Image of Online Safety: Smart TVs
15 Nov

Online Safety: Smart TVs

Are you watching TV? Or is the TV watching YOU? As internet-enabled televisions become the norm, this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has some useful #OnlineSafety tips to help parents ensure their children are viewing safely Download >>

Image of Year 4 - Odd Socks and Shoes for Anti-Bullying Week
15 Nov

Year 4 - Odd Socks and Shoes for Anti-Bullying Week

In Year 4, we were proud to show our individuality through our odd socks and shoes on Monday. Just look at those funky feet! After our worship on anti-bullying, some of the children shared how they would help someone who was being bullied. What a kind and supportive bunch we have in Year 4.

Image of Year 4 - Judaism Workshop
15 Nov

Year 4 - Judaism Workshop

We had a special visitor in school on Tuesday. Samantha came to teach Year 4 a bit about the Jewish day of rest: Shabbat. The children were fantastic! They listened with interest and asked some insightful questions. They enjoyed trying on the traditional garments and looking at artefacts, and they particularly loved tasting some challah bread.

Image of Year 4 - Maths: Area
15 Nov

Year 4 - Maths: Area

Our Maths in Year 4 this week focuses on area. We began the topic by creating shapes with a given area using post-its. We used our post-its to solve challenges. This practical method of learning helps us to retain important knowledge and enables us to calculate area in abstract situations.

Image of FOSB Christmas Fayre Stalls and Raffle Prize Donations
15 Nov

FOSB Christmas Fayre Stalls and Raffle Prize Donations

St Barnabas CE Primary Academy will be hosting an Annual Christmas Fayre on Wednesday 13th December 3.30-5.30pm. We are looking for stall holders and local businesses to donate raffle prizes so please email if you are available to help in any way: [email protected] If you would like a stall, they are priced at £10 plus a donation to our raffle. If you would like to help by donating a raffle prize then that would be very much appreciated! It will be a wonderful event for our community, any support would be really appreciated. Thank you.

Image of Year 5 - Properties of Materials
14 Nov

Year 5 - Properties of Materials

Today, Year 5 has been experimenting with the properties of plastic and its function. The children worked together and tested four different types of plastic bags to test the durability of each type of bag and decide which bag would be best for a heavy load. The children explored the durability, flexibility, the strength and sustainability of each bag. Then recorded their results accordingly; concluding which bag they would recommend based on their observational research.

Image of Reception: Jesus walks on water
14 Nov

Reception: Jesus walks on water

Today we learnt how Jesus is special and how he performed miracles. We listened to the story ‘Jesus walks on water’. The children retold the story using Godly play and enjoyed drawing parts of the story in our RE scrap book. Callie said “Jesus helped Peter get up from the waves”. Percy said “Jesus walked on water”.

Image of Year 2 - DT
14 Nov

Year 2 - DT

We had a brilliant afternoon, making our healthy sandwiches we designed last week. We prepared our ingredients by practising our cutting skills. Some of the vegetables were difficult to cut but using the bridge and claw techniques we were able to cut them up into nice sizes for our sandwiches. The children loved making their sandwiches and they were proud of their end results.

Image of Year 5 - Interfaith Week
14 Nov

Year 5 - Interfaith Week

Today, as part of interfaith week, Year 5 had a Jewish visitor who explained her religious beliefs and lifestyle. She focused on the story of Purim which is the Jewish holiday in which Jews commemorate being saved from persecution in the ancient Persian Empire. The children explored the story and began to contextualise the true meaning of the story and what it means to the Jewish community. The children explored the huge celebrations that take place and the various ways that Jewish people celebrate Purim. The children loved listening to the story and learning how other religions feed into their own religion.

Image of Year 3- Interfaith week- Rules of living session by a Jewish visitor
14 Nov

Year 3- Interfaith week- Rules of living session by a Jewish visitor

As part of Interfaith week, we had a special visitor in our classroom who shared insights into Jewish traditions and the rules of living. The children learnt about the different rules that Jewish people follow. We learnt about the prayers, the Torah and the clothing that men and women wear. The children also got to taste Challah, a delicious and traditional Jewish bread commonly served on the Sabbath.

Image of Year 1 Interfaith Week- Learning about Shabbat
14 Nov

Year 1 Interfaith Week- Learning about Shabbat

As part of interfaith week, Year 1 enjoyed a visit from a lovely Jewish lady called Samantha. Samantha told us all about Shabbat which she explained as the Jewish day of rest when Jewish people remember the story of creation where God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Samantha told us that Shabbat happens each week on a Friday evening through to a Saturday evening. We learnt that it involves a Friday evening meal where the table is laid ready for a three course meal, a candle is lit and a prayer is said over wine or grape juice which is called Kiddush. We also learnt that Jewish people enjoy a bread called Challah during the Shabbat meal which is covered by a special cloth. Samantha even brought some Challah in for us all to try-we really enjoyed it! We also learnt that Shabbat involves a trip to the synagogue to pray. Samantha told us that the Torah is read out when the Jews visit the synagogue and it has its own special ark where it is stored when it is not in use. We also learnt that Jewish men often wear a kippah and a tallit to the synagogue and a Jewish married woman will wear a hat. Samantha also told us that because Shabbat is the day of rest, Jewish people are not allowed to work with the exception of some professions such as doctors. We learnt that hoovering, washing up, doing the laundry and building are all things that Jews should not do on Shabbat. As well as this, we learnt that Jews are not allowed to use electronics such as phones, computers, iPads, PlayStations etc.. on Shabbat and should spend quality time talking and playing games with family members.

Image of Year 1 History- What happened on 2nd September 1666?
14 Nov

Year 1 History- What happened on 2nd September 1666?

As part of history unit on the Great Fire of London, Year 1 acted out what happened during the 2nd September through to 6th September 1666. We had the baker Thomas Farriner going to bed and leaving a spark in the oven which then caused a fire to break out, children acting as the fire jumping from house to house, children using leather buckets, water squirters and fire hooks attempting to put the fire out and others escaping London in boats on the River Thames just as residents did at the time of the GFoL, children acting as the fire getting ever nearer to the Tower of London where people had stored their possessions for safekeeping, children acting as St Paul’s Cathedral and being defeated by the flames, children acting as King Charles II ordering gunpowder to be used, children acting as the buildings which were blown up with gunpowder to create a fire break to stop the fire and finally children acting as the last flames which died out.