Good evening parents and carers, I’m so sorry for the late message but we are just back from the swimming gala. We are so proud to share that our swim team came 3rd overall out of 8 schools. Every child in our team won at least one medal and they were amazing at encouraging each other. Here are the medalists:
100m relay - 2nd Isaac
25m butterfly- 2nd Annabelle
25m butterfly- 2nd Isaac
25m breaststroke -2nd Sophie
25m breaststroke - 1st Isaac
Boys medley relay- 3rd
Boys freestyle relay - 3rd
Girls freestyle relay - 3rd
Thanks to Mrs Gardner for running the swimming trials and sorting the admin. Thank you to Mr Bloomfield for supporting the children with me tonight. A huge thanks to the parents and siblings who came along to cheer them along, it was a brilliant atmosphere!
We have had another wonderful week at St Barnabas. For all of the news from this week, please click here: https://www.stbarnabasdarwen.co.uk/news
Year 6 have an exciting week next week as we go on our visit to London and the book fair will be visiting our school.
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend and thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham