gambita, an author known for her diverse range of books covering topics such as pollination, healthy eating, plastic pollution, teamwork, mathematical concepts, history, and safeguarding. Ms. Gambita read her book 'Roo and Sarge' to the class which the children thoroughly enjoyed. She also talked about the importance of kindness and how we should be kind to everyone. The children also learnt how to say their names using sign language, which was a wonderful experience.

Image of Year 1- illustration Worksop with Ursula Hurst
3 Oct

Year 1- illustration Worksop with Ursula Hurst

After meeting Ursula Hurst and looking at many of her illustrations in various children’s books including her very own book, ‘Drawing Hope,’ Year 1 had a lesson in illustration. Ursula showed the children how to create different characters with expressions such as sad, shocked and happy and various hairstyles and clothing. Thank you to Darwen library for this wonderful opportunity.

Image of Year 4 - Children’s Literature Festival
3 Oct

Year 4 - Children’s Literature Festival

After a blustery walk to Darwen Library, Year 4 enjoyed a great afternoon meeting Louie Stowell, author of the popular children’s book series, Loki. They had great fun learning about the characters, taking part in the ‘which character are you’ quiz, drawing the main character and asking the author questions.

Image of Year 4 - Information Texts
3 Oct

Year 4 - Information Texts

In Year 4 this week, we started our new English topic: Information Texts. We spent our first lesson recording what we already knew about the Amazon rainforest, and then we researched some facts around a specific category.

Image of Year 2 - Library visit
3 Oct

Year 2 - Library visit

We had an amazing time during our visit to Darwen Library. We were lucky enough to spend time with Ursula Hurst as she delivered a workshop for us. Ursula is a fabulous illustrator known for her book illustrations and murals of which many can be found in local primary schools. The children loved listening to her stories and seeing how she made words come to life. Then the children had their chance to become illustrators as they learnt how to draw different characters with different emotions. Ursula showed us some simple tricks to really emphasise our characters expressions. It was a brilliant opportunity for the children which they engaged really well with and had a lovely afternoon!

Image of Year 2 - Pattern Making
3 Oct

Year 2 - Pattern Making

During our Art lesson this week, we looked at how to create patterns. We spotted any patterns around our classroom and predicted what comes next in other patterns. It was then the children’s turn to create their own patterns. We created symmetrical patterns and alternating patterns using different shapes and colours. Next week, we will continue learning about patterns and design new patterns on different mediums.

Image of Monday Worship: Black History Month
2 Oct

Monday Worship: Black History Month

This month it is black history month. Mrs Ham told us how some African children were sold as slaves and would have to work and could not go to school. They would not earn any money but were forced to be slaves. The Underground Railroad and Harriet Tubman wanted to make a difference and stop slavery. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln, the president of the USA stopped slavery and freed them all. Black history month reminds us of all the black people who made and continue to make a difference to change the world such as Martin Luther King Junior, Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela. We watched a video to find out more information about a group of black children who made a difference in their town by having peaceful sit ins in restaurants that were just for white people. They had to show our Christian value of courage when standing up for what was right. We ended our worship by reflecting on how we can stand up to things that are unfair and we sang 'I can make a difference'.

Image of Foodie Friends Funtime Club- Years 3 and 4- Cornflake Cakes
2 Oct

Foodie Friends Funtime Club- Years 3 and 4- Cornflake Cakes

Today, the children followed step-by-step instructions from a short clip and worked in small groups to make cornflake cakes. The most exciting part was when they got to lick the spoon and the mixing bowl!

Image of Year 3- P.E
2 Oct

Year 3- P.E

Today, Year 3 carried on with the throwing and catching game. We emphasized three important aspects during our activity: Keep your eyes on the object at all times. Position your body to intercept the ball's path. Ensure your hands are ready to meet the object.

Image of Choir singing at the Harvest Service
1 Oct

Choir singing at the Harvest Service

Thank you so much to Rev Ben for inviting us to sing at the Harvest Service. We are so proud of our choir members and members of Rainbows and Brownies as they sang so brilliantly. Thank you so much for your generous donations to the local food bank.

Image of Year 2- P.E
1 Oct

Year 2- P.E

This week we worked on the perfect egg roll, forward roll and pencil roll. They all tried really hard to perfect their rolls.