Year 3’s Advent Worship
In our class Worship we lit our second Advent candle and thought about those who might be feeling lonely this Christmas. We then prayed for them and thought about how we can show kindness to those who are feeling lonely.
Year 1- 2D and 3D shapes.
Year 1 have been sorting 2D and 3D shapes in different ways. They sorted them in many different ways e.g. those that can and can’t roll, those that have triangular faces and don’t, those that have circular faces and don’t and those that have square faces and don’t.
Getting Technical About Circuits
This week in science, Year 4 made human circuits to investigate the difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit.
Peace at Christmas worship
The second Sunday in Advent focuses on Peace. Today we have lit our second Advent candle. It is important to take a bit of time to have some peace during such a busy time of year. It is important to remember the meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate it. We looked at a picture today and discussed what we can see. The children discussed how the animal looked “heartbroken…sad…lonely.” The artist painted this to reflect loneliness at Christmas. We discussed why people may feel lonely at this time of the year. The little girl on the picture is trying to encourage the animal to come down. The girl is showing the animal love and kindness. This week we will be focussing on how we can bring peace and how we can reach out to those who are lonely. Our Rota kids in Year 5 are going to be making cards for people in care homes and our choir will be singing at Whitehall park to bring some Christmas cheer.
The Christmas Story- Year 5
During our R.E lesson this afternoon, we have been Bible detectives finding the nativity story in the Bible. We then compared Luke’s and Matthew’s gospel by looking at similarities and differences.
November Newsletter
Please click on the following link to read this month’s newsletter.
Year 2 Author Virtual Visit!
On Friday 3rd December, Year 2 took part in a virtual visit, with author and illustrator Nick Sharratt. Nick read his new book 'Oh No! Shark in the Snow!' to the class and the children took part in a illustrating workshop with Nick. It was lovely to see the children so engaged and excited to meet and listen to Nick!
Friday Celebration Worship
In today’s celebration worship, our youngest member of the school Iris helped us to finish off our Christmas tree by putting the star on the top! We celebrated lots of sporting and personal achievements from our children and talked about our Christian value of Respect and especially how important it is to show this value to others over the Christmas period.
Forces and magnets in Year 3
In Science we have been sorting magnetic and non-magnetic materials using magnets.
Year 6 fire safety visit
On Friday Year 6 had a visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue service. Here they spoke about keeping safe within our homes and also when out in the community. Year 6 asked some excellent questions and maintained a mature attitude throughout the session.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Every child in school helped to decorate the Christmas tree yesterday. This morning in Worship, Iris, our youngest child in school got to put the star on top of the Christmas tree. It certainly is starting to look, feel and sound like Christmas at St Barnabas.
Explanation Texts - How is a circuit made?
In our English lesson today, we looked at how we can explain how a circuit can be made. We used conjunctions to create sentences with subordinate clauses, thinking about use of commas and technical language.