Children in Need- Year 5
Year 5 love dressing up. We supported ‘ Children in Need’ by wearing something spotty.
Children in Need
This morning in Worship we focused on Children in Need and looked at what heroes are. We learnt that we can all be heroes by supporting children in need and by treating each other with kindness and respect. We then took part in a special workout quiz challenge with Joe Wicks. Thank you to everyone who dressed in spots today and donated to Children in Need via parent pay. Your generosity will help to change the lives of many children around the UK.
Reception Children in Need
Our Reception class put on their spots for Children in Need today. They loved listening to a Pudsey bear story and took part in a variety of Pudsey themed crafts.
Year 3 Children In Need
On Friday 19th November we had a Children in Need Day. All the children dressed in spots or Pudsey clothes and we thought about children who are less fortunate and how the Children in Need Charity helps them.
Year 2 Inter Faith Week Visit
This morning, Year 2 took part in a session all about Sikhism. We learnt about what Sikhs believe and The 5 Ks and Guru Nanak. The class showed lots of respect and asked some really thoughtful questions.
Year 6 Interfaith Workshop
Year 6 have had an interfaith class on Sikhism this morning, looking at Sikh traditions and dances. Year 6 were very respectful and participated with great maturity.
Reception: Anti-bullying week
This week in Reception, we have been sharing one kind word to each other! We have been spreading love, joy and kindness to each other! #OddSocksDay #Antibullyingweek
Well-being Wednesday - Year 5
Year 5 really look forward to their sessions on Wednesday. They have the opportunity to dance, create music and do computing with Junior Jam.
Year 1- Interfaith Week
Thank you to Prags for visiting us during Interfaith Week and giving our Year 1 children an insight into Sikhism. They found out lots of new information about Sikhism and the Gurdwara.
Interfaith Week-Sikhism
As part of our Interfaith Week, we have had a special visitor in today. Prags taught us all about Sikhism. We looked at the 5Ks- Kesh, Kara, Khanga, Kachera & Kirpan and what they all mean. We have loved learning about another faith and asking questions to find out even more.
Maths- Adding lengths
Today in maths, Year 4 have been adding various measurements in our practical session and then we went onto converting different units of measurement. It was quite a challenge!
Interfaith Week- Year 5
This afternoon we learnt all about Sikhism as part of Interfaith Week. Year 5 had lots of questions for Prags and they were very inquisitive. We finished the workshop with a dance that involved the whole class. A superb workshop.