Hooray for Harvest!
Year 3 have been learning all about how Christians celebrate the Harvest Festival. They are looking forward to our upcoming Harvest Festival and have started collecting toiletries to give to refugees in our community, to give them a warm welcome and show them our generosity and friendship.
WOW Worship- European Day of Languages
Our Worship Our Way (WOW) group planned and led our Worship today about European Day of Languages. We celebrated diversity & the gift of language that God has given to us. We also learnt lots of ways to say hello & greet each other in different languages.
Aliens have landed in Reception!
An alien called Zap landed in Reception this week. The alien wrote a letter to the children and told them that he was lonely. We have thought about what makes a good friend and created our own alien friends. The children have made aliens using foam and have named and described them, they have painted aliens and created 2D shape aliens! Our Ducklings are really enjoying reading the story ‘Aliens love underpants’ too.
Goodbye Rev David and Lorraine
On behalf of our whole school family, I’d like to say a huge thank you, best wishes and goodbye to Rev David and Lorraine, who are retiring this week. They have given so much amazing support to our school over the years and have brightened up the darkest of days during the pandemic with their online services and attending our zoom worships. We wish them all the best in the future and hope they can spend quality time with their family. Please click to access their memories and worship videos.
Thank you!
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported our Macmillan coffee morning last week. We are very pleased to let you know that we raised a fantastic £398.23. This is amazing and is down to all of your contributions, which made it a huge success. Thank you!
Celebration Worship
A huge well done to everyone who received an award in our Celebration Worship today. It was wonderful to see and hear from your class teachers the different ways you have been living life in all its fullness this week. Mr Beaumont also reflected on our Worships about recycling over the week and how we need to care for our beautiful planet that God so lovingly created.
Year 5 workshop with PC Ros
This morning, year 5 have taken part in a lesson delivered by PC Ros. We talked about reaching the age of criminal responsibility (10 years old). We all had an opportunity to ask lots of questions and listen to real life crimes. We discussed the consequences of such crimes for both the offender and the victim.
Investigating rocks in Year 3!
Year 3 had lots of fun investigating different rocks in Science.
Our Amazing Art Gallery!
We have our amazing Art Gallery up in the school hall again! This time, each class has focused on their drawing skills to create their own self-portraits. The children have all worked really hard and have shown off their drawing techniques, such as shading to create different tones. Well done everyone!
Reception Elmer and friends
This week we have shared the story of 'Elmer.' The children have been very busy participating in different Elmer related activities. They have enjoyed making Elmer collages, colouring different elephant patterns and making elephant playdough!
Macmillan Coffee Morning
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported our Macmillan coffee morning today either through your generous cake donations or through buying cakes. We were overwhelmed with the number of cakes and it was so lovely to welcome parents and grandparents back into school. It’s great to see that several parents have signed up to our Friends of St Barnabas PTFA too. Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Araujo can’t wait to start planning fun social events with our new volunteers.
Fabulous French
We are so excited to have Mademoiselle Woodcock, who is a French teacher from DACA, teaching French to KS2 classes every Tuesday this term. Our KS2 class teachers have found it so useful to observe how to teach French more effectively and the children have loved the lessons. Mademoiselle Woodcock has been really impressed with what the children have learnt so far in French over the years. Tres bien Years 3,4,5 and 6!