Reception PSHE solving conflicts
In PSHE, we looked at how to resolve conflicts in the best way. We shared a story about Harold the cat, who didn’t want to share all of his things with a new kitten. We talked about what choices we could make to solve problems that make us feel angry, sad or annoyed and what steps we can take to make things better.
Prevent Workshop- Year 5
This afternoon, Year 5 had a workshop with content that explains Prevent, the radicalisation process, how to identify at-risk students, how to raise concerns and what an appropriate response looks like. They all asked questions and raised any concerns that they had in a very mature way.
Year 6 Prevent Workshop
Today Year 6 have taken part in a ‘Prevent Workshop’. The focus was ‘radicalisation’. There were lots of big words used throughout the discussions, for example, manipulation, grooming and extremism. As a class they were very mature, asking some great questions and engaged well with the topic. Well done Year 6!
Year 4 - Sound Investigation
In science this week Year 4 have been investigating how sound travels across a distance. We learned about diffraction and how we can channel sound by cupping our ears.
Year 4 - Investigating Information Texts
In our English lessons, Year 4 have been looking at the structure of information texts and identifying key features.
Year 1 Art- printing with with Lego Duplo
As part of their art unit, Year 1 have been inspired by Lowry. They first explored his artwork and some of the buildings in Darwen such as the library, India Mill, the laundrette as a part of terraced houses and Darwen Market Hall. Today, they used their drawings and turned them into prints using black paint and Duplo Lego.
High fives netball- through to the finals!
A huge well done to our high fives netball squad who won all three of their matches tonight in the High Fives Tournament. They will now go on to the final against other qualifying schools next Tuesday. We are so proud of you all!
Year 1 Phonics- real and nonsense words
Year 1 have been practising reading real and nonsense words in some extra phonics sessions.
Year 1- Monday Lunchtime on the MUGA
Year 1 enjoyed their lunchtime on the MUGA yesterday lunchtime. They played different variations of tig including mega tig and dodgeball tig.
KS1 Story and Craft Club
Today in after school club, we read The Rainbow Fish. We had a great discussion about the book which reinforces important messages about friendship and kindness. We then decorated our own rainbow fish using a weaving technique and added further decoration using felt tips. The children were very creative in their designs.
Year 1 Class Worship- Christian Aid Week and The Good Samaritan
Today in class worship, Year 1 listened to the story of ‘The Good Samaritan.’ We learnt that Jesus told this story to help us know how to be good friends to people in need which is particularly fitting this week during Christian Aid Week. After the story, we reflected on ways in which we can be a Good Samaritan. The children suggested donating their old clothes, toys and books to children in need or selling these and donating the money to charities such as Christian Aid and saying prayers for people in need around the world. They also suggested giving each other hugs, smiles, a helping hand, compliments and sharing their equipment with each other. To end our worship we had some beautiful prayers where we asked God to help us to be a Good Samaritan and to pray for people around the world with unclean water and no shelter. We also sang, ‘We Can Make a Difference’.
Year 3 PSHE - Staying hydrated with water
Year 3 have learnt about the importance of staying hydrated, particularly during sports activities. Lewis recapped on previous learning about the high sugar levels in sports and energy drinks. He reinforced that drinking water or milk would be more beneficial in keeping teeth healthy as well as for our overall health.