Year 1 Local History Lesson in Darwen Heritage Centre
Year 1 had a super history lesson learning about the changes that have happened within Darwen Town Centre in the past couple of centuries. Our expert (Albert) from the Darwen Heritage centre showed the children a range of different historical images and photographs of the town centre many years ago and was able to explain what is in place of them geographically today. The children couldn’t believe that a few live bears and their keepers roamed the streets of Darwen for entertainment purposes years ago, or that the butchers hung their meat outside their shops! They got to handle and see artefacts including olden day money and a wooden cash register too.
Year 1 History Walk in Darwen High Street
Year 1 have really enjoyed walking around Darwen High Street identifying different types of shops and finding out which type of shops used to be around many years ago. With the help of an expert from the Darwen Heritage Centre, they were shown different places that used to be bakers, butchers, grocery stores, pharmacies, shoe shops or different types of clothes shops (such as hat shops). They also walked through Darwen Market Place and found some placards explaining which shops used to exist in the 1800s.
Darwen Primary Cross Country Finals Night
What a fantastic turnout for the final race night for DPSSA Cross Country! Team B pushed themselves so hard and showed true determination even with a few falls along the way. We worked brilliantly as a team and managed to secure second place overall. We also had success with Sophie coming second place overall in the girls Y5/6 races and also a second place overall for our Y5/6 Girls squad: Sophie, Charlotte, Aisha and Lucy. Well done to everyone involved!
Year 1 Maths Using Tens and Ones to Make Numbers to 100
Year 1 have been making different 2 digit numbers up to 100 using dienes to help them identify how many tens and ones there are within the numbers. They have worked in pairs to create numbers and then made their own numbers so they can compare them too. Tomorrow they will look at one more and one less than any number up to 100.
Reception - Understanding Of The World - Erosion
This week, Reception class have learned all about erosion. We looked at videos of the waves crashing against the cliffs and discussed what has happened over time. We looked at houses that had moved closer the cliff edge and decided we wouldn’t like to live there! We then conducted an investigation by crashing the water against the rocks in a tray and watched them erode away. The children also enjoyed investigating this in their choosing time.
Reception - Maths - Sharing
This week, reception have looked at how to fairly share objects in maths. The children had to decide how to equally share out gummy bears. They used their problem solving skills to share out odd amounts and came up with some fantastic ideas about how we can share them out. Of course, their favourite part was eating them afterwards!
Year 1 History Challenge in the Darwen Heritage Centre
After their super history lesson at the Darwen Heritage Centre, Year 1 were challenged to find the words for different types of shops around the two rooms inside the centre and also the corridor linking them. They were looking for these particular words: baker, boots & shoes, butcher, chemist and clothes. They had to tick how many words they could find on a worksheet. The exact amount of shops in Darwen from the olden days had been put around the rooms. The children found that they all had the most ticks for the clothes shops. They also really enjoyed looking at the giant models of Darwen Tower and all the unique historical artefacts that the heritage centre has within in.
Viking Longboat Challenge
To complete our history unit on the Vikings, we complete a longboat challenge. The children worked in teams to design and make their very own boat, featuring key pieces such as oars and rudders. These were then evaluated using the success criteria. What a fantastic way to finish the unit and well done to the children for working so well in their teams.
Formal Elements of Art in Year 4
In our art session, we looked at different techniques using both chalk and charcoal. We completed different samples and then went on to develop and interpret words through our drawings. We interpreted words such as stretchy, windy and wild. Every single child interpreted this differently and then we peer evaluated each piece.
Year 3 Class Worship
During class worship this week, we thought about bravery and how we show bravery in our day to day lives. We also learnt about the 4 children in the news this week, who survived for 40 days on their own, before being rescued. We spoke about how the children would have had to show so much bravery and courage over this time. We had a think about our Rock and River visit in a couple of weeks time and how we are going to show bravery and encourage our peers, by building each other up and pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone!
Year 3 Science: How is water transported within plants?
This term in Science, Year 3 are building their knowledge and understanding of plants and how they grow. This week, we thought about how water is transported within plants and how this is used In photosynthesis. We then set up our own class experiment, where we put some flowers into coloured dye and over the next couple of weeks, we will be observing what happens to the petals, as the water is transported within the plant.
Year 2 - Music
During this lesson, the children worked really hard to listen and find the notes within a piece of music. They had to listen carefully and identify the notes and recognise the sounds that D, A and F made within a particular piece of music.