Image of Money Matters Visit
25 Apr

Money Matters Visit

Today Year 6 welcomed a visitor into their classroom, Mr Souter, who led a session around budgeting. Here year 6 took part in class discussions around, wants and needs, understanding the importance of having a ‘surplus’ income and what can happen if we overspend. Year 6 were very mature throughout, asking relevant questions and will hopefully use this information wisely when it comes to their own spending/ saving.

Image of Striking and Fielding Games- Year 5
25 Apr

Striking and Fielding Games- Year 5

One of our units in P.E this term is all about precision when striking to evade fielders; to be able to react quickly and being able to catch a ball. Before we play a simple striking and fielding game we are learning the skills that will enable us to play effectively. Today the children learnt how to throw a ball underarm from a stationary position and through a target (hoop) which is held by another child to a backstop.

Image of French Reading - Year 5
25 Apr

French Reading - Year 5

This afternoon, Year 5 have been reading and answering questions in French, with Miss Woodcock. Miss Woodcock was really impressed with how far they have come and how much they have remembered.

Image of Earth Day- Year 5
22 Apr

Earth Day- Year 5

Happy Earth Day! The children decorated the Earth template with things they love about the Earth and wrote a poem to celebrate.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - Earth Day
22 Apr

Year 3 PSHE - Earth Day

Year 3 have been exploring different ways that they can look after our planet Earth. They began by decorating a picture of the Earth with the things they love about it. Then they thought about what actions they could take to look after and protect the Earth.

Image of Celebration Worship
22 Apr

Celebration Worship

Today, we welcomed our parents back to Celebration Worship after two years. It was wonderful to have you all back. We then introduced our whole school worship by talking about Earth Day. We discussed how it's important to show respect to the earth as God created it for us. We were especially proud of Year 2 who did some litter picking around Darwen yesterday during their local area walk in Geography, and our other classes are looking forward to some further reflection on the importance of looking after the earth in their classes later today. We then celebrated some in and out of school achievements. We heard from our class teachers about how our children are living life in all its fullness. We said thank you to some boys across school who came into school in the holidays to take part in a darts competition and we also said a huge thank you to WOW group for their success in leading their first messy church on Tuesday this week. Well done WOW group! We then celebrated some individual sports superstars. Well done to Archie in Year 4 for his darts and football achievements, Jason, Lennox, Cassidy and Isaac for their swimming success, Cassidy for her gymnastics success, Olivia for very good listening and being sensible at rainbows and Mason for his dance talent . We had some notices from Mrs Govan and our Head and Deputy Head girl. Mrs Govan told us about the competition that is currently running linked to the Queen's Jubilee. Please see Class Dojo for further details. Our Head and Deputy Head girl told us about the new playtime equipment that they have ordered with some of the money that we raised as a school from the movie nights before half term. Finally, we ended our worship with some lovely prayers from Lily and Mason.

Image of Year 2 Earth Day: Litter Picking
21 Apr

Year 2 Earth Day: Litter Picking

Year 2 have been helping out the local community and the environment, by collecting litter during their local area walk!

Image of Year 2 Local Area Walk
21 Apr

Year 2 Local Area Walk

Year 2 have had a busy day exploring their local area. We visited a variety of different landmarks and followed The River Darwen to the town centre. Throughout the day, the children recorded some of the different human and physical features that they could see and next week, we will be creating our own maps of Darwen and locating some of the places that we have visited today on our own maps!

Image of D.T- Textiles- After School Club
21 Apr

D.T- Textiles- After School Club

Our first lesson went extremely well. We first drew our initial letter on a 3x3 squared paper. We then looked at different types of stitches; zig zag stitch, cross stitch, blanket stitch and the running stitch. The children thought the running stitch was the ideal one to to practice which they all tried independently.

Image of Reception - Migration and Bird feeders
21 Apr

Reception - Migration and Bird feeders

This afternoon, we have been learning about Migration, where in the Winter, flocks of birds fly to warmer countries like Africa to find sources of food and new homes. Then when Spring arrives in the UK, the birds fly back here. We wanted to welcome the birds back to the UK by making bird feeders and hanging them in the trees in the school grounds. The children are very excited to see which birds will arrive to nibble on their treats.

Image of Parents’ evening -thank you!
21 Apr

Parents’ evening -thank you!

Thank you to everyone who attended parents’ evening last night. We had 89% of our parents attend which was great. It was lovely to welcome you back into school again and we hope you enjoyed hearing how your child has progressed since the last parents’ evening in December. Thank you for your patience when waiting for appointments and for your ongoing support. If you weren’t able to attend last night, please contact class teachers via class dojo to arrange a phone call or meeting. A quick reminder that parents and carers are now welcome to join us for our Family Celebration Worship on Friday mornings. Refreshments will be available from 8.55am and worship will start at 9.15am. We look forward to seeing you.

Image of Year 3 Art - in the style of Georgia O’Keefe
21 Apr

Year 3 Art - in the style of Georgia O’Keefe

Year 3 have been looking at paintings by Georgia O’Keefe. They have drawn flowers in her style.