Brilliant Bowling!
Mrs Ham had the privilege of taking a group of amazing children to a special Pantathlon Challenge bowling competition at Blackburn Bowling. She was so proud and impressed with the behaviour of all of the children and the way they encouraged each other and represented our school so brilliantly. They all did so well at improving their bowling skills so they got a medal and certificate each!
Staff Training: Autism
A huge thank you to Anne from the Autism Education Trust for delivering training to all of our staff on ‘Making sense of autism in schools’.
Year 1 Class Worship- World Down Syndrome Day
In class worship this morning, Year 1 watched a video to learn and understand more about Down syndrome and then listened to the story ‘This is ME!’ This story helped us to understand that we are all different and have many different interests and qualities that make us all unique. To end our worship, we had some lovely prayers from Annabel and Elijah about showing kindness to each other and appreciating all of our differences that make us unique.
Year 3- Class Worship- World Down Syndrome Day
Today, on 'World Down Syndrome Day', Year 3 proudly wore mismatched socks to raise awareness for Down Syndrome. We learned that individuals with Down Syndrome are just like us-they go to school, have friends, and enjoy everyday activities. We celebrated our differences and thanked God for making us all unique and special.
ADHD Parenting Course- Starts tonight
ADHD North West is committed to providing a free, unique support service to empower and improve the wellbeing of individuals and families affected by an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and associated conditions. We believe in making a difference by improving knowledge, and mental health, increasing confidence, reducing isolation, and encouraging aspirations. Designed to meet the needs of parents of children who are diagnosed or in assessment for ADHD, this online programme is extremely successful. It allows us to reach a larger group of parents who live within our commissioned areas (East / West Lancashire, Blackburn with Darwen and Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre). If you live within the commissioned areas, we would like to invite you to attend the course, meet members of our team and learn and understand how to manage your child’s ADHD. The course has a step-by-step approach which we build on each session. If you are a parent and wish to attend, please complete the registration form by clicking on the image above and emailing it to [email protected]
Brilliant Bowling!
Mrs Ham had the privilege of taking a group of boys to a special SEND bowling competition at Blackburn Bowling this morning. She was so proud of the way they behaved and represented our school. They all did so brilliantly and got a medal each. One boy said he had never won a medal before so was extremely proud. Well done boys!
Year 4: Smart School Council - All about Autism
In our Smart School Council session today, we looked at how we can promote awareness of autism, in particular, Autism Awareness Week 2023. The children discussed the options very sensitively and highlighted that some people have siblings that are also autistic and have varying needs.
ADHD Course Information
Good morning, Please have a look at the flyer from ADHD North West regarding a course that they are running (again) from March 13th, parents can self-refer to this, the course covers: Characteristics of ADHD Other difficulties Associated conditions Diagnostic criteria Sensory difficulties The Brain Medication Effective communication Use of praise Behavioral strategies Testing & Manipulation
ADHD Parent Support Sessions
Does your child have ADHD or some of the signs of ADHD? If so, please see the attached poster if you would like to learn and understand how to manage your child's ADHD.
Brilliant Bowling!
Mrs Ham had the pleasure of taking some of our Year 3 children to a special SEND 10 pin bowling competition this morning. She was so impressed with the behaviour of all of the children and the way they encouraged each other. They said they had had the best morning of their lives! What super stars!
Brilliant Boccia
It was an absolute pleasure to take four superstars to the Boccia Festival this morning at QEGS. They won three out of their five games and represented our school so brilliantly, especially as they also assisted the referee when it wasn’t their turn to play and kept score. They are super keen to lead a Boccia club next term and Boccia sessions on the MUGA with Miss Baxendale at lunchtimes.
ELCAS Parent support group: Separation Anxiety
Please have a look at the flyer regarding a parent support group for separation anxiety. Thank you.