Miss Flynn, our Reading leader led a special World Book Day Assembly this morning. We watched a special voucher rap and learnt how we can get free books using our World Book Day voucher and Miss Flynn shared her top suggestions for each year group.
We then looked at a wordless story called The Journey by the Aaron Becker. The little girl in the story had a magic red pencil that she used to draw different types of transport that took her on a magical journey. Miss Flynn challenged each class to create their own St Barnabas journey and to use their imaginations to create their own settings and form of transport. We can’t wait to see what they produce as we had some amazingly imaginative ideas during our assembly.
Our library leaders told everyone about a favourite book bunting competition that every child will take part in today. We can't wait to see the entries and there will be a winner from each class announced on Monday in Worship.
This afternoon class teachers will be swapping classes to read to a different year group. The children will enjoy fair trade hot chocolate and marshmallows whilst snuggling up in their pyjamas and listening to a story.