Image of Addition and subtraction using different strategies
30 Sep

Addition and subtraction using different strategies

Today in Year 6, we have been using a variety of different methods to solve addition and subtraction problems. The children have applied bar models, place value grids and column methods to check their answers.

Image of Visit from Bolton Music Service
30 Sep

Visit from Bolton Music Service

Today in Year 5 and 6, we have had a visit from Bolton Music Service to introduce our Upper Key Stage 2 children to the 5 brass instruments they will have the opportunity to learn this year. The children were mesmerised by the music and instruments shown and really represented our school brilliantly.

Image of Year 1 Maths
30 Sep

Year 1 Maths

Year 1 have been comparing numbers using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols. They have also been estimating the position of numbers on a number line.

Image of Creating master pieces in the style of Romero Britto in Year 4
30 Sep

Creating master pieces in the style of Romero Britto in Year 4

In Year 4, we have been studying the life and work of Romero Britto. We have been identifying the key elements of his artwork and analysing a variety of pieces. Today we selected pieces of his artwork that feature animals and used these to create our own examples using pencil and felt. We are really pleased with what we have achieved.

Image of Superb netball passing development
30 Sep

Superb netball passing development

Today, we have been focusing on our passing skills this week. The children have been absolutely superb and showing our Christian value of respect in helping each other develop these skills.

Image of Super Scientists!
29 Sep

Super Scientists!

This term, Year 2 are learning all about living things and their habitats. This week, we have been thinking about the differences between living, non-living and never lived. We also learnt about the characteristics of living things with Mrs Gren!

Image of Year 5- Learning all about the Bible
29 Sep

Year 5- Learning all about the Bible

Year 5 had a wonderful session with Rev David and Lorraine, this afternoon.We invited them into our classroom to tell us what they know about the Bible. They were able to answer so many of our questions which we had prepared as a class. We also had a chance to explore different Bibles.

Image of Year 4 Dribbles and Passes
29 Sep

Year 4 Dribbles and Passes

Game faces at the ready! Year 4 enjoyed the dribbling and passing challenges in PE this week.

Image of Hooray for Harvest!
29 Sep

Hooray for Harvest!

Year 3 have been learning all about how Christians celebrate the Harvest Festival. They are looking forward to our upcoming Harvest Festival and have started collecting toiletries to give to refugees in our community, to give them a warm welcome and show them our generosity and friendship.

Image of WOW Worship- European Day of Languages
28 Sep

WOW Worship- European Day of Languages

Our Worship Our Way (WOW) group planned and led our Worship today about European Day of Languages. We celebrated diversity & the gift of language that God has given to us. We also learnt lots of ways to say hello & greet each other in different languages.

Image of Aliens have landed in Reception!
28 Sep

Aliens have landed in Reception!

An alien called Zap landed in Reception this week. The alien wrote a letter to the children and told them that he was lonely. We have thought about what makes a good friend and created our own alien friends. The children have made aliens using foam and have named and described them, they have painted aliens and created 2D shape aliens! Our Ducklings are really enjoying reading the story ‘Aliens love underpants’ too. 

Image of Goodbye Rev David and Lorraine
27 Sep

Goodbye Rev David and Lorraine

On behalf of our whole school family, I’d like to say a huge thank you, best wishes and goodbye to Rev David and Lorraine, who are retiring this week. They have given so much amazing support to our school over the years and have brightened up the darkest of days during the pandemic with their online services and attending our zoom worships. We wish them all the best in the future and hope they can spend quality time with their family. Please click to access their memories and worship videos.