Image of Year 6 Science
21 Apr

Year 6 Science

Today Year 6 have been discussing what ‘inheritance’ means and where we biologically get our traits from. If they are simply inherited from our families, influenced by our environment, or a mixture of both.

Image of Year 2 visit Darwen Heritage Centre
21 Apr

Year 2 visit Darwen Heritage Centre

Year 2 learnt all about the history of Darwen at Darwen Heritage Centre. Thank you John East for being an amazing historian guide.

Image of Year 6 RE
21 Apr

Year 6 RE

Year 6 spoke about what the word ‘Messiah’ might mean to different people and why. Thinking about their own beliefs and the views of others.

Image of Year 3 PE - Rugby Skills
21 Apr

Year 3 PE - Rugby Skills

Year 3 have been practising passing a rugby ball using a swing pass.

Image of Year 1- Lunchtime on the MUGA
21 Apr

Year 1- Lunchtime on the MUGA

Year 1 enjoyed their session on our Multi-Use Games Area at lunchtime with Miss Baxendale. They all joined in exceptionally well and worked as part of a team. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 1- Exploring what plants need to grow.
21 Apr

Year 1- Exploring what plants need to grow.

This afternoon, Year 1 set up an experiment in their science lesson. They are investigating what will happen to the growth of cress in 4 different conditions. The first is with soil, sunlight and water, the second is with soil and sunlight but no water, the third is with soil and water but no sunlight and the forth one is with sunlight and water but no soil. They are looking forward to observing the results.

Image of English- Year 5
21 Apr

English- Year 5

In English, we have been reading and analysing the book ' The Invention of Hugo Cabaret'. This week, we summarised the story so far in small groups.

Image of Junior Jam- Year 5
21 Apr

Junior Jam- Year 5

Outdoors photography with Mr Toal from Junior Jam plus outdoors music with Miss Kennedy and street dance with Miss Anderton.

Image of Science; Year 5
21 Apr

Science; Year 5

This week in science, the children have learnt that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a small force to have a greater effect. They worked out that you have to pull further on the rope when it is looped over more time, but it is easier to pull. They also investigated resistance in different liquids.

Image of Art inspired by Damien Hirst
21 Apr

Art inspired by Damien Hirst

We have created our art gallery today which features work inspired by Damien Hirst. We looked at various media and our final masterpieces were created by blow painting. They look amazing!

Image of Year 4- Comparing Egypt to the UK
21 Apr

Year 4- Comparing Egypt to the UK

Year 4 have started our new history topic- Ancient Egypt today. In our first session we have been comparing Egypt to the Uk looking at key differences and similarities.

Image of Reception Spring Activities
20 Apr

Reception Spring Activities

Reception are enjoying all of our Spring Activities in class. We have been completing beautiful observational drawings of Daffodils and have been exploring our mini beast small world area. We are learning about lots of the changes that take place in Spring such as leaves growing on trees and chicks hatching from their eggs.