Today’s worship with Rev. Matt began with a test of strength. Mr. Bloomfield was challenged to rip three different objects: a piece of paper, a piece of cardboard and a curtain. While the paper and cardboard tore easily, the curtain was more challenging, highlighting its strength and resilience. This demonstration led seamlessly into the powerful moment in the Bible when the great curtain in the temple—the barrier that symbolised separation from God—was torn in two at the moment of Jesus’ crucifixion.


Rev. Matt then read the Bible passage describing Jesus’ sacrifice, explaining that when the curtain was torn, it was a sign of God’s deep sorrow but also a powerful symbol that, through Jesus, we are no longer separated from Him. The children reflected on the significance of this moment and how Jesus’ sacrifice allows us to live in a close relationship with God.


Following this, the children considered how they could respond by living life in all its fullness. They shared ideas on how to show kindness, forgiveness and love in their daily lives, just as Jesus taught. They discussed ways to help others, make positive choices and appreciate the blessings around them. The worship ended with a moment of reflection, encouraging the children to think about how they can bring goodness into the world, strengthening their connection with God and those around them.