Image of Celebration Worship
20 May

Celebration Worship

This morning we had lots to celebrate in our Worship. Year 4 and 5 received their certificates for their courage and commitment at PGL. We had plenty of sports stars with our high fives netball team storming through to the finals next week and we had plenty of personal achievements with super swimmers in the infants, cycling awards, gymnastics, Morris dancing and athletics. We also announced the 6 winners of the Darwen Rotary Club competition for the Queen’s Jubilee - a big well done to Alice, Summer, Ella, Wilson, Isaac and Eva for their entries and a big well done to everyone who entered. We will keep you updated with any further developments in the competition and the date for when the winning entries will be displayed in Darwen.

Image of The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebration Day
20 May

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebration Day

On Friday 27th May we will be having a special day to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Children may come to school dressed in red, white and/ or blue or they may want to wear a queen, princess, king or prince clothing. Please do not go out and buy anything new though. In the morning we will have a special 'Royal Variety Performance' with 20 talented acts. The Mayor and Mayoress of Blackburn with Darwen will be attending and parents are welcome to come and watch too. At lunchtime we will be having a Royal Variety Afternoon Tea and weather permitting we will have a picnic outside. Each child will receive a special commemorative Platinum Jubilee Coin from our Trust and a special Jubilee book. What a great way to end such a brilliant term and to show our thanks to her Majesty the Queen for her service to our country over the last 70 years!

Image of DPSSA Netball League
19 May

DPSSA Netball League

A beautiful evening and some wonderful netball played. We played our final group stage fixtures tonight and won both games with scores of 24-0 and 9-1. The team were on fire and now we have topped our group table, we will go onto the grand final in a few weeks. So proud of your spirit, encouragement and determination! Go Team B

Image of Year 2 Geography: Weather and Pollution
19 May

Year 2 Geography: Weather and Pollution

This week in Geography, Year 2 explored the different types of weather that we get in the U.K. We watched some videos of a selection of different weather types and the class described the different types of weather that they could see.

Image of Changes- PSHE- Year 5
19 May

Changes- PSHE- Year 5

During our P.S.H.E lesson this morning, the children Identified parts of the body that males and females have in common and those that are different. We discussed that now or in the next few years everyone in the class will start changing. We also discussed that puberty is the process by which our bodies change from a child’s to an adult’s. It is normal to be worried and anxious about these things and if they feel scared it is important to talk to a trusted adult or drop a question in our class 'Ask it Basket'.

Image of Year 6 Science
19 May

Year 6 Science

Today year 6 are creating an animal which they have designed using plasticine. They needed to consider what the animal might need depending on their environment and Think about how the animal has adapted to live there.

Image of Community Groups
19 May

Community Groups

We have lots of different community groups and activities for children and/or adults that meet either in our school or in our local community. Please see our community groups page for further information. We are always looking for different opportunities for our children to be involved in a variety of activities out of school and we love hearing about their achievements in our weekly Friday Celebration Worship. If you run a community group or club and you would like us to promote it, please send any flyers to [email protected] and we will add them to our website.

Image of Year 4 Smart School Council
19 May

Year 4 Smart School Council

Today in Year 4, we held our second SMART council meeting. Our ‘Class Leader’ was Sienna and our ‘Notetaker’ was Wilson. We discussed how we could improve our playtimes at school. We had four groups with three of them choosing to have football nets and one group choosing the option of having an indoor area to do colouring and mindfulness. The children worked really well within their groups and discussed the five key ideas in a really mature way as did our leaders.

Image of Year 3 Class Worship - Christian Aid Week
19 May

Year 3 Class Worship - Christian Aid Week

Year 3 watched the story of “The Good Samaritan” and thought about who their neighbour is. Everyone is our neighbour, no matter what their creed, race, colour or gender is. They listened to the words of the hymn “When I needed a neighbour”, wrote some prayers and ended the worship by singing “Chain of Love”. We can all do something to help a neighbour.

Image of Gift for the Queen Competition Entries
19 May

Gift for the Queen Competition Entries

We have had so many fantastic entries for the Jubilee gift competition with Darwen Rotary Club! Lots of children have made such thoughtful gifts for the Queen, so a big thank you to all those who entered. Unfortunately, we can only select 6 finalists to submit to Darwen Rotary Club for judging and we will be announcing these in Celebration Worship tomorrow with a small prize for each winner.

Image of Year 2 P.E
19 May

Year 2 P.E

Today in P.E, Year 2 looked at getting into the ready position when throwing and catching. We also focused on the skill of how to catch a ball. Over the course of the year, I have been really impressed with how much the class have progressed with their team work in P.E. The class are now starting to apply the skills learnt in P.E lessons to team games, which is great to see!

Image of Year 4 DT - Ancient Egyptian Weaving
19 May

Year 4 DT - Ancient Egyptian Weaving

As part our our DT project we have been learning the art of weaving. Today we mastered paper weaving and then started on a fabric weave. The children learnt how to use a shuttle and add their selected threads in traditional Egyptian colours.