Image of Year 1- Measuring the Mass of Objects
19 Apr

Year 1- Measuring the Mass of Objects

Today in their maths lesson, Year 1 were estimating and measuring the mass of objects using a balancing scale and cubes. They learnt that they should stop adding/counting cubes when the scale has balanced as this means that they have calculated the mass. They did really well with this and their estimates got better as the activity progressed as they could reason better e.g. I think this object will be 30 cubes because it feels heavier than the scissors which were 16 cubes.

Image of WOW Badge and Class Winners for March 2024
19 Apr

WOW Badge and Class Winners for March 2024

A huge well done to all 120 of our WOW badge winners for March 2024. What a super effort everyone has made. We have all tried really hard to either walk or park and stride once a week in the month of March which was a little taster session as we did it over the 2 weeks! A big congratulations to Year 5 as they have the most badge winners. We look forward to seeing who has earned a badge for April in a couple of weeks.

Image of Year 2 - Maths
18 Apr

Year 2 - Maths

For the last 4 weeks, we have been learning our 2 , 5 and 10 times tables. Within this, we have learnt how to times numbers by 2 , 5 and 10. We have also been learning about doubling, halving and dividing. This week we have been focusing on dividing by 5. We used counters to make an array. From these arrays we have been able to split the total amount up into 5 groups. Then we can see how many is in each group and work out the answer. Maths in year 2 has been quite tricky lately but the children have tried so hard and have acquired new maths skills as a result.

Image of Reception- The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
18 Apr

Reception- The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

In class we learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly and all about metamorphosis, we created the life cycle on the carpet area and put it in the correct order. We then made our own on a paper plate using a cheerio for the egg, and different types of pasta to represent the caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly.

Image of Year 5 - History
18 Apr

Year 5 - History

Today, Year 5 have been working on looking at the royal progress that took place in 1575 when Elizabeth I took her progression to Worcester. The children analysed many sources and records from that time period and they were able to gain an idea what they were like. The children interpreted the sources well and were very inquisitive about records containing: plans, amendments, itineraries and jobs that each individual person had.

Image of Reception - Doubles
18 Apr

Reception - Doubles

In Maths we have been looking at the concept of doubles. We watched the Numberblocks episode ‘terrible twos’ to see how numberblock 4 is made of 2 and 2 - double 2! We talked about the word ‘double’ meaning 2 parts that are the same. We then used a butterfly template to show our own doubles on the butterfly wings, making sure that each wing had the same/equal amount.

Image of Year 4 - French
18 Apr

Year 4 - French

In French, the Year 4s are learning about clothing and how to say and describe what they wear. The children enjoyed joining in with the song, before writing some French phrases to describe different articles of clothing.

Image of Year 6 Science
18 Apr

Year 6 Science

In Science, Year 6 continued their unit on evolution and inheritance. This week, we looked at fossils and how they can give us information about living things from millions of years ago. It can inform us what a specific animal looked like, its habitat and maybe even the diet of that animal. It also allows us to compare them with animals today and see how modern day creatures have adapted to their surrounding environment.

Image of Year 4- The Big Debate - should we put restrictions on fast food intake?
18 Apr

Year 4- The Big Debate - should we put restrictions on fast food intake?

In our Class Worship this morning we took part in The Bg Debate which asked; Should the amount of fast food people are allowed to eat be restricted? We learned lots of new facts including- 37% of all American adults have a least one fast food meal per day and that in the UK, 26% of all adults are classes as obese. We also questioned who judges what fast food actually is? Not all fast food is viewed as unhealthy and it also helps poorer families as some fast food is cheaper. As a class we voted that WE SHOULD restrict the fast food and the children debated both sides of the argument very well!

Image of Reception Picture News
18 Apr

Reception Picture News

This week for our class worship/picture news, we looked at Banksy’s new Art work that is displayed in London. We talked about how his Art has changed the look of the tree into something special that everyone wants to see and take photos of. We talked about how we can be Artists, but making sure we showcase our Art in the right way - we can’t draw or paint on walls without permission!

Image of Year 3- Collective Worship-Creativity
18 Apr

Year 3- Collective Worship-Creativity

In today's class worship, we talked about a famous artist named Banksy who published new artwork in London overnight. Year 3 were interested in his art, so we looked at some of his other pieces too. The children then drew something that represents a feeling or idea they have. They had five minutes to do it! Then, they talked about their drawings with the class and explained why they chose what they did. They created things like rainbows, sunsets, animals, and sports because those things represent them. We also explored an extract from the Old Testament. It talked about how Bezalel and Oholiab, had special talents for making beautiful things. They used their abilities to make a special place for people to gather. We ended worship by thanking God for giving us all different talents and ways to show our creativity.

Image of Year 3 - Geography- Identifying and locating countries and states in North America on a map.
18 Apr

Year 3 - Geography- Identifying and locating countries and states in North America on a map.

This afternoon, Year 3 Geographers delved deeper into their studies of North America. We explored the diverse landscapes of Canada, the tropical beauty of Costa Rica, the bustling streets of New York City, and the vibrant culture of Mexico. Afterwards, the children located these countries on a map and carefully labelled them for better understanding.