Year 5 Writing: Diary Entries
In English, Year 5 have been reading “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens and have now started writing diary entries from the perspective of Oliver. The focus has been on fronted adverbials, describing feelings and the senses, as well as using ambitious vocabulary to make their writing more descriptive. All of the children have produced some super writing!
Year 5 - Day and Night
Today, Year 5 embarked on an exciting hands-on activity to deepen their understanding of Earth's rotation and how it causes day, night, and time zones. The children created their own model, using a ball of clay to represent Earth, a dowel to demonstrate its axis tilt and rotation, and a torch to symbolise the Sun. Through this interactive experiment, the children were able to visually explore how Earth rotates on its tilted axis, causing different parts of the planet to experience sunlight or darkness at various times. The children also discussed the significance of time zones and how Earth's rotation impacts the way we measure time across the globe. As the torch illuminated one side of the clay Earth, the children observed how light represents daytime, while the shadowed side represents night. This hands-on approach helped them connect scientific concepts to real-life and why we have day and night.
Year 1 Geography- The Countries and Capital Cities of the the UK
This week in provision, Year 1 have enjoyed making each of the countries of the United Kingdom with play dough and matching each of the countries to the correct flag. They have also completed a jigsaw of the United Kingdom. These activities have allowed the children to make simple observations about the size, shape and location of each of the counties such as England being the largest of all four countries and Scotland being the furthest north. Year 1 are also working on naming the capital cities of the four counties in the UK.
The Little Craft Club: Rainbow Week
This week at The Little Craft Club is RAINBOW WEEK. The children in our Monday group made 2D rainbow collages and 3D rainbow structures. It was amazing to see so many children working independently to construct the tricky 3D rainbow! We still have some spaces on our Tuesday sessions. Please WhatsApp Becky on 07725973908 to book your child onto Craft Club.
Reception: Class Worship
We started our worship with our trinity. Lisa from Blackburn Diocese then asked us to repeat a prayer after her- God is amazing, all of the time, Amen. We listened to a story from the Old Testament called God sends fire. It made our eyes go wide and our mouth go wow! Bishop Jill explained the meaning of the story. Fire is a strong image in the bible and it represents the fiery love of God. When we ask for God's fire from heaven, we are asking for our hearts to be filled with his love. It is the sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit. We prayed and learnt together the Makaton sign for fire. We finished our worship with a song we learnt yesterday in singing worship called 'Who is the king of the jungle'.
Year 6 Street Art
In art, year 6 have been creating street art, using a combination of chiaroscuro (an effect of contrasted light and shadow) and symbolic imagery to convey a message. They used chalk pastels and masking tape to create these fantastic pieces of artwork. These skills will be able to be put to good use when we visit The Graffiti Tunnel in London in March.
Year 5 Art
In Art, Year 5 have been focusing on interpreting the message within an image. They thought about what they could see, what stood out to them and why, how the image made them feel and what title they would give it. They then created their own version of an image, using pastels to blend and highlight, plus tissue paper for texture or to draw attention to a focal point. They created some real masterpieces!
Year 6 Independent Writing
Year 6 have begun their independent pieces of writing, based on the model text: Macbeth. They have been focusing on using a range of adverbial openers, descriptive sentences, the senses, figurative language and ambitious vocabulary. The aim was to create descriptions which made the reader experience a feeling of unease, which the children have done brilliantly!
Year 6 Gymnastics
In P.E, year 6 having been working in pairs or small groups to create routines with a range of counter-balances. They had to work co-operatively and use core strength. Their routines are looking amazing!
Reception: PSHE
Karen from Life Education visited Reception today. She explained how we need food, drink, exercise and sleep to stay healthy. Karen explained how we need to make sure germs don't get in by washing our hands with soap and water. We might need some medicine and we need to ask a grown up. We watched a video of Harold. Before he ate his breakfast, he washed his hands. Karen brought Harold's wash bag to show the children what he uses to keep clean. Harold has a flannel, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste. Karen explained how it is very important to brush our teeth at least twice every day. Harold felt a little bit sad. Karen explained that if you feel a bit sad, you could cuddle a toy, play with a friend or talk to someone. Talking really helps when you feel sad and it can help you to feel better. Karen discussed a good bedtime. She explained how it is important to get an early bed time. We then took part in a calm and relaxing activity. At the end, we got to meet Harold, what a treat! Harold sang a song to us all about looking after our bodies and mind. Thanks Karen for a wonderful session.
Year 1 PSHE- Life Education Visit
Today, Year 1 had a life education session with Karen and Harold the Giraffe. We learnt that there are lots of different food groups that we need to be eating to ensure that we are consuming a balanced diet. We learnt about dairy foods such as cheese and yogurts which help to make our teeth and bones strong and healthy, protein foods such as chicken, fish, beans and eggs which support muscle growth, fruits and vegetables such as peas, broccoli, peppers and bananas which provide our body with vitamins and minerals to keep us fit and healthy all over and carbohydrate foods such as pasta, cereals, rice, porridge and potatoes which are good for giving us energy. We then talked about our organs (where they are located and what are their functions). We learnt that our ribs look after our heart and lungs, our heart pumps blood around the body, our lungs help us to breathe and our stomach breaks down our food which is called digestion. We learnt that our body absorbs the ‘good stuff’ from our foods and the ‘not so good stuff’ leaves our bodies when we go to the toilet. We then had a look at a packed lunch that Harold the Giraffe had packed. We talked about how his lunch box included bread (carbohydrates), tuna (protein), cheese (dairy) and a yogurt (dairy). We agreed that it was a great lunch but it could be improved by including a portion of fruit or vegetables. Alayna, Cici and Percy then shared their ideas for a balanced lunch. Alayna said that she would have an egg sandwich, apple, banana and a yogurt, Cici said that she would have a tuna sandwich, cucumber, carrots, grated cheese and orange juice and Percy said that he would have a ham sandwich, apple, yogurt and a boiled egg. To end our session, we watched a video and explored the the friendship between Harold the Giraffe, Kiki the Kangaroo and Derek the Penguin. We learnt that we must always think through what we are about to do before we do it to make sure that there is no risk of us upsetting or hurting anyone. We also talked about the importance of sleep for resting our brains, helping our bodies to grow and rebuilding our energy. Thank you to Harold and Karen from Life Education as Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed the session and learnt lots about how to stay fit, healthy and be a good friend.
Year 1 Science- Material Properties
This afternoon, Year 1 explored the properties of materials in their science lesson. They explored the following vocabulary: soft, hard, rough, smooth, shiny, dull, bendy, rigid, stretchy, stiff, transparent and opaque. Some of the words were new to the children such as dull, rigid, stiff, transparent and opaque. Therefore, the children chose to find materials and\or objects that these new scientific words would describe. For example, several children chose a glass jar or plastic bubble wrap to describe as transparent, a wooden building block to describe as opaque, an elastic band or white tac to describe as stretchy, a rock to describe as rigid and so on.. Well done Year 1!