Image of Week 2 of super sports club
1 Oct

Week 2 of super sports club

Our second session at sports club we looked at the correct hand position, the ‘W’ position. Then we moved onto using the correct hand position whilst passing the ball. Then we looked at a chest pass followed by a bounce pass. They worked really hard on these two passes before moving on to a game of netball.

Image of Message from Mrs Ham
29 Sep

Message from Mrs Ham

Good afternoon parents and carers, Wow, what another busy week at St Barnabas! We had a visit from our Trust CEO, Mr Ashworth, on Wednesday and a brilliant stay and play session on Thursday morning. It was an absolute pleasure to show our visitors around and your children made me so proud as they showed off their brilliant behaviour and showed lots of kindness and respect. One potential parent emailed afterwards to say that ‘All of the children at St Barnabas are an absolute joy!’ I couldn’t agree more! A huge thank you to everyone who came to our Macmillan Coffee Morning this morning. Thank you so much for all of your generous cake donations which meant that every child in school was able to enjoy a cake. Thank you for your very kind donations to Macmillan. If you would still like to make a donation please do so via parent pay. A quick reminder that we have our Harvest church festival this Sunday and our choir will be singing. Please meet at 10.50am in your smart school uniform. Non-choir members are welcome to come along and join in too. We have another busy week next week. Here are a few reminders: Tuesday 3rd: Years 1-6 will be visiting Darwen Library for a special Literature Festival Workshop Wednesday 4th - School photo day. All children to come to school in their full smart school uniform. Years 1 & 2 to bring their PE kit in a bag to change into please for their afternoon PE session. Friday 6th October : Rotakids non-uniform day to support the Moroccan earthquake appeal. Children to wear something red or green for the colours of the Moroccan flag in exchange for £1.00 on parent pay. For all of this week’s news from each class, please click here: For all of the upcoming events, click here: Finally, I would like to wish Mrs Thompson all the best as she starts her paternity leave for the next 8 weeks. Thank you so much for helping to settle our new Ducklings into school. We hope you have a wonderful time with your baby boy, Rupert. Wishing you all a lovely weekend with your loved ones. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham

Image of MacMillan Coffee Morning
29 Sep

MacMillan Coffee Morning

A huge thank you to everyone who came to our Macmillan Coffee Morning this morning. Thank you so much for all of your generous cake donations which meant that every child in school was able to enjoy a cake. Thank you for your very kind donations to Macmillan. If you would still like to make a donation please do so via parent pay.

Image of 29th September- Celebration Worship
29 Sep

29th September- Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our celebration worship by congratulating our value award winners this week for always demonstrating the the 4Bs, wonderful manners, an incredible attitude to learning and working extremely hard across the curriculum. Well done to Eddie, James, Finley, Jack, Jenson, Evie and Beau. We then said well done to River Darwen for being our value points winners this week putting them in 1st place and Year 1 and 3 for being the amazing attendance award winners this week. Our well-being warriors then told us all about World Mental Health Day 2023 on the 10th October to raise awareness for mental health. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. These were Annabel for being very sensible at rainbows and her character work as Rapunzel, Noah being this week’s player of the match at football, Mila and Cassidy for being extremely creative and drawing wonderful pictures at Rainbows and Layla for getting player of the match at football. We then followed by congratulating our play leaders on completing their play leader training yesterday. They learnt how to set up and manage lots of practical activities that they can lead on the infant yard with the infants. We ended today’s worship by singing happy birthday to Marley, Bobby-Ray, Noah and Beau and with some lovely prayers from Seb, Darcy and Noah. Darcy and Seb prayed for the people facing hardship in Ukraine and Morocco and Seb said a prayer of gratefulness to say thank you for everything that we have. Thank you for all of your support this week, and your very kind donations to our MacMillan coffee morning. Thank you to those that could also attend. We wish you an enjoyable weekend.

Image of Well Being Warriors Poster Competition
29 Sep

Well Being Warriors Poster Competition

Good morning In our Worship this morning our Well Being Warriors launched their poster competition for Hello Yellow Day on Tuesday 10th October. They would like the children to design a brightly coloured poster that includes positive affirmations and promotes Hello Yellow Day 2023. The competition will be for KS1 and KS2 with a prize for each. All entries will need to be handed to Year 4 Well Being Warriors by Friday 6th October with name and year group on the back. We can’t wait to see your entries - good luck everyone! From Mrs Gardner and The Well Being Warriors

Image of Play Leader Training
29 Sep

Play Leader Training

We have now had our first practical session in play leading. The children took part in various activities throughout the afternoon to enable them to establish what makes a great Play Leader. They cooperated well and demonstrated great leadership skills but also showing empathy and understanding. We can’t wait to trial our new skills now in next week's final session!

Image of Year 6 Art
28 Sep

Year 6 Art

In year 6, we have started our art unit which is all based on making our voice heard. We started by evaluating pieces of art created by the Ancient Maya and created a research page which we filled with patterns that captured our imagination. Those of us who had finished our research pages then tried our hand at some experimental mark making with unconventional tools. This made the children appreciate the Mayan art even more.

Image of Year 1 Music
28 Sep

Year 1 Music

Year 1 have been enjoying their Junior Jam sessions. In music, they have been learning to play different pitch patterns on the ukuleles.

Image of Year 6 Smart School Council
28 Sep

Year 6 Smart School Council

In year 6, we discussed what we are looking forward to the most this academic year in our smart school council meeting. Most of the children said they are looking forward to learning new things because this will help their own work to improve. I was so impressed with the maturity of year 6’s responses and the high expectations they have for themselves this year.

Image of Year 1-Art
28 Sep

Year 1-Art

Year 1 have been identifying the key features of a cold landscape such as icebergs, glaciers, mountains, rocks, trees and animals such as penguins, polar bears, walruses, arctic hares, arctic foxes and snowy owls to use in their own landscape. Then they had to draw lines to represent the horizon and the sea and compose their cold scene using the shapes provided and their own imagination. We are looking forward to being able to collage them next lesson.

Image of Year 2 - History
28 Sep

Year 2 - History

Our History topic this half term is exploring the history of our local area. This lesson we concentrated on the history of our school. It was fascinating to look at the log books dating back to the 19th century. The children loved looking at the different sources that helped us to understand how our school got here. We found out that our school was originally called Culvert School until 1978 when it was reopened as St Barnabas. We created a list of similarities and differences between how our school use to be and how it is now. We really enjoyed exploring the history of our school!

Image of Year 3 - Class Worship- Thanking God for creating the universe and everything in it.
28 Sep

Year 3 - Class Worship- Thanking God for creating the universe and everything in it.

In our class worship, we explored the joy of discovering new places and celebrated India's historic moon landing near the south pole. We also explored famous explorers from the past and thanked God for creating the universe. We ended our class worship by singing, 'He's Got the Whole World'.