Image of Celebration Worship - 24/11/23
24 Nov

Celebration Worship - 24/11/23

This morning in celebration worship, we started our worship by presenting our value award winners with their certificates. Well done to Joey, Archie, Olivia, Ivy, Ella, Esme, Wilson and Ross for consistently demonstrating an exceptional attitude to learning and always showing respect, kindness and friendship. Mrs Ham also awarded a special bravery award for Sonny in Year 3. Today marks one year since he was diagnosed with diabetes. This past year, he has taken all of the hospital trips and disruptions to his usual routines in his stride and shown an immense amount of courage. We are so proud of you Sonny! Our head and deputies then awarded Darwen Tower as the overall value award winners this week and Mrs Ham announced Reception class and Year 6 as the amazing attendance winners this week. We then celebrated lots of children who have been achieving great things out of school. Well done to Mila for achieving her drawing badge at rainbows, Eliza for being a superstar horse rider, Annabelle for achieving her drawing badge at rainbows and the rainbows theme award for expressing herself, Desmond for being a super swimmer, Marley for showing kindness, Archie for achieving 20m front crawl swimming, Callie for achieving her stage 3 award at swimming, Penelope for achieving a rosette in her horse riding, Poppy for achieving a trophy for being a fantastic footballer and Skye for displaying lots of new skills in her horse riding lessons. We then applauded Alice in Year 3, Poppy in Year 5, Wilson, Charlie, Lucy and Jacob in Year 6 for their successful entries into the ‘Happy News competition’ which was launched in school a few weeks ago. Mrs Govan then launched our current competition. Mrs Govan explained that Home Bargains are accepting entries into a Christmas card competition that we would love our children to enter into. The winner of the competition will get their Christmas card printed and sold in Home Bargains and the money raised will go to Alder Hey Hospital. What a fantastic cause to support. Finally to end our worship, Rev Ben then said a beautiful prayer and Mrs Ham reminded us about non-uniform day next Friday in exchange for chocolate or a toy for our FOSB School Christmas Fair on Wednesday 13th December. We thank you all for your continued support and we wish you all an enjoyable weekend.

Image of Year 6 History- Evacuees
23 Nov

Year 6 History- Evacuees

Today, we concluded our unit on propaganda and how it has been used throughout the ages. Our focus today was how it was used during WW2. Year 6 discovered that it was used to persuade parents to send their children to the countryside so that they were safe. Therefore, many pictures of evacuees shows them smiling. However, year 6 are now aware that this may not have reflected their true emotions as they will have left loved ones and special possessions behind.

Image of Year 6 Class Worship- Kindness
23 Nov

Year 6 Class Worship- Kindness

Today, in class worship, year 6 focused on kindness. We discussed that, even though we may be one person, we can still make a big difference. We watched a video all about acts of kindness and that if we show it to someone, the chances are that those people will then show kindness to others.

Image of Year 4 History - Why was the Roman army so successful?
23 Nov

Year 4 History - Why was the Roman army so successful?

In today’s history lesson we focused on why the Roman army was so successful. We investigated how the army was broken down into units with a legion having 5000 men, Cohorts then had 480 men and Century’s had 80 men in each group. Finally this was broken down into 10 groups of 8 soldiers who lived, ate and slept in tents together. We also looked at tactical Roman manoeuvres such as the Wedge and Testudo formations. The children can’t wait to finish their shield designs so we can try out the formations to see which would have worked the best in keeping the enemy at bay!

Image of Year 1- Can you create a rhyming pair?
23 Nov

Year 1- Can you create a rhyming pair?

Year 1 have been working extremely hard in their English lessons. They have been generating and matching their rhyming pairs such as lair and bear, log and frog, mud and pud, poop and soup, high and pie, hole and mole, rake and cake and trunk and skunk. They have been using these rhyming couplets to create their own scene such as ‘Where are you meeting him? Here by this lair and his favourite food is roasted bear. Roasted bear? I’m off, said the bear’ and ‘Where are you meeting him? Here by this log and his favourite food is chopped hedgehog. Chopped hedgehog? I’m off said the hedgehog.’ We are so impressed, well done Year 1.

Image of Reception Counting Arrangements
23 Nov

Reception Counting Arrangements

In Maths, Reception have been counting different arrangements of objects and practising their counting skills. They are remembering their ‘stopping number’ which tells us how many there are in a set once they have finished counting.

Image of Year 3- Class worship- Peace
23 Nov

Year 3- Class worship- Peace

During our class worship, the Year 3 class created a peace chain. They are hoping their peace chain travels the world and their messages of peace makes a difference.

Image of Reception: Creative crowns
23 Nov

Reception: Creative crowns

This morning Reception class has been getting very creative and made their own celebration crowns. They are all unique, just like our Ducklings. Well done!

Image of Year 6 R.E.- Pilgrimage
23 Nov

Year 6 R.E.- Pilgrimage

In R.E. Year 6 started to look at the pilgrimages of other religions. They focused on Hajj (an Islamic pilgrimage) and Kumbh Mela (a Hinduism pilgrimage). Once they had made some notes on these pilgrimages and how they are undertaken, the children then discussed how they are similar and different to the Christian and Jewish pilgrimages covered in earlier lessons.

Image of Year One Collective Worship
23 Nov

Year One Collective Worship

In collective worship, Year One created their paper chain for the ‘Let’s spread Peace Picture News Campaign.’ We reflected on all of the conflict in the world at present. We said some prayers for all of the people and families that are being affected by the war at the moment and therefore aren’t experiencing peace. We then thought about how we could help to create peace in our communities through displaying regular acts of kindness. We came up with ideas such as holding the door open for people, helping people up when they fall, saying kind things to people, asking people to join in our games, sharing our equipment, forgiving people for their mistakes and spreading love through hugs and smiles. We then drew these ideas on a strip of paper and joined all of our strips together to make a whole class paper chain. We can’t wait to connect out paper chain to create one huge one with the whole school.

Image of Year 1 D&T
23 Nov

Year 1 D&T

In D&T, Year 1 used the plan that they created last lesson to create the backgrounds for their moving pictures. They had to create two backgrounds. One of the backgrounds will be used as picture 1 and 2 in their moving story book and the second background will be used for picture 3 in their moving story book. We had the sky for reindeers to fly in, skies for Santa and his sleigh to fly in, chimneys for Santa to get into children’s houses, the roofs of houses for Santa and his sleigh to land on and fireplaces for Santa to land beside and deliver presents. Next lesson, year one will cut the sliders into their backgrounds and create the characters for the moving part of the picture.

Image of Year 3 - P.S.H.E- The Risk Robot
22 Nov

Year 3 - P.S.H.E- The Risk Robot

Today in P.S.H.E., we looked at our third lesson on 'Keeping Safe'. I described different risky situations, and the children had to decide whether the situation was a high, medium, or low risk by following these gestures: putting their hands on their heads for high risk, folding their arms for medium risk, and putting their hands on knees for low risk. We went through various scenarios like crossing a busy road, drinking from an unlabelled bottle, playing near a railway line, singing in front of the whole school, and playing in the school rounders/netball/football team. We then emphasized the importance of following the rules, using proper equipment, and practising good sportsmanship to create a safer and more enjoyable playing environment.