Image of Year 6 Netball
16 Nov

Year 6 Netball

Today Year 6 have taken part in Netball, working in groups and focusing on footwork skills with Miss Dovey from DACA.

Image of Reception- Road safety
15 Nov

Reception- Road safety

This week it is Road safety week. The children in Reception practised crossing the road safely. They all stopped, looked and listened. The children did really well and all had a go independently.

Image of One kind Word! Year 2 PSHE
15 Nov

One kind Word! Year 2 PSHE

This afternoon in PSHE, Year 2 have been sharing one kind word to each other! We thought about how kind words can spread and really make a difference to someone! #OddSocksDay #Antibullyingweek

Image of Odd socks day in Year 3
15 Nov

Odd socks day in Year 3

Year 3 began Anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks and acting out a variety of anti-bullying scenarios. We discussed the different situations and what we could do to stop bullying. All the children got involved and had lots of great ideas that they exchanged.

Image of Anti-Bullying Worship
15 Nov

Anti-Bullying Worship

Today we launched anti-bullying week. The children today have all celebrated how they are unique by wearing odd socks. The children discussed what to do if somebody is being mean. “You can tell your parents…tell a teacher…tell your family.” We discussed what bullying means. It is about when somebody is mean on a number of occasions. This year's focus is ‘one kind word’. The children talked about lots of kind words “friendship, respect, kindness, care, joy.” This week, we are aiming to cause a ripple effect of kindness. If somebody is kind then this kindness could then spread to others. We did a Mexican wave of kindness. We shouted “hello, share, are you ok?”

Image of St Barnabas Remembers
14 Nov

St Barnabas Remembers

Our Year 6 heads and deputies plus Year 5 and 6 WOW group members paid their respects on Friday in a special remembrance service at Darwen Cemetery. They laid a wreath made of poppy prayers, remembrance poems and art work. Please remember to come along to the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park to see a selection of remembrance artwork from each class.

Image of Anti Bullying Worship led by Year 4
12 Nov

Anti Bullying Worship led by Year 4

Next week is the start of Anti-Bullying week and to highlight this, Year 4 led our worship this morning. The children discussed different types of bullying and the upset this causes. This year The Anti- Bullying Alliance want people to focus on “One Kind Word”. We hope that the children have made their messages clear and we can make a difference.

Image of Inter-House Dodgeball Event
12 Nov

Inter-House Dodgeball Event

What a great day we have all had taking part in the inter house dodgeball competition that was organised by The Sports Leaders. Every single class gave their all and it was great to see the smiles in everyone’s faces. We can’t wait to hear who the winners are next week in Celebration Worship. Massive thanks to The Sports Leaders for taking the time to organise and run the event.

Image of Year 2 Remembers
11 Nov

Year 2 Remembers

This afternoon on Remembrance Day, Year 2 paid their respects, by visiting the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park and viewing all of the beautiful remembrance art, created by each class in school. We also shared some special remembrance prayers with Year 4 and looked at some of the different war memorials in Darwen. The children were so respectful and we are so proud of their brilliant art work!

Image of St Barnabas Remembers
11 Nov

St Barnabas Remembers

Today we all met on our Junior yard to observe a special two minutes silence to remember the soldiers that sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We prayed for peace in our world and sang ‘a song of peace’. Several of our classes have visited the cemetery this week to pay their respects and have admired our Remembrance Day artwork in the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park. #wewillrememberthem

Image of Year 1 Design and Technology
11 Nov

Year 1 Design and Technology

As part of our making fire engines D&T unit, Year 1 have been exploring how to make the base of their fire engine using wheels, axles, washers and a chassis. We can’t wait to make the body of our fire engine next week.

Image of Reception Remembers!
11 Nov

Reception Remembers!

Today the children have celebrated Remembrance Day by learning all about the meaning of poppies. They learnt that poppies are a symbol of the fallen soldiers from the war. To remember the soldiers, the children took part in taking 2 minutes of silence at 11 o,clock. We also said prayers for our soldiers together. Throughout the rest of the day, the children have been creatively making poppies in lots of different ways.