Image of Reception Christmas Party!
15 Dec

Reception Christmas Party!

Reception had an amazing time at their Christmas Party! They played musical bumps, Christmas corners and pass the parcel. We also had a very special visitor in the afternoon with a sack full of presents for everyone.

Image of A special visit from Father Christmas
15 Dec

A special visit from Father Christmas

Our infant classes were over the moon to have a special visit from Father Christmas after their parties. They all received a special gift for working so hard and behaving so well.

Image of Year 1’s visit from Santa
15 Dec

Year 1’s visit from Santa

Year 1 had a magical visit from Father Christmas after their Christmas party. The look of excitement on their faces was priceless.

Image of Junior Christmas lunch
15 Dec

Junior Christmas lunch

Our juniors loved their Christmas lunch today. It was wonderful to see them cracking crackers with their friends and wearing their party hats. We had a singalong to some of our favourite Christmas songs too. Thank you Mellors for the lovely Christmas lunch!

Image of Infant Christmas lunch
15 Dec

Infant Christmas lunch

Our infants really enjoyed their Christmas lunch today. It was wonderful to see them cracking crackers with their friends and wearing their party hats. We had a singalong to some of our favourite Christmas songs too. Thank you Mellors for the lovely Christmas lunch!

Image of Year 2 D.T
15 Dec

Year 2 D.T

Year 2 has a fantastic afternoon making their Christmas fruit kebabs! The children used their designs whilst making the kebabs and we also used the bridge and claw cut whilst preparing our fruit. The class used all of the equipment safely and responsibly and enjoying seeing their designs come to life!

Image of The magical Christmas Jigsaw
15 Dec

The magical Christmas Jigsaw

We are so proud of Year 1 and 2 for their amazing performance of ‘The Magical Christmas Jigsaw’. They were all super stars! ⭐️

Image of Y4 Testing Circuits
15 Dec

Y4 Testing Circuits

Y4 created two types of circuits, parallel and series, to tests which would be best for making a light up spinner card.

Image of Y4 on an Advent Trail
15 Dec

Y4 on an Advent Trail

Y4 went on a walk to look at the beautiful St Barnabas Advent art. We also created an Advent trail for KS1.

Image of Year 1 Nativity
14 Dec

Year 1 Nativity

Our Year 1 children made us all so proud with their wonderful Nativity. They sang beautifully and said their lines clearly and with confidence. The parents and grandparents loved it. You are all superstars!

Image of Outdoor exploration in Reception
14 Dec

Outdoor exploration in Reception

Reception love to use the outdoors in all weathers. We have been building houses, making potions, building bug houses and performing on our stage.

Image of Reception:  making Reindeer food
14 Dec

Reception: making Reindeer food

This week we have learnt all of the names of Santa’s reindeer. We have looked at what reindeer look like and what they eat. We have made some magical reindeer food to take home. The children followed the instructions carefully to make their reindeer food. They can’t wait to sprinkle it outside their houses on Christmas Eve night!