Image of Interhouse Sports Competition
30 Mar

Interhouse Sports Competition

Year 3 loved taking part in the Interhouse sports competition this afternoon! The event has been organised and led by the Year 6 Sports Leaders and they did a brilliant job! The sports leaders started with a warm up, before showing the children how to play magic catch!

Image of Year 2 - Dogs Trust workshop
30 Mar

Year 2 - Dogs Trust workshop

In year 2, we had a visitor from the Dogs Trust who taught our class about the five happy dog rules. The children discussed all the ways we can look after dogs, keep them happy and how to stay safe around dogs. All the children loved learning all the actions to the rules and understood the rules really well.

Image of Year 5- PSHE-Celebrating Autism Awareness Week
30 Mar

Year 5- PSHE-Celebrating Autism Awareness Week

Last week, our Communication Team set the question for pupils to vote on what they wanted to learn about, and the children voted to learn about autism. We are proud to celebrate democracy and British values by giving our pupils the opportunity to have their say in what they learn. In PSHE today, we celebrated Autism Awareness Week by learning about Marvellous Max, a child with autism. The children were fascinated to learn about the unique qualities that children with autism possess, such as their exceptional memory skills, which can be beneficial for their friends. Being different is awesome and we should all celebrate our unique qualities.

Image of Year 3 Dogs Trust Workshop
30 Mar

Year 3 Dogs Trust Workshop

This morning, Year 3 have taken part in a workshop with DogsTrust. We spoke about how it’s really important to provide dogs with a choice. We spoke about the importance of how to behave around dogs and when a dog is eating, drinking or chewing, we must leave them alone and give them space. The class were really engaged with the workshop and we have learnt so much, about how to stay safe with dogs.

Image of Whole School Assembly - Dogs Trust
30 Mar

Whole School Assembly - Dogs Trust

Today’s assembly was led by Andrew from the dogs trust charity and his mascot ‘Duggie’. Andrew started the assembly by asking the children if they knew what the charity does, the children were keen to answer and said “it’s a charity for dogs who aren’t looked after properly.” Andrew explained that the trust takes in dogs who’s owners can no longer look after them, he said they then re-home the dogs to the most suitable owners to give the dogs the best life. Andrew told us that dogs trust re-home around 14,000 dogs a year. Andrew explained to the children that this assembly is all about learning how to be safe and act sensibly around dogs. Ella,Andrew and ‘Duggie’ demonstrated how to safely act around dogs and showed that you must always ask the owners permission before you stroke a dog.

Image of Reception - Maths
30 Mar

Reception - Maths

In Maths this week we have been learning all about number bonds to 5. We used monkey masks to act out the ‘5 little monkeys’ song and looked at the part-whole relationship of numbers that make 5. The children then used numicon to work out number bonds to 5. In provision, children had to find keys and padlocks that made 5 and they practised forming numbers in the glitter tray.

Image of Year 1 Measuring in Centimetres
30 Mar

Year 1 Measuring in Centimetres

Today year 1 moved on to measuring in centimetres in their maths lesson and really enjoyed measuring different objects in our classroom using rulers.

Image of Inter-House Dodgeball Competition
30 Mar

Inter-House Dodgeball Competition

The sport leaders had a great time leading the Inter-House Dodgeball Competition for the rest of the juniors. A lot of fun was had by all of the children! In year 6, the winning team was Darwen Tower!

Image of Year 1- History walk
29 Mar

Year 1- History walk

In history this afternoon we went on a walk to see the Steam Tram Turning Triangle. It was one of the first steam trams to open in the whole country during the Victorian times. We are currently learning about inventions in the Victorian times in our local area.

Image of Year 2 - Odd and even number games
29 Mar

Year 2 - Odd and even number games

During our maths sessions we have been looking at multiplication and division and we have been exploring the relationship between odd and even numbers throughout our topic. The children explored the differences and put their knowledge into practice with a challenge game of odd and even snakes and ladders.

Image of Year 1 Measuring Using Non-standard Measures
29 Mar

Year 1 Measuring Using Non-standard Measures

Year 1 have been measuring classroom objects using non-standard measures today which included dienes, cubes and counters. They compared the results when they all measured their exercise books with different non-standard methods too. On Friday we will move onto measuring using centimetres (standard units).

Image of Online Safety: Managing Stress and Anxiety
29 Mar

Online Safety: Managing Stress and Anxiety

Making life easier… or adding to our unease? Digital devices have changed the way we live – but the new forms of stress they can bring are an #OnlineSafety risk. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has tips for reducing ‘always on’ anxiety. Download >>