Image of Reception- hop, skip and jump
26 Apr

Reception- hop, skip and jump

Today we have decorated our crowns for the East Lancashire Hospice. We wore our crown to do a 1 mile hop, skip and jump around our school playground which was a total of 18 laps. The children did so well and tried so hard.

Image of Year 1 and 2- Hop, Skip and Jump for East Lancs Hospice
26 Apr

Year 1 and 2- Hop, Skip and Jump for East Lancs Hospice

This afternoon, Year 1 and 2 hopped, skipped and jumped 1k (18 laps around the infant playground) to raise money for East Lancs Hospice. They showed lots of perseverance to complete all 18 laps- well done to them all! If you haven’t yet donated, please consider donating to this very deserving charity.

Image of Mrs Ham's Weekly Message
26 Apr

Mrs Ham's Weekly Message

Good afternoon parents and carers, we have had another wonderful week of living life in all its fullness. The highlights of the week have been: *Celebrating World Earth Day through crafts at lunchtime and special class worships * A visit from Willow, a guide dog for the blind, as part of National Pet Month * WOW group members David and Leonora represented our school at the Pupils' RE conference * Our netball team won their first match of the league 13-0 against St Edwards * All of our children took part in the hop, skip and jump event today to help raise money for East Lancs Hospice. They all received a chocolate treat too. Donations to this very worthy cause can be made via parent pay. To hear about all the great things we have achieved this week in Celebration Worship, please click here: For all of this week's news, please click here: A quick reminder that school is CLOSED on Thursday as our school is used as a polling station. Thank you for all of your support and dedication to our school family. Wishing you all a lovely weekend and I hope the sun shines for you all, Mrs Ham

Image of Year 6 P.E.
25 Apr

Year 6 P.E.

Last Friday, year 6 started their unit on JagTag. All of the children have shown a huge interest in this sport and couldn’t wait to take part in the session.

Image of Year 2 - Maths
25 Apr

Year 2 - Maths

This week in maths, we have moved on to length and height. First we measured in centimetres using our rulers. When an object became too big to measure in centimetres we need to measure in meters. Today we chose objects from around the classroom and estimated if they would be longer or shorter than 1 meter. As a class we used out meter ruler to measure these objects and check our estimations.

Image of Year 2 Performance Poetry
25 Apr

Year 2 Performance Poetry

Mrs Ham had the privilege of teaching Year 2 for a performance poetry lesson. In English the children have been exploring a poem called The Fight of the Year by poet Roger McGough which imagines the transition from winter to spring as a boxing match. Roger reads the poem like he is a commentator at a boxing match to help build excitement. We had lots of fun adding expression and actions to the poem first as a whole class and then in pairs. Some children showed lots of courage by performing the poem in front of the class and we had some wonderful encouraging comments and ways to improve from the audience. Great work Year 2!

Image of Year 5 - Earth Day
25 Apr

Year 5 - Earth Day

As part of Earth Day 2024, year 5 have been exploring the variety of ways that we can protect our planet. The theme this year is about plastic pollution and how we can reuse and recycle more to protect our planet. The children created door handles and wrote on them the many ways that we can protect and save our planet.

Image of Reception Maths - Odd or Even?
25 Apr

Reception Maths - Odd or Even?

Reception have been looking at odd and even numbers this week. We have been using the numberblocks and numicon to identify if the numbers have an odd block or even top. We have then been sorting them in our provision and the outdoor yard. We have also talked about the doubles we can see within an ‘even top’

Image of Year 4 Maths - Making a whole number with tenths
25 Apr

Year 4 Maths - Making a whole number with tenths

Our maths lesson this morning focused on making a whole with tenths. The children used hundred squares to represent 1 whole and marked as both a fraction and a decimal. They then moved onto working with part- whole models by adding and subtracting tenths to solve the problems. Finally the children moved onto problem solving working hard to complete various challenges.

Image of Year 3- Collective Worship- Earth Day
25 Apr

Year 3- Collective Worship- Earth Day

During our class worship this morning, Year 3 enjoyed exploring the wonders of our planet and learning what we can do to keep it safe. The children thanked God for creating a wonderful world and how blessed we are to be surrounded by nature on our doorstep. The children made promises on how they will save the Earth. Some of the promises were, to not waste water, to recycle more and switch off lights when they leave the room.

Image of Y4 Class Worship - Can you learn to persevere?
25 Apr

Y4 Class Worship - Can you learn to persevere?

As part of our class worship this week, we looked at if we can learn perseverance. We looked at how Jasmin Paris who became the first female runner to complete what is thought by many to be the world’s toughest race. She crossed the line in March with less than 100 seconds to spare. The main point that we discussed is how this will go on to inspire others and test the limits of people’s capabilities. We also looked at inspirational quotes from famous people and finally wrote our own.

Image of Year 2 - Class Worship
25 Apr

Year 2 - Class Worship

Today we had our class worship! As it has been World Earth Day this week, we used resources from Sir David Attenborough and Children in need. This has linked nicely with our Geography topic of Hot and Cold Places. At the end of the day we watched highlights of Planet Earth III. The episode we chose was narrated by children as anyone can have a voice for nature.