Image of Year 5 - Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Year 5 - Hello Yellow Day

Today we celebrated Hello Yellow Day. As a class and school we raised awareness of mental health and how important it is to have a secure and healthy mental state. We wore yellow to symbolise that awareness and during class time we looked at the variety of ways we can improve our mental health and how our actions and words can have a negative impact on people around us. It was amazing to see all the children celebrating and raising awareness

Image of Year 3- Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Year 3- Hello Yellow Day

Following our whole school worship to celebrate 'Hello Yellow Day', Year 3 showcased their creativity by making artwork on the theme of kindness, using affirmations and illustrations. We also explored the importance of talking to a trusted adult about any worries they may have.

Image of Whole-School Worship: Jacob and Esau and God’s Forgiveness
10 Oct

Whole-School Worship: Jacob and Esau and God’s Forgiveness

Rev Matt joined us for worship today. He talked about good and bad, and then read the story of Isaac’s sons, Esau and Jacob. We then reflected on how God taught Jacob to be truthful and how He showed forgiveness.

Image of Reception: Learning about Islam
10 Oct

Reception: Learning about Islam

This week our Ducklings learnt all about Islamic prayer beads. They are what Muslims use to pray to God. They are called ‘Subha’. We had a look at a variety of prayer beads and learnt that there are 99 beads which represent a name that is given to God. Some of the names include the kind, the light, the strong, the first, the guide and the loving. Thank you to Miss Kachwalla for bringing her prayer beads in.

Image of Reception celebrate Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Reception celebrate Hello Yellow Day

Our Ducklings loved wearing yellow today to celebrate world mental health day. We discussed who we could talk to if we felt sad or unhappy. Alayna said we could speak to a teacher, Callie said we could speak to a positive grown up, Millie said we could tell our Mummies and Olivia said we could tell our Grandma’s. We then discussed what we could do to make us feel happy. Percy said we could play with our toys, Cici said we could go for a run, Hollie said we could read a book and Edward said we could sing a song!

Image of Year 1- Creating and Writing Questions
10 Oct

Year 1- Creating and Writing Questions

Year 1 have been busy creating and writing sentences using the 6 key questions words (who, what, when, where, why and how). They have worked hard to ensure that their questions have capital letters, fingers spaces and questions marks and start with one of the question words. They came up with questions such as ‘What do they eat?’ ‘Where do they live?’ ‘How much do they weigh?’ ‘How long do they live for?’ ‘How do they move?’ ‘When do they sleep? and ‘What type of animal are they?’ Tomorrow they will answer questions similar to these by recalling information from film clips and eventually they will use these sorts of questions in a non-chronological report.

Image of Year 5 - Maths
9 Oct

Year 5 - Maths

During our maths lessons, Year 5 have been exploring more place value and understanding multiplying and dividing my 10, 100 and 1000. The children enjoyed taking part in the human place value chart and understood well the movement of the numbers when multiplying and dividing. The children moved onto understanding numbers in expanded form and used a variety of models to represent numbers in many ways.

Image of Year 2 - Art
9 Oct

Year 2 - Art

This afternoon we continued to develop our Art and Design skills. We revisited pattern making from last week and discussed how we can make our own patterns. This week we used clay to add texture to our patterns. To do this we drew patterns with our craft knives and looked at different techniques to create alternative textures and patterns. Next week, we will hone our skills and create our finished tiles. Using other tools to create more intricate patterns.

Image of Foodie Friends Funtime Club
9 Oct

Foodie Friends Funtime Club

The children had a wonderful time enjoying designing and creating their own healthy fruit skewers. They practised using a knife safely to cut the fruit and carefully placed the fruits on to the skewers. Everyone helped with the cleaning and tidying, then they all got the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their labour.

Image of Let's Go Sing Choir Workshop
6 Oct

Let's Go Sing Choir Workshop

Our Choir had their first workshop today in preparation for their 'Let's Go Sing' Concert next year. The vocal coach Rachel was so impressed with their efforts and said they were one of the best Choirs she has taught so far this year - so a big well done to our small but mighty Choir!

Image of Play Leader Practical Session
6 Oct

Play Leader Practical Session

Our Play Leaders have now completed their final practical training session and are ready to go. The Year 1 and Year 2 children joined in with various warm ups, differentiated games and activities. All they need now is their scheduled timetables, whistle and uniform - we can’t wait to see them in action!

Image of Celebration Worship
6 Oct

Celebration Worship

This morning, Rotakids welcomed us into celebration worship as we came in dressed in the colours of the Moroccan flag. They thanked us all for supporting our non-uniform day to raise money for Morocco who have recently faced an earthquake. They explained that our money would go towards medical supplies and other essentials such as blankets, food and shelter for those who were affected in the earthquake on September, 8th. We then said goodbye to Mr Tierney for his 7 years of service as our fantastic site supervisor. It was clear from the children’s memories that they shared and the video that Mrs Ham had made that Mr Tierney has had a hugely wonderful impact on our whole school family and that he will be greatly missed, especially for the joy and humour that he spreads on a daily basis. The children absolutely loved your goodbye song dressed as Santa Claus… what a way to end your time here at St Barnabas! We also said thank you very much to our amazing choir who sang at The harvest Festival on Sunday. We then said well done to Cici, Phoebe, Renee, Scarlett, James, Grace, Matthew and Charlie who were our value award winners this week and Isaac, James, Mila, James, Naomi, Lydia and Layla for being our out of school sports achievers. Well done to Isaac for showing good sportsmanship at football, James for being beaver of the week, Mila for attending rainbows for one year, James for achieving his stage 4 in swimming, Naomi for being extremely kind at rainbows and getting Olivia, Lydia for joining in and being a superstar at rainbows and Layla for being a wonderful footballer. We then congratulated River Darwen who are our value award point winners this week, Reception and Year 5 who are our amazing attendance award winners this week, our Year 5/6 football team for wonderful sportsmanship last night and winning all 3 games, our play leaders for completing their training and Eden and Esme for achieving their pen licenses. Finally, we ended with some lovely prayers wishing Mr Tierney all the best at his new job at Blackburn college and for those who are facing hardship in Morocco due to the devastating impact of the recent earthquake. Just a reminder that next Tuesday 10th October is Hello Yellow Day so all children are asked to wear something yellow to celebrate World Mental Health Day. We wish you an enjoyable weekend and thank you for all of your support this week.