Image of Year 1- Designing and Making Fire Engines
18 Nov

Year 1- Designing and Making Fire Engines

Year 1 have had an afternoon of designing and making their fire engines in D&T. They decided on their body of fire engine and then planned out what materials and items they were going to use for the, headlights, ladder, windscreen, door and hose to decorate their fire engine. Finally, they joined them together using sellotape, masking tape, staples and glue. Now they need to add the finishing touches such as paint.

Image of Year 3 Interfaith Workshop
18 Nov

Year 3 Interfaith Workshop

On Thursday 18th November we had an Interfaith Workshop focussing on Sikhism. We found out lots of information about the Sikh religion and we had a traditional Sikh dance too. It was fabulous!

Image of Year 4 stand against bullying
18 Nov

Year 4 stand against bullying

Check out our odd socks! Year 4 launched Anti-Bullying Week with a special worship on Friday and enjoyed showing off their uniqueness in odd socks on Monday.

Image of Rock those socks - one kind word
18 Nov

Rock those socks - one kind word

Look at our Barnys bunch rocking their odd socks for Anti-Bullying Week.

Image of Year 4 netball
18 Nov

Year 4 netball

On Tuesday, Year 4 got to demonstrate their netball skills in their first mini match. And if you know Year 4, you’ll know how enthusiastically they played.

Image of Anti-Bullying - Year 5
18 Nov

Anti-Bullying - Year 5

As part of Anti- Bullying Week, the Year 5 children have watched a video, made a video and listened to a story ‘Mud Boy’ about bullying. We have also promoted ‘Odd Socks Day’ to celebrate our uniqueness. We believe kindness is infectious, it really can change someone’s day.

Image of World Nursery Rhyme Week
17 Nov

World Nursery Rhyme Week

Today, the children took part in Wold Nursery Rhyme week during our weekly rhyme time. We enjoyed singing and dancing to lots of different nursery rhymes. The children all received a certificate at the end. Thank you to everybody who came, we hope you had as much fun as we did!

Image of Year 6 Netball
16 Nov

Year 6 Netball

Today Year 6 have taken part in Netball, working in groups and focusing on footwork skills with Miss Dovey from DACA.

Image of Reception- Road safety
15 Nov

Reception- Road safety

This week it is Road safety week. The children in Reception practised crossing the road safely. They all stopped, looked and listened. The children did really well and all had a go independently.

Image of One kind Word! Year 2 PSHE
15 Nov

One kind Word! Year 2 PSHE

This afternoon in PSHE, Year 2 have been sharing one kind word to each other! We thought about how kind words can spread and really make a difference to someone! #OddSocksDay #Antibullyingweek

Image of Odd socks day in Year 3
15 Nov

Odd socks day in Year 3

Year 3 began Anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks and acting out a variety of anti-bullying scenarios. We discussed the different situations and what we could do to stop bullying. All the children got involved and had lots of great ideas that they exchanged.

Image of Anti-Bullying Worship
15 Nov

Anti-Bullying Worship

Today we launched anti-bullying week. The children today have all celebrated how they are unique by wearing odd socks. The children discussed what to do if somebody is being mean. “You can tell your parents…tell a teacher…tell your family.” We discussed what bullying means. It is about when somebody is mean on a number of occasions. This year's focus is ‘one kind word’. The children talked about lots of kind words “friendship, respect, kindness, care, joy.” This week, we are aiming to cause a ripple effect of kindness. If somebody is kind then this kindness could then spread to others. We did a Mexican wave of kindness. We shouted “hello, share, are you ok?”